only monsters

Chapter 418 1: Coaches and players are fully qualified to give pointers to the organizer

In the first half of July, Teresen's summer training camp began, which also meant the end of the free summer vacation for some trainers and horse girls.

Please also note that it is free summer vacation.

After all, the summer training itself still has a certain concept of vacation, and the venue is usually selected on the beach or even on the planet.

The adjustment of the ratio between training and vacation is also the relationship between the trainer and the horse girl.

But these have nothing to do with Omer Linton.

For him, the intuitive impact of this link is that the topics in the trainers' chat room began to focus on the summer beach, and no longer focused on caring and questioning him.

This is undoubtedly a great thing.

After all, before this, he was still bombed and devastated by the information age.

"Symbolist Sudden Changes", "Stock Market Turmoil?The reason was a family dispute", "Mysterious giant beast attacked the symbolist, the news has been blocked by the police", "Evidence of eyewitness-fighting against the giant beast is suspected of being the central new trainer Omer Linton"...

——When the above undeniable reports appeared on countless media pages, one can imagine Omer's hard work at that time.

Chat rooms and real-name forums can't wait.

On the first day, he completely shut down the messages and permissions, and even included those related to each other.

And the day after simply editing the profile and announcement...

—Speed ​​symbol held a press conference.

The rumors were refuted and some acknowledgments were made, including the praise for Omer Linton's emergency rescue.

Although I am also curious about the reaction of the group that has been insulting themselves on public platforms before, Omer is very wise and simply...stopped his network.

In this information age where the Internet seems to be a part of life, this decision is enough to be described as "a strong man cuts his wrist".

But even so, it is not safe.

The cyber hermit's policy of avoiding the world cannot avoid the visit of reality.

Although he is not yet confident enough to advertise in Umastagram and mercenary circles, Omer has never hidden the address of his firm.

In the past, I even considered adding a physical business card in addition to the electronic business card to deepen the impression.

This kind of trick to promote oneself and even the firm through a "different impression" is obviously not needed now. Compared with promotion, it is more important to avoid the limelight.

Fortunately, he is a mercenary of the firm.

The mercenary firm itself has a special service called the 'Anti-harassment' mode.

Originally, it was oriented toward mercenary disputes—usually stemming from the frequent contradictions and even conflicts between independent mercenaries, mercenary regiment mercenaries, and firm mercenaries.

But because of this, the strength of the service content is sufficient.

Even if the opponent is a top paparazzi, a reporter from the official media, or someone with a fanatical fan who pops up out of nowhere, they can still be blocked by a professional team.

The only problem is that the procedures for declaring certificates are a bit cumbersome.

But for this customer who was on the cusp of the storm, the mercenary office removed the procedure in a very humane way.

After all, he really doesn't need proof.

It should be noted that Jiemen District is the origin of the development of Saima Niang culture.

As a leading symbol in the horse racing world, if Omer, who is directly involved in such a major event, has a bad reputation or notoriety, he can consider changing his life in another city.

Of course, even if it wasn't for that kind of reputation, Omer did change his place of life for a short time.

After all...he can endure ten days of living in a small dwelling, but the four girls in the office can't.

The three horse race girls still need exercise.

You can't always pass the time in the office with your fitness and training tools.

And that pink-haired girl who had always been pretty dead...

On the contrary, she went out frequently during the most tense days, and when Omer asked, she openly admitted that she went to Yabo Monster Co., Ltd. for the "secret" and "surprise" mentioned at the beginning.

Yabo Monster Co., Ltd. is an interstellar company, and it also has several branches on Earth. After confirming its location, he contacted a senior trainer for help.

Nishizaki Toyo-senpai!
Lend me the power of a special plane!
On the first night of Speed ​​Symbol's press conference, the company and his party ran across Hongying District overnight.

Ben also thought about Canaan City.

After all, Akane Shintiao was a little bit concerned. The cemetery of electronic monsters suspected to be in the computer world was still there, and Ms. Ling Amazon was also hospitable enough.

However, Canaan City, as one of the five major racecourses, is not much weaker in horse racing culture, and the impact of news from the symbolic family can still radiate.

In contrast, although Hongying District is still steeped in Saima Niang culture, it is not as lively as Canaan City.

Alternate Britain is known by Homer, although widely known as the origin of modern horse racing.

But in this world, the horse racing ladies who were the first to snatch the traditional horse racing business were born by the three goddesses who resided in Jiemen District, so Jiemen District became the center of the horse racing girl culture, and at the same time broke the "traditional horse racing" early development chain.

At least... It's more natural for a Baird youth to mix here than to mix in an urban area full of East Asians.

But it's not really hidden anywhere...

"Here! Here! Mr. Linton!"

When the familiar crown braid and wife's braid are complete, and the time-consuming hairstyle rushes into the field of vision... Aumer doesn't know whether to sigh that the other party can greet him like this without shouting too loudly, or to praise the other party for his work. Flexible to look at separately from vacation.

Ms. Desert Hero, always gives people an inconspicuous impression in intelligence, and like her roommate Mi Yu, she treats people with a bit of restraint and restraint.

Although they are all sheathed blades, the difference between a short sword and a long sword is always obvious.

The desert hero is only reserved, far from inferior.

Like now, in front of many passers-by, she greeted Ao Mo's call from a distance, and Miss Mi Yu would never be able to do it.

What this requires is not only a little more courage, but also a natural host to this place.

In addition, there will be some conceptual differences between the traditional Far East people and the Far East people who have studied abroad in Hongying.

The hero of the desert is a Ma Niang who had studied abroad in Hongying in junior high school, and is more familiar with this passage leading to the London Library.

The men and women around were not surprised to see the Maltese girl who was waving at her. On the contrary, they smiled kindly or dotingly, and even said hello to her.

"Good morning, Miss Hero."

"Morning, hero, is that a new book friend? If you are a magician, remember to help our club promote it!"

"Little Desert, you got up early today too."

"Heroes, where should I go if I want to find a book on basic alchemy?"

"Ah, Rack 7 in Block 105 is."

"Oh, thank you."


Just like this conversation, Omo knew that the other party was appointed as a librarian in Central Teresan, but he didn't expect that the other party seemed to have such ability in the London Library.

On the 18th day after the explosion of the Symbolist, that is, at the end of July, which is about to enter August, the news page, which is constantly changing due to the development of information, has already been refreshed several times by other news.

The public opinion turmoil caused by the symbol of Yuechi has already settled down. In the remote area of ​​Hongying District, no one pays attention to this young man with the surname 'linton'.

The atmosphere is also the most comfortable.

Even the temperature is quite comfortable.

Also at the end of July and the beginning of August, the temperature in Jiemen District can be 25-36°, but in Hongying District, it is only in the range of 17°-26°.

Corridors like this should look cooler, just like Omer at this moment can change into a three-piece formal suit and blend in with the surroundings.

It will also be more suitable for runners' training.

Glancing at the light screen on the side, the stopwatch timing sent by Bourbon and a large number of accompanying landmark photos, Omer originally wanted to say that there is no need to send so many pictures if it is just to prove the orientation.

But I also understand that this scene is a violent backlash that has been suppressed for too long, so I won't mention it anymore.

The cyber horse girl whose mobile phone is finally no longer malfunctioning, whether it is taking pictures on the mobile phone, talking on the mobile phone, or even playing mobile games, is playing hard.

But I still hope that she will not be as addicted to the game as Akane, especially if the game is Umastagram's built-in garbage mobile game.

The original intention of the trainers to develop card-collecting games is very doubtful.

As for the present, a simple word to the horse girl: Received, come to the London Library to find me.

After adding a gift for positioning, Omer turned around and sped up his pace a little.

"It's been a long time, Miss Desert." He approached the petite black-haired horse girl.

The girl who helped me with Ms. Gray in the digital world, and then came to visit the hospital together, also took the initiative to visit and thank Omo and his party after they arrived in Hongying District.

"If you don't have one, just wait, and... I often forget the time in the library..."

When he said this, the desert hero's expression was somewhat embarrassed, and his large ears drooped slightly.

"Almost...forgot about your coming."

But this is not too important. Right now, Omer is just calling by the way to say hello.

"It's understandable, I often forget the time because of words..."

He originally intended to refer to the online novels he loved to read, but when he said the words, he also belatedly remembered the study materials he had learned these days.

So the smile showed a bit of reluctance.

"So shall we go to the library first?"

"Ah, no problem, but are you sure you are looking for books on the construction of ancient networks and "General Theory of Horse Racing Development"?"

"What I'm looking for are five different books... What happened to these two books?"

Halfway through the conversation, Omer realized that with the memory of the other party, he would not forget what he was looking for.

"The former covers a lot, while the latter is half a banned book!"

"Is it hard to find or borrow?"

"It's hard to find. The URA Association blocked these books very tightly in the early years."

"Should I say that it is really URA?"

"Well... As a horse race girl, I don't have a strong position to express my opinion."

"No, no, just because you are a racehorse girl, you have more reason to express your opinion, just like I am also a trainer."

In fact, the hero of the desert did have some inferiority complex in the original work. He was looking forward to being a hero but felt that he was not worthy, so he could only play a supporting role.

But the situation here is not serious, if you want to ask why... She can pull out a curry stick from the book, and she is also a super brave dragon (

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