only monsters

Chapter 514 NO97 There is nothing in the dream

Chapter 514NO.97 There Is Nothing In The Dream (22)

Aside from the mercenary work, the usual early commissions of the firm are like the ancient private detectives, starting with kittens and puppies.

Or even no commission at all.

After all, for trivial matters in the general sense, such as looking for a cat or a dog, you usually don't consider which serious organization to issue a commission to.

It is almost enough to post a cat-hunting revelation on the Internet and expand it on the Internet.

It's not that they can't think of finding a firm for help, but that firms at this stage are usually not well-known.

As for more advanced commissions, such as finding lost old people and lost children-everyone's first choice is to go to the police, not the law firm.

Of course, this is also related to the regional style.

For example, the police in Anmei District would not be asked this kind of problem. If there, mercenaries and detectives are more trustworthy than the police.

However, Jiemen District obviously does not accept this kind of appearance, so the Linton Office has not yet accepted a decent small commission.

Only the director recommended himself several times like an insurance salesman, seeking a commission for himself.

Or a guy who is very obsessed with Juggula, specially came to give him a job because of his reputation in a certain group.

They are all quite special, and the level of the entrustment itself is all above B-level or even B-level.

Let a mercenary firm that has just opened for less than half a year accumulate a short but amazing resume.

Anyone who sees the work history of Linton & Associates will find it difficult to regard it as a newly opened small office, let alone grant small commissions to it.

That's pretty bad...for Omer.

Although high-end business specialization is also a common route, high-end business is not so common.

Not to mention that the high-end business cake has long been divided by several large mercenary groups, and the remaining few spoonfuls are also being grabbed by some A-level firms, and those A-level firms are not independent in terms of size and reputation. Small businesses that start a business can compare.

This is very Gan.

This road won't work, and he still has to develop normally, and unlike many others, he doesn't dislike those small commissions, and even looks forward to them.

After all, this can be regarded as a professional counterpart.

He is very good at finding pets, finding people and so on.

Since I was a child, I often helped the neighbors to "exchange" some thankful materials (referring to pastries, vegetables and meat, and even being invited to a birthday party), and even helped the adults who were not in harmony to pay attention to the recent situation of the other half. In the end, the frustrated woman And almost gave him a grown-up kiss, and let the car drive from the kindergarten to the high-speed biological passage.

But Omer obeyed the law since he was a child, and did not give the other party a chance to smelt copper.

Little Homa has no chance to have a big car, unless there is any chance for him to return to his childhood.

It's better not to have that kind of thinking, even if his horse girl might be able to come up with a similar medicine one day—or rather, it's because of this that I can't even think about it.

In short, let’s not talk about gossip. At this moment, there is an opportunity for him to relive his childhood. He has to think about whether this will be a once-in-a-lifetime commission from Linton & Associates, but no matter what the answer is, the result will be the same.

This is a job he found himself, and it should be executed without hesitation.


"I heard you were looking for me?"

He used to soar in the computer world under the name of Valplan, and now he is galloping in this sky under the name of Justis. The black and red fighter plane dived and galloped from high altitude, and turned into a giant in the storm brought by the emergency stop. A black-haired man jumping down.

"Yes, Mr. Justice."

The umbrella-like iron plate resisted the gust of wind and protected the witches and police officers on the side. The youth closed the umbrella to form a knife, and the knife turned into the bracelet hidden in his sleeve.

This unrecognizable ordinary suit is obviously not the reimbursement content promised by Shi Huaiya, but just a temporary replacement.

"I need your help."

"Although this is our first official meeting, aren't you being too polite?"

"It's just the first time to be polite, but this is not the current focus."

"That's right, I heard that the information you sent me before was also found by the target?"

"It is true, he is an undoubted hero and our teammate."

"Let's go then, do you two want to be together?"

"Uh, I..."


"Both of them don't need to go." Cutting off the answers of the two, Aomer took a step forward, and his body turned into a ferocious demon nearly three meters in this step.

"Just us, or rather, myself."

"Huh?" He was not afraid of the other party's ferocious appearance. When he first came to this world, he was Justis who woke up in Chaldea, so he must have been cultivated with a strong enough ability to accept.

But even so, he still felt that he had to emphasize the information he knew:

"I heard that it is a whole world, although it should be collapsing now."

He felt that even if he maintained the attitude of flying wings of justice and galloped to search, he might not be able to find the other party.

The more people who help in the search, the better, but Omer was so sure, and even uttered wild words like 'myself'.

But when he looked at the terrifying face of the other party who should not be able to see the eyes, he really felt a madness...

with confidence.

On the high tower made of arrogance and confidence, there are silver and black demons entrenched, overlooking the hesitant man in front of the tower.

"Just clear the way for me, Mr. Justice."

"I have an idea and urgently need a verification."


"What you said is no different from that of Erisu, Shi Huaiya, will human beings become more and more like each other's creatures as they get along?"

Looking up at the demon who didn't even enter the cockpit, but was grasping the corner of the fighter plane and was taken up into the sky by him, the witch beast with both hands on the magic broom sighed softly.

The latter, who was asked by her while sighing, turned her head in surprise:
"Eh? You think I'm human?"

"? Aren't you?" The witch beast was also a little puzzled, and once again doubted the definition of human knowledge it knew.

"Of course it is! Uh, it's just, it's just that when I first came to this world, many people called me a demihuman or something."

"It's just a title." The witch beast didn't care about it.

Digimon still always have the suffix of 'beast', even if she looks like a young woman, she is also used to being called 'witch beast'.

"Indeed, but the race is still human. Oh, don't care, let's go back and talk first, and ignore that guy Omo."

Shi Huaiya shook her head, and the tail behind her wagged even more uncomfortably.

"It's a lot of fake manners to interrupt others all the time."

"I think my partner might be doing it for your own good. Look at your expression of wanting to see it just now."

"There is no danger, and the work on my side has been completed."

"I think, listening to the new world you described earlier... it's as bad as the barren land in the dark area."


"There are no people, no Digimon, no life, there is only scorched earth, which is the remnant land after the big Dracomon fought against the gods. Because there is nothing, it is often used to exile sinners. I heard that they were exiled. Any sinner who goes there will quickly go mad."


"Looking at your expression, it seems that you can understand this kind of torture."

"It's not that I understand, it's just that I can imagine. Forget it, let's just treat him as it is for me. Let's go, let's go back to the bar!"


Dissociated between hidden forums, black markets, the dark web of illegal activities and economic service accounts, deep immersion into the world and the deep web where academic media records are located, the newborn world has not yet enjoyed the blessings of the online world, and it is already facing the umbilical cord. Cut dead end.

It is not barren, but has various terrains, rich vegetation, and there are also many buildings, just like the new world reprinted by the earth, and it is raining.

A certain Meitron star who looks like Aquatic, and seems to be the same as Aquatic, but moves quickly in the rain, is still sleepwalking.

It is indeed sleepwalking.

When the mind is out of the body, the body is still sleeping, and the mind is drawn to action in the activeness of deep consciousness.

When your body is actually dreaming and it feels like a dream, then it is a dream!

And the sleepwalking Metronians were still wandering and running in the rainy city, calling for the presence of people.

No one responded.

And where the horizon that he couldn't see was blocked by countless buildings...

is constantly shrinking.

The world will be small.

(End of this chapter)

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