Yiren's non-human chat group

Chapter 271 Anchor Authority

Three-body universe, solar system.

I didn't know that the Three-Body Problem had already started playing with human ingenuity. Xiao Yiren, who had come up with outrageous tricks such as beating grass and scaring snakes to trick him, and who had imagined all kinds of strange operations, was still chatting with other Xiao Yirens in the chat group at this time. Discussing matters related to world domination.


Nami Ren: "Achieving dominance requires the approval of the vast majority of intelligent beings in the world view of the plot? What a joke! What if it is so late, what should I do if the background of my civilization in the universe is the world?! I can't teach the Great Xiao to destroy the universe and become king alone Right!!!Σ(°Д°;”

Panda Ren: "It's not necessarily correct, but I have also experimented here, and it is useless just to get the top of the world. –_–"

Panda Ren: "It's like me, I personally ran to every country, and controlled all their emperors, kings, prime ministers, congresses, etc., but still didn't trigger the notification to rule the world. ㄟ(▔,▔) ㄏ”

Panda Ren: "Later, I tried a variety of methods, and finally I used time to go back to the past, rule the world in the name of God, and spread my name in the name of the king. This was successful. (.)"

Panda Ren: "Prompt screenshot JPG"

The content in the picture is basically the same as the reminder when Da Xiao was sent to rule the world, but because of the different ways and forms of expression, the names given are different.

The content of the picture is as follows.

[Ding, congratulations to the group member Panda Ren for achieving a great cause—the Lord of All Souls]

[Ding, congratulations to group member Panda Ren for winning the title—the only god]

[Ding, congratulations to the group member Pai Daxiao for winning the title——Original Totem]

[Ding, the diverse world of food has been anchored]

[Ding, the single world barrier has been lifted]

[Ding, group member Panda Ren exists to open and close]

[Ding, private server channel ([-]) has been opened]

[Ding, alert!Alert—the multiverse world is dangerous, if you want to explore, please consider seriously]

Panda Ren: "It's not much different from Pai Daxiao's notice, but it's different from Pai Daxiao's wearing a crown and being crowned king. I accept worship as a god, so the title is different, and because of the times, I The image of the totem was inscribed as a totem, and the title of the original totem came, but I don't know what these things are for.--"

Pai Daxiao: "I don't know what's going on with you, but it's quite obvious on my side. It seems that the pure will of the world can no longer affect my thinking, that is, the world's 'reducing intelligence' is useless to me. .\(`∆')/"

Pai Daxiao: "There are also those props and skills that are not effective at all times. I seem to be able to use them casually. If I say destroy the world, I will destroy the world. That feeling makes me feel like I am really a tyrant. ╮(‵▽ ')╭"

Mao Yiren: "Does this mean that you have mastered something similar to the authority of the world? From a civilian player to an authority dog, with privileges, titles in the general sense are useless to you. ←_←"

Pai Daxiao: "It does have that kind of meaning. (°ー°〃)"

Panda Ren: "Is that so? How can I say that when I completed the return of Albert recently, the time has been so long and meek? When I gradually smoothed out the impact I caused, I directly controlled my action according to a specific path from the previous reverse. Sister Yu has turned into a delicate and soft loli who is easy to push down, swinging according to my will. (~~)”

Mao Yiren: "Well, what a wonderful metaphor, it's the performance of your goddess in front of the rich second generation. –_–"

Ignoring Mao Yiren's outrageous complaints, Panda Ren continued with his speech.

Panda Ren: "Tell me about the pan-world projection function before, have you tried it? How is the effect? ​​←_←"

Mao Yiren: "It seems that this thing can only be used by people who have completed the world anchoring. Anyway, it is gray and unusable on my side. (°ー°〃)"

Pai Daxiao: "Yes, just now I confirmed with Xiao Xingxing that this projection function can indeed only be used by group members who have completed world anchoring. ([email protected]@)"

Pai Daxiao: "This function sounds great, but it's actually not too different from the traversal function, and it still doesn't know the destination in advance."

Pai Daxiao: "However, it is said that it is a projection function. Naturally, what travels through is not the body, but something similar to an incarnation outside the body. This should be just a projection in other worlds. You can control your own body in this world at the same time. and the projected body. (.`ω)”

Namiren: "Is it something similar to my extension here? ('ェ)つ"

Pai Daxiao: "It feels similar. ( ̄ー ̄)"

Panda Ren: "Oh? You mean you have already projected? Which world is your projection now? ←_←"

Pai Daxiao: "Well, how should I put it? When I first came here, I really didn't find any difference from the place where the main body is located. It's still the pineapple house outside the laboratory, and even the King Krab has not changed. ( @_@;)"

Pai Daxiao: "Later, I found out that all the starfish in this world had five seams extending from their stomachs to their heads and limbs. I just felt that something was wrong..."

Panda Ren: "..."

Namiren: "..."

Other Xiao Yiren online: "..."

The group was very quiet for a while, but in the end it was Nami Ren who broke the peaceful atmosphere.

Namiren: "I seem to be able to understand where the multiverse danger warning came from. (/"≡_≡)="

Panda Ren: "Pai Daxing is about to start revenge, maybe one day he accidentally bumps into the blind and ignorant Pai Daxing. (@_@;)"

Pai Daxiao: "Oh, don't worry about that, remember what I said above? The projected ones are just avatars similar to the avatars outside the body, and the main body is still lying peacefully in its own universe. Road.ㄟ(▔,▔)ㄏ”

Pai Daxiao: "Although the chat group prompts that only one projection can be placed now, the world projected by each projection is different, and there is no need to be afraid of being blocked by the old rulers. ┑( ̄Д ̄ )┍"

Panda Ren: "Based on what you mean, it seems to have been projected more than once. (¬д¬.)"

Pai Daxiao: "I only used it twice. The first time I seemed to be projected into an ordinary sci-fi universe. Anyway, after the projection, I turned into a normal starfish, and then I was accidentally eaten by a fish. Then the projection was destroyed, and now my projection has been withdrawn, I have no interest in staying there to watch Pai Daxing's revenge. ㄟ(▔,▔)ㄏ"

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