only monsters

Chapter 515 NO98 The Campus Invaded by Cosmic People and Demons

Chapter 515 NO.98 The Campus Invaded by Cosmic People and Demons (32)

XX middle school...

XX Security Bureau...

XX Records...

As far as the eye can see, there are only buildings with ambiguous signs, and the too empty streets. The Metronians are advancing silently, and occasionally they will hear the video sound projected on the screen of the distant building.

It seems that the unsupervised screen is full of everything.

Sometimes it is silent and unchanged, like a still picture of a field scene, and sometimes no one appears, just a song pv with rough animation.

"摇めないで摇めないで" / Don't wake up, don't wake up

The lyrics seemed to point to something, which made it impossible for the Metronian to enjoy the song called "Flower Cold Train" quietly.

I just feel unreasonably irritable, even this rain.

He reached out his tentacled arm, spreading his palm to feel the raindrops hitting it.

The thin and scattered raindrops have a real sense of existence, but the little liquid accumulated in the palm of the hand seems to be weightless.

The illusion that cannot be grasped is like a dream bubble.

He was right to wonder, right to doubt, right to think of everything.

But he couldn't remember anything, even this unreasonable irritability and weirdness only tormented him for a moment, and then it disappeared.

Because he has seen a building that also has no name, but seems to attract him from the bottom of his heart.

XXXXX College.

Although there is a lot of greenery, not only the passage in front of the school gate has long evergreen trees as a sidewalk decoration, but also the scenery of the forest is faintly visible inside the school.

Such a building stands in a huge screen promotion, but the address is not marked.

But he has already taken a step, as if he is already familiar with it.


"Mr. Linton, are you sure you really don't need help?"

The rift in the world is in the middle of the sky thousands of kilometers away, let alone a certain seafood star, even if he really looks at it.

It's early morning here, the sky is clear and cloudless, and you can see the outline of the small city, the river and the sea of ​​trees below. Anmi District.

The ferocious demon hangs under a black and red fighter plane with one arm.

There is quite a sense of déjà vu in the form of a pegasus hanging on Grimm, but in terms of proportion, this fighter is obviously too big.

However, the two-meter-six demon didn't go anywhere.

"I hope you can help me through communication outside the realm..." And when he saw that the distant scenery seemed to be shrinking, the black flames overflowing from the eyeholes fluctuated obviously, "Let's stop talking, let me start Let’s take action, switch to remote communication.”

"...Okay." I also noticed the abnormality of the world boundary, and the hovering fighter plane rose slightly in the crack.

And the demon who let go, fell straight towards the earth at a height of [-] meters in a free fall.

But it's not that he wants to play some excitement, because the black flames in his eyes are already weakly fluttering in the high-speed airflow.

That is the closed-eye feature of this pose.

He has closed his eyes, and compared the spatial structure difference between this world and the original world, in order to find a teleportation coordinate formula that is still applicable.

With the computing power of Galatron, supplemented by the teleportation ability of Mephilas, he has opened his eyes before experiencing the super strong G force on the wings and even the whole body. The fierce black flame is not high-spirited Fighting spirit, but shocking astonishment.

But even so, he did not forget to teleport, avoiding the absurd reason for the accident.

"Hello, can you hear me, Mr. Linton?"

"Yes, Justice, I want to ask a question."

"Oh? Need help so soon?" The super agent was not surprised. Communicating with young people through the screen like this is like playing the senior with the 'Grid' field, which made him extremely excited, "asked Right! As long as I know, I will answer!"

"Thanks, then I asked - is the infrastructure of this new world a complete replica of reality?"

"Yes! It's almost a complete replica. The guesses of the police officers and gentlemen are that these cosmic beings are to simulate future attack facilities. In fact, not only the Federation, but even the entire world outside the earth is a one-to-one replica, simulating a The entire solar system, but now..."

"It shrinks to only the earth, but it seems to be getting slower and slower." Omer said calmly.

"Yes, after the mainframe shuts down, the entire data world should collapse, but now it seems to be condensing."

"It sounds like something is going to be conceived, and it looks like an ancient mobile phone with 5% battery left..." The devil sighed, looking at this familiar road.

I vaguely remember that the last time I saw it, it was still a dream.

But when standing in the rain, the memory involved is still an ancient reality.

The young children stand in front of the steel forest lined with buildings, which seem to be able to temporarily block the sunlight, except for the flickering large screen with extremely unreasonable design ideas.

Even now, their positions are the same as in the past.

It's just that the broadcast content has become some weird things, as if to pull him back into that absurd dream.

There are no people, only voices, no living things, only mechanical movements.

It's like a semi-finished game with insufficient materials, and it's just a basic stage.

And this basic stage...

He looked up and looked at the noisy screen.

"Something so far from my view"/Something so far from my view
"I can't hold it though I wanted to"/I can't hold it though I wanted to

"Ah always hands stay dripping with rain"/My hands are always dripping with rain
"Never gained a sense of things I had to face"/I never gained a sense of things I had to face
The swift male voice sang like this, and the singer and producer's signature was on the lower right corner of the empty screen: Will Stetson/yuigot.

Looks like a new release.

In other times, he would appreciate such a remix very much.

Inaba Tan's ロストアンブレラ/lost Umbrella has been changed into a brand new style, and the clear and quick speech speed also shows the special singing skills, which can be included in his frequently listened song list.

But at this moment.

In this pattering rain...

"What I'd end up dropping someday" / Someday I will drop everything

"The way the drizzle knows" / The way the drizzle knows

"To soak my eyes within it's flow" / Let my eyes be immersed in the music

"My breath is dampened" / my breath is suppressed

"'Til it chokes my throat within it's hold"

Standing in place for a while, the devil who was covered in steam suddenly asked again: "Mr. Justis, will there be a world that revolves around one person?"

When he asked this question, he actually had an answer in his heart.

A living answer is with him day and night in his office.

But to prove the conjecture in my heart, more proofs are obviously needed.

"There will be, but it usually requires enough extreme emotions and powerful forces to interfere with the world that is not just physical..."

"Words of power..." The devil's words came from the mist, "It is normal for the imitation permanent boarders to have some incredible abilities, and they usually lack self-awareness."

"As for emotions..."

A red light suddenly appeared in the mist, and the demon's eyes locked on the location of the West District.

This world is extremely empty, and there is absurdity in the dead silence.

But other than that, it is full of traces and shadows of a certain person.





The empty college, the noisy sound of rain, the perception of nothingness...

The Metronians, who had no idea what they were looking for subconsciously, walked in the square, in the corridors, and in the teaching buildings.

There are no posters, no class schedules, and no traces of duty arrangements and blackboard newspapers. Even the small fountain in front of the square is no longer where the three sculptures are.

It was clearly what he expected, but was never given.

Servers that have been shut down not only do not have the leeway to generate more, but are even being gradually compressed.

His instinctive search was doomed to fail, and he was like a walking corpse if he couldn't find the target.

Of course, if he stepped into the teaching building with his appearance, he could easily be regarded as an invasion of dangerous people.

But now, a more 'dangerous' invasion is coming quietly.

A ferocious demon formed by countless squares appeared at the school gate and stepped inside.

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(End of this chapter)

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