only monsters

Chapter 369 132: The main members don't think you are a temporary worker

Chapter 369 NO.132 None of the main members think you are a temporary worker
The usual definition of a toxic substance is a substance that enters the body in small doses and causes damage to health through chemical or physicochemical effects.

From this point, it is enough to understand that the judgment of toxic substances is relative.

The standards for pests are more flexible and free.

Like allergies.

When you put pollen into an air purifier and lock a pollen allergy sufferer in the room, it won't take long to see the other person runny, and even asthmatic.

At this time, if you look at the pollen again, how serious is its sin.jpg
Sea grape red bean puree coffee does not make Omer allergic.

It's just too bad, to the point where it really touches the soul.

——It means that the tranquility of Sunday can be overturned.

Of course, this may or may not be due to the digital soul.

Dark Sunday, who used the data field to transfer spirit bodies all day long, was finally "sanctioned" severely by an alpha beast with digital soul coffee.

But even if the digital soul is secretly stuffed inside, it just makes Aomo feel some discomfort similar to 3D dizziness.

As a demon who has arrived in the digital world in advance, and has tried to feel under the guidance of the witch beast, and uses the power of digital codes, Omer himself already has a certain resistance.

He didn't faint, so Mu Hai Kyoko said "he has come here".

So far, the coffee at Mu Hai Detective Agency has come to an end.

But after all that, there's that cold cup of coffee at the Love and Peace Coffee Shop.

Omer has always had a personal opinion:
That is, the lower limit of cold coffee is An American iced coffee.

That kind of drink that is bitter and has no mellow aroma feedback has always been called "shabu-shabu water" by him, and he thinks it is the ultimate unpalatable drink.

Then today.

In this July 612, 7.

The cup didn't even have a fancy name, it was simply cold coffee delivered to him in the form of 'black coffee', breaking through Omer's stereotyped concept.

He fainted.


It's hard for him to say whether it will be the same if he drinks just one glass, because he doesn't want to drink it a second time.

But after waking up, looking at the contents of the medical record folder, it was clearly recorded that two cups of coffee were separated by 10 minutes, and actual toxins were mixed in his stomach.

——Whose fucking work is this! ?

Travelers, extraterrestrial life forms, members of the Blood family, Evolto.

Even the cup of coffee that he habitually brews in the morning is unwilling to drink, and he just brews it for others.

Knowing that it is unpalatable, but still soaking it for others to drink, it seems to be worse than Mu Hai Xingzi's nature.

But since he always behaves like this so that it has become a habit, I don't care much about Kiryu Sentu and Banzhanglong.

Anyway, as long as he honestly abides by the contract signed with the heart of Terra and doesn't mess around, there is no need for them to reenact the past duel with each other.

After all, the new world is full of unfamiliar people and things, and it is not easy to meet an old acquaintance.

It's just that there are many unclear personal grievances between the three of them, which need to be resolved in the training ground and alienation space.

Therefore, the task of punching the massive Star Destroying Snakeskin Monster should be handed over to those two professionals.

After realizing that he had mistakenly entered the "crew" of "Kamen Rider Build", Omer suppressed his inner malice for the time being.

Or maybe justice (x).

It's a decent idea to give the guy who insulted coffee a judgment blow or something!

And he is not incompetent.

Although the upper limit of the Destroyer Snakeskin can reach the Destroyer level, that means destroying a planet that has lost the power to resist.

The actual combat performance... Although it is subject to the shooting restrictions of the work, except for the freedom to move freely in the world and the artificial "black hole", the combat performance is only at the level of ordinary Kamen Riders, but even according to the actual panel Come.

A cavalier with an output of less than a hundred tons will be somewhat embarrassed when facing the numerical monsters in the Aopeng mastered by Omer, whose units are often in units of [-] tons.

It is true that the actual battle is not simply a score.

Not to mention that Evolto's eccentric setting is also rather vague. There is no real panel, just a way to clarify the ability.

Even simulation is difficult to do, let alone unpredictable actual combat.

However, in actual combat, there is often no such thing as fairness, differences in strength, inequality in size, differences in whether to hold weapons, differences in experience levels, and... whoever takes the lead first!
——First sight killing is often a common part of combat, especially in this era of rich combat systems.

Whether it is the long-standing traditional martial arts, or the modern fighting rooted in technical theory, or even the more ancient but innovative origin energy skills, as well as the strange weapons of sci-fi style...

Whether you are a long-lived species or a cosmic being, when faced with a sudden invitation to battle, the battlefield will be such an unknown stage.

That's why we pay attention to the importance of a piece of information.

It's not that as long as you have the upper hand in intelligence, you can win, but at least, the possibility of victory is indeed tilting towards you.

And in this era when the proportion of electronics and data has already been so large that it seriously erodes reality, why is intelligence more important than fighting?
Or rather.

How does the battle itself stop at physical confrontation?

So when Yuechi sent a message, pretending to be concerned about his physical condition, Aomo couldn't help showing a subtle smile on his face.

Because he was already at the vantage point of information, and before the other party sent the message, Baal Beast X had already provided a reminder in data and words.

Hmm... data literals.

It's not good for him to appear directly, otherwise there is a high probability that it will be the "gale wind" and "water pressure" that hit his head and face.

"Galewind": A sharp wind constructed with magical power
"Water pressure": Ultra-high water pressure that can penetrate even steel
The only designated nirvana of the Witch Beast.

Digimon have enough room to learn fighting skills, magic (advanced codes), and the like.

But even if those things are learned, it is difficult to really be marked on the digital core that they depend on for survival and whose importance is comparable to that of the heart.

In the same way, the skills already engraved on the Digicore, that is, the well-known skills mastered by countless Digimon with the same name, are equal to their innate skills.

Usually two or three.

Known for the highest stability and the best effort that he can achieve.

This also leads to no matter what fighting skills Digimon have learned, the actual battle still revolves around their iconic nirvana.

Of course, as a complete body transformed by the X-antibody, Barmon X is difficult to be injured by a mature witch beast with two moves, but when she immediately evolves into Belstarmon, it is another matter.

Both he and Omer can imagine such a development, so in order to avoid such troubles, the parties will obviously still communicate in this way of electronic data transmission.

It is not wrong to understand it as the Digimon version of "Ultra Signature".

However, this kind of operation that tests data manipulation skills can only be limited to some bigwigs, casters, and mechanical Digimon.

Not to mention common.

It also made the Witch Beast's eyes widen, gnashing its teeth at Baal Beast's avoidance.

Seriously, if Bizer hadn't really used his 'cp dog filter' to make an appraisal, and also judged that there was nothing wrong between Witch Beast and Baal Beast X, Omer would really doubt his own judgment.

Sometimes I feel that Witch Beast's extreme targeting of Baal Beast X is like a heavy girl. Considering the real killing intent, it is not impossible to evolve into Mine Girl.

Anyway, in the literal sense, a woman who is so heavy that she is as dangerous as a landmine.

The culture of the Far East has always had a good hand in defining women, although in terms of female boxing, it is objectifying women.

But don't worry.jpg
Some people also use the term patriarchal.

When it comes to tagging each other, everyone is not the same.

But regardless of emotional entanglements, the attitude of the witch beast can only be belief, or a dispute between camps.

Under the premise that there is a conflict between Omer and the symbol of Yuechi, every time she rushes to fight, it can be said that she wants to kill the general of the enemy camp and then quickly, but when Baal Beast X intends to cooperate with Omer, her that The attitude of wanting to kill Omer together obviously has nothing to do with Omer's position.

Let me guess... Is it possible that the reason for the non-appearance of Belstarmon's companion that I have never seen has something to do with Baalmon X?

Omer glanced calmly and was still puffing up, like a witch in only Qianxia.

If I really asked this question, I might change from Weiqianxia to Carmela.

That's pretty cool, Omer thinks that if he wants to cosplay Carmela, he has to let Tachyon come.

The sound is enough, who cares what it looks like when you put on the leather case.

She can play perfectly, if she has the idea.

In short, as the trainer Yan Huiji said, it is not good to speculate on others casually.

Omer felt that what he said was right, so he knew how to put speculation in his heart first.

Then he tapped the keyboard on the light screen, and communicated with the chairman of Yuechi Logistics in a hypocritical manner.

Now the other party will no longer ask for a meeting with the previous side, but the term of cooperation has always remained the same.

The only thing that has changed is the loss of a businessman among the partners of both parties.

Well, it was optimized away.

To be honest, whether it is Aumer or Yuechi Symbol, they feel that businessmen, even in name, should be used earlier.

Just like the 'friends' of the COC running group.

Regarding this question, we can randomly select a monster to interview its opinion:
"My friend, it's delicious."

Well, it seems that we have picked Garzot, and everyone is happy to reach a consensus.

So the sympathy exchange between him and Yue Chi symbolized that they seemed to be very satisfied with each other.

Even the direction of that cooperation is the same.

Yuechi Logistics, Penguin Logistics.

Also in the transportation business, Yuechi initiated the cooperation invitation from the perspective of Omer as an employee of Penguin Logistics.

There is nothing wrong with this step, but what puzzles Omer is that in the communication, the other party seemed to regard himself as the backbone of Penguin Logistics who has the right to speak, mentioned the cooperation plan, and even drew a big pie in the foreground, and finally He even hopes that he can contact the Great Emperor on his behalf and facilitate the cooperation between the two companies.


Didn't know the fact that Omer was just a temp.

(End of this chapter)

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