China World, Beijing, Forbidden City.

"Aww~ (Would you like to take a world trip? It always feels so exciting.)"

In the empty and deserted palace hall, a panda wearing a white chef's uniform raised its head, and Ge You was paralyzed on an old man's chair.

While slumping and shaking the old man's chair, he let out a slight growl from time to time, as if he was struggling with these things.

And the fact is true, the things Xiao Yiren thinks about are indeed very important.

That's right, the panda that appeared in the palace compound is Xiao Yiren who has become the "only god" and "lord of all spirits" in this world.

Although Xiao Yiren himself has slowly erased his influence on the ancient times over the long river of time, the title of the only god is a bit misleading, but Xiao Yiren's side still deserves this Lord of all spirits.

After all, when Xiao Yiren tried to unify the entire world for the first time in the past and established an anchor point, he controlled all the heads of all countries and organizations in the world.

Although that operation failed, Xiao Yiren did not let go of his control over these guys.

Xiao Yiren is still the master of this group of guys, secretly controlling the existence of the world.

Of course, Xiao Yiren himself has no interest in ruling the world. Now that the anchor points have been laid down, it basically doesn't matter to Xiao Yiren whether he rules the world or not.

But thinking about the wars that may occur in the world in a few years, Xiao Yiren still maintained control over these guys.

After all, in this era, these high-level people basically don't have a good thing. Instead of letting them all think about how to fight for power, do harm to the world, start wars, and fill their own pockets, it is better to let them dedicate themselves to Xiao Yiren and work hard for Xiao Yiren's great dream .

Cough, digressed, let's get back to the topic.

It is precisely because of controlling all the high-level people in the world that Xiao Yiren basically has no taboos in going in and out of various places now. He came here before to eat something different, and he went to the imperial dining room to get some food.

But halfway through, I found someone speaking in the chat group, and then chatted while eating, and the chat went straight to the present.

Now Xiao Yiren is thinking about whether to use this so-called projection function.

"It's so comfortable to lie down, but it's so interesting to travel through the world..."

"The morning sun is so warm, but I really want to try other delicacies from the gourmet world..."


After some ideological struggle and the fight between angels and demons, Xiao Yiren's small eyes suddenly lit up, and he clenched his fist with one paw and slapped the palm pad of the other paw.

At this moment, Xiao Yiren made a decision that went against his ancestors - the main body continued to lie down, and the projection went out for a walk to find a place to lie down.

"Well, that's it!"

With this in mind, Xiao Yiren didn't procrastinate, and directly opened the pan-world projection panel of the chat group, looked at the golden "projection" on it, and directly clicked OK.

The projection process is quite wonderful. Xiao Yiren didn't have any other feelings, no huge space channel, space-time wormhole and other visions, and no dizziness, dizziness, and dizziness. Xiao Yiren just felt a slight blur in front of him. Just came to an unknown place.

Looking at the white walls, tidy tiles, the familiar refrigerator, and all kinds of furniture in front of him, Xiao Yiren felt that it was quite a novelty for a while.

Of course, the novelty of Xiao Yiren is not the decoration in front of him. Although he hasn't looked at the modern house decoration for a long time, but it is not enough to make Xiao Yiren have such a big reaction. What really makes Xiao Yiren curious is his own vision now.

What should I say about Xiao Yiren's vision now?If he wants, he can see the vision of one side of the world alone, or he can watch the scenes of both sides at the same time.

It felt like my left and right eyes were separated by a piece of paper, and the two eyes looked at different pictures. Although it was a bit awkward, as long as I got used to it, there would be basically no problems.

The two bodies are like the left and right hands of the body, and there is no barrier at all when controlling the two sides, which is completely different from the feeling of manipulating the puppet he imagined before.

"It doesn't feel bad..."

Slightly sighed, Xiao Yiren also put his attention completely on his current position.

Now Xiao Yiren is in the kitchen of a house. From a rough look, this house should be a large villa with a rather wide interior space. Even the kitchen where Xiao Yiren is now occupies a huge area. The size of the kitchen was so high that Xiao Yiren could not afford it in his previous life.

Of course, none of these surprised Xiao Yiren the most.

What surprised Xiao Yiren the most was that the kitchen even had its own food storage. When one opened the door and looked inside, there were all kinds of food here, including lobster, tuna and other high-end food.

What's even more outrageous is that seafood such as lobster, salmon, and grouper are still alive. Obviously, the ingredient library is updated every day.

If it wasn't obvious that this was a private residence, Xiao Yiren would probably think that he was projected into the food warehouse of a five-star hotel just by looking at the food warehouse.

"Good guy, this is really a good guy, where am I wearing it? The White House, the Forbidden City, and the ingredient warehouses of the British and French royal families don't play like this."

What Xiao Yiren said is really not nonsense. Although Zhonghua Yiyi is a world that respects food, but due to the reasons of the times, there are no planes, and the technology of transportation and preservation is relatively poor.

Therefore, over there, even if the power is overwhelming, it is even more difficult to completely collect the things in the food warehouse in front of you, let alone update it every day to ensure that all the food in the food warehouse is in the freshest state.

"Gourmet multiverse, so where the hell am I now?"

After closing the door of the ingredients warehouse, Xiao Yiren walked out of the kitchen and started wandering around the deserted villa.

Xiao Yiren doesn't know much about the world of food. Although he has been a foodie in his past and present lives, and he is happy to watch these food-related things, after all, there are still too few movies and TV shows in this area, and there are even fewer that can be used as a reference for Xiao Yiren. There are very few of them.

At the same time, Xiao Yiren also looked at the food in the ingredient warehouse. The ingredients in it were of high quality and very fresh. Xiao Yiren didn't find any supernatural power from them. They were just ordinary ingredients, and there was no spirit animal meat or gourmet food. cells and such.

At the same time, Xiao Yiren can also feel that the mana in his body has been suppressed deeply. Although he can still use some of it, but using it to confuse individuals, shielding his own sense of existence and the like is invincible. If he wants to use it to fight, It's basically a dream come true.

"It's not a gourmet hunter, nor is it a drama like Ling Chef. Could it be that kind of love chef drama? Don't, if it's really that kind of drama that gives me dog food, then I will blow myself up and re-elect gone."

A little helplessly thinking, Xiao Yiren walked lightly in the huge house, pushing open the doors, looking for any clues related to his memory.

In the end, Xiao Yiren still stopped in front of a room on the second floor of the villa. This is the last room in the villa. If there is no definite clue about the world in this room, Xiao Yiren will Went out looking for clues.

Oh no, to be precise, if Xiao Yiren still can't find any clues here, Xiao Yiren is afraid that he will lose his interest in this world and blew himself up and left.

After all, as I said before, Xiao Yiren wanted to move on to another place, not to play with the plot.

But the moment Xiao Yiren stretched out his hand to open the door...


With the sound of doorknob rubbing, the door in front of Xiao Yiren opened back, and then a yawning blond girl in a pink nightgown came out of the door and slammed into it. In Xiao Yiren's arms.

The girl didn't seem to wake up, she didn't react when she bumped into Xiao Yiren at first, she couldn't open her big eyes at all, she just rubbed her eyes and kept stroking Xiao Yiren's body with her free white jade hand.

But this kind of confused state didn't last too long. After about ten seconds of touching, the beautiful blonde girl obviously realized that something was wrong, and her groping arm stopped in mid-air.

The head that was originally lowered was raised immediately, and the eyes that could not be opened suddenly widened, and they met Xiao Yiren's eyes.

The atmosphere froze for a while...

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