only monsters

Chapter 419 2: But URA was also tortured party 1

Chapter 419 NO.2 But URA was also the party that was tortured

URA, the full name of Umamusume Racing Association, also known as the Central Racing Club.

With the official approval of the Three Goddesses, the race organizer of the horse race girl is also the defender of the rules and regulations of the race.

Sunday’s quiet part-time job, or ostensible main job.

As the president of the Central Teresan Student Union and the symbol of Rudolph, the emperor of the horse racing world, he also has a lot of say in it.

But it doesn't mean that its reputation can be better.

Rather, it has been mentioned before that, as a defender of the charter and rules, the URA Association has a long-standing "villain stance" and rarely "washes white".

General trainers and racehorse girls are quite taboo about it, just like the attitude towards the dean when they were students.

Unordinary trainers and unusual racehorse girls should be disgusted with them, just like the attitude of writers and readers of novel websites to practitioners who review this position.

Since the establishment of the URA Association, it has been an image of a stern and impartial person, and the horse girl has a lot of "emotional" elements in both on and off the field.

Since then, the conflict has never ceased.

Even Omer, who used to hang a sign from Sunday Tranquility as a big tail, was not immune.

Who doesn't like to spray URA in the circle of horse racing girls?

Although it's hard to say it's not because she is often dragged to work overtime.

But even so, the URA Association is still running smoothly as before.

Not only has it expanded simultaneously with the development of horse racing events, it has changed from a grass-roots team in the past to an interstellar-level huge department.

It is still developing steadily under the condition that the reputation has always been poor, and it has been popular with the audience several times.

Even the three goddesses, who usually stand on Ma Niang's side, never considered giving up their existence during this process, which shows its necessity.

The stronger the player, the more he needs a track that is strong enough, and the track that is strong enough is built by the URA Association, which does not enter into oil and salt.

"The records of Ma Niang and the trainers fighting against the old regulations of the association can also become anecdotes, and the winners can be called miracles. I look forward to such seniors!"

Wearing a pair of glasses that can only be adorned with the optimization of today's medical skills and the physique of a racehorse girl, the desert hero always gives the impression of a literary girl who looks the same.

While being gentle, he speaks in a soft voice.

Even when he greeted Omer from a distance, he didn't shout too loudly.

But when talking about certain topics, she seemed to be touched by some switch, her emotions became high, and she began to speak loudly.

"Um, sorry..."

When Homa raised her index finger to indicate silence, she belatedly looked around the huge library, and then buried her head in apology.

This is a bit too restrained... Seeing her buried head, Omo couldn't help but think of her roommate, who also has black hair, a girl who is gifted with skills and has a sharp knife, her restrained appearance is more than that No less.

"But, but...!"

She lowered her voice a little, but still couldn't hide her seriousness and intense emotions. A mere apology obviously couldn't extinguish the fire in her heart, and Omer's always tolerant attitude probably gave her the courage to continue her favorite topic.

All in all, she continued: "To be admired so much that it is written in a book, so that it remains in the memory of others, I think such an existence is enough to be called..."

She paused.

For half a second, Homa, who pressed the pages of the book, tried to complete her end, but when he thought of the girl's information, he withdrew the conclusion that was relatively more in line with conventional logic.

If it was her, she should say...

"Hero!" Sure enough, the girl clenched her hands into fists and said seriously, her piercing eyes seemed not to be joking.

"Beginning to be told as 'hero stories' in later generations, and their biographies have the potential to evolve into hero stories!"

Hero Tan Ah...

Omer looked at the girl speechlessly.

On the contrary, this direction of wording shows your characteristics as a person from the Far East, obviously you were still speaking English before...

This is what he wanted to complain about.

As for the logic of the "hero theory"... Adolescent children have their own obsessions, especially the puberty of the horse girl.

For example, the girl who was called 'Rob Roy' since she was a child probably had a vision of a hero since she was a child.

It is not difficult to understand, and it can even be said to be completely understood!

If my name was Susumu Hayata when I was a child, then I would definitely count on being rear-ended by Ultraman every day (x).

So Aumer just nodded, and opened his clasped hands slightly, fluttering: "It is undeniable that Miss Maruzen will break through the Far East Derby. If she writes an autobiography in the future, it will also be regarded as a hero's biography."

The myth of 9 horses with 9 wins and 54 wins forced the organizing committee to consider the "red supercar" with a longer sprint track, which was encountered by Omer two days ago.

Of course, it's hard to say whether he met him or was squatted down. If it wasn't for the effective excuse of leaving the motorcycle at the temporary station, I'm afraid he could still leave a legend on the news page of Hongying District.

Racing with Maruzensky or something... Although Maruzensky's reputation in Hongying District is not at its peak, her aunt Nijinsky is a Triple Crown horse girl in Hongying District.

Due to this kinship, Maruzenski is also a local celebrity.

It can make Aomo, who is being disturbed by public opinion, want to hide subconsciously.

But he just didn't hide, and the excuse probably wouldn't last for a few days. While Amo was a little annoyed, he also thought of the other party during the conversation.

To be honest, among the horse race girls he knows, there are quite a few legends, but he really hasn't thought about the topic of 'heroes'.

Thinking about who is more suitable for the title of hero, such as teahouse, tachyon, and bourbon, I feel that no one is suitable, but no matter what you say, the horse racing girl can be the hero in the eyes of the trainers.

"Average? Absolutely! Easily, it will be a biography of a hero, Mr. Linton!"

Does the literature you read include manga...

Omer, who always felt that this way of speaking was familiar, was speechless, but nodded slightly: "I think you and Miss Shimmering Flying Horse can chat."

Carrot Man is an active fighter at Monsters Exhibit and Omer's hapless rival in monster fighting games.

Although it may not be the same person, or Omer hopes that it is not the same person, after all, it is his first scientific research - Zog support position, Su Nagui's output of Xingzhanwan, although the effect is not satisfactory, it is only enough to win the gold game , but it did make the opponent's Stendel star powerless.

How to say humiliation, humiliation!

"She's my pen pal!"

"Oh..." Homa tried his best to be natural, looking down at the pages in his hand, "It's really rare for a classical school to write letters in this era."

"...Mr Linton, you are sitting in a library of classic paper books..."

"This is my short-sightedness, sorry sorry."

"No need to apologize,...Actually, you are right. It is Feiju who accommodates me. She prefers to use electronic products more."

"Sincere friendship is also standard in hero biographies."

"Don't make fun of me, but you came to the library on purpose, isn't Miss Qian with you?" She still remembered that the pink-haired girl always had a book in her hand, just like the one with the clock tower at the headquarters of Hengchang City. Like girls with long hair and twin ponytails.

"She runs to Yabo Monster Company every day, how can she be interested in the library?"

"...Monster?" The desert hero's gaze became strange, "I thought you were the only one who had access to that kind of power."

"It's not the same thing." Omer waved his hand without raising his head, " long as you don't study super beasts with the Yabo people, then feel free...even if you become a monster girl, it's just a good thing, it's a pity I Two days ago, I sent a private message to a monster girl, and she didn't have any monster factor aptitude, but she was excellent in other tests."

"Another test?"

"I didn't ask in detail, I think, always keep some secrets for the parties."

"You are such a gentleman."


"what happened?"


You can't say to the little girl who is "ignorant of the world" that you haven't been exposed to the positive meaning of this word for a long time, right?
Omer simply perfunctory, and then heard the other party ask:

"Did you see what you were looking for?"

The desert hero looked curiously at the "General Theory of Horse Racing Development" in Omer's hand.

Discussing the development of the horse racing event from a comprehensive perspective, it is natural to record a lot of black history of the URA Association.

Especially when I was a grass-roots team in the early days, the schedule and rules of the game were full of loopholes, so embarrassing that the officials wanted to erase history.

It will be counted as half a banned book because of this.

Here, you can see many mile races and short-distance races with side-to-side jumps, and you can also see long-distance races as long as 500 kilometers at one time, just like a large number of Dongyan District Mongolian Derby Youth Edition.

The middle distance race also changed from 2 meters to [-] meters, then to [-] meters, and then to [-] meters-in short, it was back and forth.

In terms of outrageousness, the idea is to use the strongest horse girl as the standard to formulate the schedule.

But there is always a gap between Ma Niang and Ma Niang, and the difference between one year, two years, and three years of life is very obvious.

However, in an era when the rules are not strict, it is not surprising that T0, a horse girl who really puts aside all restrictions on running, throws off hundreds or even nearly a thousand horses of T1.

So desperate, this gap.

But in this world of too many possibilities, it is completely unavoidable fact.

Especially some horse girls who have undergone transformation and have practiced energy outside the Three Goddess Department.

Others can already be regarded as flying, and even teleport directly.

It also makes the game enjoyable and sometimes bad.

The topic is full of topics—before each competition, they are discussing what new competition rules URA has introduced, what horse girls have been 'killed', what bugs have been fixed, and what trainers have discovered the schedule loophole.

It can only be said that it is very entertaining, ah, very entertaining.

In this era of development, it is no wonder that the URA Association is reluctant to be recorded.

Even Homa, who studied the rules of horse racing in order to bet on horses, only heard some convincing rumors.

In what ways is it convincing?Embodied in contemporary horse racing charters, Ultra, HyperMuteki's long.

It has grown to the point where it can become the most torturous and difficult test site for the central trainer exam.

And now, Omer also understands so many banned skills in the racing regulations.

Including some weird spell names that are not in the three goddesses' skill system.

"I found it. No wonder I saw some colleagues in the chat room two days ago worrying that the rules of the competition will be changed next year."

As Omer said, he looked up at the desert hero, and a very vivid 'what?The astonishment that the question bank will be changed next year.

"Now seeing the development history of the URA Association, I am even more convinced that according to the average quality of the horse girls they talk about, the race distance will be changed again."

 After taking a look, this month's ticket calendar seems to have doubled for a long time, and I will rely on you all at that time, thank you here in advance!
(End of this chapter)

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