only monsters

Chapter 572 NO155: The Ugly Duckling

Chapter 572 NO.155: The Ugly Duckling
[Curren Chan:

Teacher, I don't understand... I think I have achieved the basics you said. On the premise that the examples and plans are perfect, my father still insists on interfering in my choice, and my mother is on his side.

It was just a small bullying. I have dealt with the perpetrator properly, and I don’t need them to ask for compensation, but my father was very angry, and my mother also said that I don’t understand anything...

Why did she say that?It's clear that I won't have any contact with that person again, there's absolutely no need for the whole school to know about it]

[Umastar: Are you angry? 】

[Curren Chan: Probably not very... no, maybe... really angry]

[Umastar: Did you show it to your parents? 】

[Curren Chan: I'm not angry to that point, I just don't understand...]

[Umastar: I don't understand what your parents have done for you, or do you still don't understand Ling Tang saying that you don't understand anything? 】

[Curren Chan: If it's just love, I actually understand, it's just that they make me feel...]

[Umastar: It's a little strange, isn't it? 】

- 18:23
[There are many girls who have had the same problem as you, but I think, you may not need me to provide those cases of coding the parties]

[Curren Chan: It's impolite to mention other girls when chatting with girls, teacher]

[Umastar: Possessiveness is only a cute bonus when it’s appropriate—Leaving aside such small advice, it’s not worth getting angry when a doctor mentions the same case when facing a patient]

[Curren Chan: The statement has become even more impolite! 】

- 18:24
[Umastar: In fact, this is the lesion of an entire nation, and it is also the reason why I don't like the Far East so much] - 18:24
【Curren Chan: What you say...I don’t quite understand】——18:25
[Umastar: Well, I want to ask two questions:

Do you feel like if the bully is forced to change schools, everything will improve?
Do you feel strange and angry that your parents who are obedient to you suddenly disobey your wishes uncharacteristically? 】——18:26
【Curren Chan: I...】——18:26
[Umastar: Your hesitation proves that you really think so, and you also think that this kind of thinking is separated from the education you usually receive.

So do you still feel that everyone is walking on parallel lines, even if they intersect occasionally, it will not have any profound impact? 】——18:27
【Curren Chan:...】——18:27
[Umastar: Many horse girls, even children who are not horse girls have asked me similar questions, and only one-fifth of them are not from the Far East.

This reminds me of the first time I met the people from the Far East, I deeply sighed at the politeness of the people from the Far East, and even felt a little shocked.

Jiemen District is a magical land, it can make Dongyan, Jidong and a little bit of Tan Dynasty people grouped together, it is clear that the group portraits of these three groups of people are completely different, and living together will feel weird and weird] - 18:28
[Curren Chan: I don't understand, teacher... People from the Far East, what's the problem? 】——18:29
[Umastar: Loneliness, your subconscious mind accepts the lifestyle of living alone, and people are so separated that all concerns have a layer of separation] - 18:29
[Curren Chan: No, teacher, I think you may be wrong...we all have family and friends...] - 18:29
[Umastar: What do your friends think about this? 】——18:30
[Curren Chan: What?
Ugh, they all support my choice] - 18:31
[Umastar: The immediate support, or did you listen to your explanation?

If it is the first support, are they always like this?Or was it the only time I was decisive]——18:31
[Curren Chan: They are always like this the first time!This is the friendship I have perfectly repaired with your help! 】——18:31
[Umastar: ...

You have great parents, but your friends’ brains are gradually smoothing out. Sure enough, true love can transcend ethnic prejudices and man-made charms]

[Curren Chan: Eh...?teacher?

what do you mean]

[Umastar: Find your own position, you are really clever, not only your own position, but also the position of others, this is a bit esoteric for elementary school students, but you will understand, and you must learn this to achieve your goal ideal.

Before that, you can block me for a period of time. After all, you should be puzzled and resentful at the moment, thinking that I am criticizing and scolding you.

But no, I'm just answering what everyone expects.

It shouldn’t take long for you to understand this point]


Because of the strength and popularity of the horse racing industry, Umastagram, the only official social software designated by the URA Association, also exists as a social software that gathers top technology.

It is precisely because of this that all actions leave traces.

Even if the information is deleted by the user himself, it will be recorded at the bottom layer.

It is true that ordinary server groups cannot afford such consequences, and it is also a healthy part to regularly clean up records and reduce the burden, but Umastagram's period here is once every ten years.

Based on the traffic of Umastagram, this is obviously amazing enough to boast, and this is the confidence that the company is located in Jiemen District.

After all, as we all know, although the urban style and even the laws of Jiemen District are very conservative, there is no shortage of sophisticated technology, and there is even a large Tianmen Airport in the federal territory, which is no more than ten fingers.

After all, this is one of the federal jurisdictions with the largest number of traversers, but it is low-key because of its style policy, unlike its "brother" Tianmen City, which ostentatiously advertises all creations and technologies related to other worlds display.

And this also gave Zhen Ji Ling a chance.

Some lost records can be recreated simply by turning to customer service.

Although this will also involve another party, although she clearly has a more secretive method, such as visiting the company directly, or even through some supernatural fans...

But she still chose that directness.

It is because of her resistance to the act of 'using fans', and also because of her judgment that 'Mr. Umastar will not read the official email notification'.

Not only because the other party has almost quit the circle, but also because she has become more and more convinced of her suspicions.

Relying on the investigation, collection and locking all the time.

Even if Mr. Umastar never mentioned his identity, and did not bluntly state information such as his name, work content, and study status, there were too many exchanges between them, so that too many subtle information were left behind.

For example, the glue test, the horse racing event that you are following, and the knowledge reserve that is revealed, the extra detail for topics in the young category...even the word habits and thinking methods shown in typing.

Of course, that could all be a disguise.

Just as he can guide himself like that, compared to him having that kind of insight, Zhen Jiying really believes that he is also the same kind in the way of camouflage.

She thought so at the beginning, but now she is not so sure.

After all, she saw the young man.

The newcomer trainer who was first on the college entrance examination news, then on the school topic, and then on Umastagram.

Before this, Zhenjiling had met many trainers.

As she once said to the other party, she was more or less dissatisfied.

A brother who can pamper himself like a younger sister, but can't find out her sister's privacy—that kind of role should be the best one to find, as long as she shows her cuteness, such trainers will be everywhere, even Not central.

But that might be...

Not the trainer Kallen wanted...

She often thinks this way, and knows that the person she always expects will not respond to her expectations.

That person would only mercilessly pierce his little thoughts and small hidings, and in the eyes of that person, Kallen would never be the cutest in the world.

But that person is even less likely to appear in front of his eyes, even if he wants to find it, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Until [Omer Linton] appeared in the field of vision.

Just the first impression of the rumors makes people care, and the investigation that is carried out through that care is even more unforgettable.

It seems to match, but it doesn't match.

How could he believe that Umastarsensei would be active without any disguise, how could he believe that Omer Linton was him?
Walking out of the bathroom, looking at the young man who was waiting with Maruzenski for himself and representative Chiaki, he silently picked up the phone and focused it with the camera.

Would Umastar have looked like this five years ago?

That mature and knowledgeable teacher, who is even suspected to be AIBot's teacher, will look like that boy?

Moreover, he was abandoned by his parents, and only one adoptive father was heard to be very incomprehensible.


Suddenly, a shadow came over, and she subconsciously wanted to dodge, but she couldn't dodge the hand that was faster than her.

"..." She looked at the owner of that hand in surprise—it was Qianming's representative who mentioned going to the bathroom with her before.

At this moment, he not only grabbed his hand, but even twisted his back against the wall, avoiding the view from the outside world.

That senior on the track, a senior who has won the honor of the Triple Crown Horse Girl, has a hand that she can't hold back, and the other hand made a booing gesture to her:

"Put the phone down, little Kallen, that guy is very sensitive to eyes, and also to voice."


After she nodded slightly in silence, the other party let go, and even took a step back towards the bathroom, and suddenly said, "You are here to find Umastar, right?"

"Umastar? Who is that?" The girl asked suspiciously, then blinked, "Did Senior Qian Ming misunderstand something?"

This reaction was flawless, and representative Qian Ming couldn't help sighing when she looked at her innocent eyes: "The younger generation is really scary, can you try to enter the acting career after graduation?"

"Did senior actually talk about graduating from college to a junior high school student?"

"It's just a sigh." Representative Qian Ming's face showed no unease or introspection for doing something wrong. She just smiled heartily, as if expecting the younger generation to ignore her momentarily missed speech, "And I just want to A reminder to junior high school juniors."

"You don't have nothing, why chase after a phantom that shouldn't appear?"

(End of this chapter)

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