only monsters

Chapter 368 131: But there are too many suspects

Chapter 368 NO.131 But there are too many suspects
Omer's understanding is actually not complete.

Named Wanzhanglongwo, the love and peace coffee shop haunts the clerk from time to time.

The main reason for the embarrassment, apart from the guilt and apology to the 'victim', the most direct predicament right now is the atmosphere in the ward.

The people who came to visit were all young girls, and he felt a huge gap between himself and the young man.

In fact, as early as the beginning, he and the store manager Kiryu Sentu called an ambulance, and he and another customer came to the hospital with him in a coma. After meeting the visiting relatives and friends of the guest, the whispering discussion has already begun.

Discuss what is going on with this guest that so many beautiful girls care about.

Then, when he noticed a girl's horse ear shaking, the store manager realized his recklessness and reminded him to switch to electronic communication.

At the beginning, a horse girl named Miura Bourbon followed, and then saw that not long after the phone call, three girls came, one of them was also a horse girl, and the other two looked familiar.

This is probably a trainer... Although the appearance is a bit familiar...

The store manager, Kiryu Zhantu, couldn't even explain it clearly, but Ryu himself--he is the only one who still really knows!

Although Zhan Tu still pays some attention to news and current affairs, while he is completely indifferent, but he cares about the horse race girl!

As an active boxer, it is not surprising that he pays attention to horse racing, which is also an extreme sport, let alone he stays in Jiemen District.

In terms of horse racing publicity, Jiemen District has always been severely won.

Even the autobiographies of some retired horse girls are on the bestseller lists in bookstores. This is not due to the pure fans of horse girls, but also fueled by publicity and policies.

So, Wanzhanglong, I do pay attention to the circle of horse racing girls, and I also download Umastagram on my mobile phone.

Although he is not a bot for all horse race girls, he will pay attention to all software-certified horse race girls, but only pays attention to some active and retired horse race girls.

But that's enough.

Among the active and retired horse girls in Central Teresan, the topic of Omer Linton is the hottest topic of discussion recently.

In the early days, there were countless fantasies mainly surrounding the pursuit of Miura Bourbon and the early signing of Eri Tachoko.

Afterwards, the 'newcomer trainer who is in charge of three horse girls at the same time' also raised concerns about his relationship with the chairman.

Recently, however, with Narita Shirahito, Representative Qianming, Pipa Chenguang, Maruzenski and others 'reliable', Linton's trainers are persuading the emperor to return to the game.

The spread of this news is far higher than the first two main topics. After all, one side of this topic is the symbol of Rudolph.

It can be said that [-]% of Umastagram's registered users are her old fans, including the horse racing girls headed by the emperor of the East China Sea who tweeted their shock.

This also led to an explosive increase in Omer's popularity, but the wind evaluation is more complicated.

Some people expect him to be successful, some people think he is some kind of green onion, dare to 'tangle' the emperor.

Some people criticized him for wanting to reach the sky in one step, and to persuade the emperor to return to the arena must be to be a trainer himself, pointing to Rudolph who wants to symbolize such a powerful horse girl to reach the sky in one step——

——This statement has quite a few supporters.

After all... Omer is just a rookie trainer.

In charge of the three horse race girls, some people already feel that he is wasting resources and that he is too ambitious.

Not to mention that his identity as a mercenary at the same time is completely public.

Is it really reliable to hold two jobs? ——Such doubts are understandable.

In this regard, Omer did not care.

After all, he doesn't have much capital to manipulate public opinion, so he can't catch Witch Beast and Baal Beast X to squeeze it hard, right?

Perhaps among the Digimon there will be talents who observe the human network ecology all the year round and learn how to operate it.

But definitely not Witch Beast and Baal Beast X.

The two of them could do nothing if they played a trumpet, let alone guide the wind.

Moreover, operating public opinion also requires some practical results.

Right now, the horse girls under him are not ready to run this year's debut competition. At this time, they can't stand up for anything, so it's better to pretend to be dead.

For forum confrontation, let those people fight on their own, and don't have their own people who can't help but go up and say something fair.

He also specially greeted colleagues who had a good relationship with Nishizaki Yutaka, Iwa Teruji, and Da Zhen, as well as horse girls.

In the face of his attitude of pretending to be dead, Umastagram these days is really "there is no brother in the rivers and lakes, but there are legends about brothers everywhere"-or maybe it will develop into "your notoriety is known to everyone from Jiemen District to Tianmen City" No one knows'.

It is also in such a situation of public opinion that I have a rather subtle impression of Wanzhanglong on Omer.

However, he also knew about the Tianmen City at any rate, and he had accumulated some good impressions at that time, and now that impression has added a bit of guilt.

No matter what the reputation is, at least I should make an apology—a boxer who is considered to be a Blood family and fights with other monsters and ghosts in the boxing arena with a seven-level danger level, his action style is as straightforward as his fighting style Past.

"That..." Long Wo stepped into the ward.

And there was no ordinary person in this ward, and the two horse girls turned their heads when they heard the sound keenly.

Concerns, introductions, and pleasantries stop short.

In the quiet ward, the girls cooperated to give him the place in front of Aumer's bed.

It is convenient for him to bow and apologize: "I am really very sorry!"

It started with the traditional performing arts of the people of the Far East, which made Ao Mo stunned for a moment.

It seems that I didn't expect that there would be a day when I would taste this set by myself.

Neon Gold's term "traditional performing arts" has a somewhat derogatory connotation after all.

Wanzhanglong, my apology is still sincere.

Not to mention that in less than 2 minutes, Kiryu Zhantu came back and apologized, saying that while the medical expenses have been settled, the issue of compensation should be discussed.

This is what Omer loves to hear.

Although he already knew the names from the self-introduction of the other party, awakened his memory, and recognized the identities of the two Kamen Riders, but it was a fact that he was tortured by coffee, and Omer would not be so nice as to pay compensation.

Accept a sum of money as compensation in a well-regulated way, and reward yourself with a hearty meal later.

As for drinking another cup of coffee prepared by the other party, forget it.

He doesn't want to see coffee for now.

Although only temporary, this is enough to show the depth of the blow to a coffee party.

In this way, no amount of communication would be superfluous, and the two of them just left their electronic business cards—or resumes, which are not bad.

Not to mention hoping that the other party will come and sit down when he is free, at least he can contact if there is anything that can help.

Love and Peace Coffee Shop is not just a coffee shop.

It's half an office.

Considering the strength of these two Kamen Riders and the scientific research ability of the store manager, the gold content of these words seems to be higher than the gold content of the compensation.

Maybe it's a kind of blessing in disguise... No, let's forget it.

Omer sighed.

As a coffee party trainer, whether he loses his horse or shakes his coffee drinks, it is too heavy a blow.

For the time being, I can only hope that the coffee in the café can keep me out of the shadows.

Otherwise, I can only go to the psychiatric department to clear up the memory and reverse the residual shadow of the body.

In the past, he would never have dreamed that he might need this kind of service.

The monster card that is most likely to use this kind of service - he has been carefully testing the threshold, trying to avoid this situation.

And now, although his physical abnormalities have been cleaned up, his mental exhaustion still exists.

Even if he learned that the strange girl in front of him was Jin Guqiao's mother and could transform into someone he knew at any time, he couldn't be happy.

Not to mention that when you take out your phone, you can see a lot of unread messages, as well as Umastagram's interactive news push.

how to say?

When I saw the greetings from the teahouse, my heart was still warm.

When I saw Qianming Aite on Umastagram, I asked him how he was crushed by coffee, and Rudolph, Bai Ren, Da Zhen and others also asked him how he was doing, and Donghai Emperor laughed at how he was sent to the hospital by coffee Now, when he took the opportunity to ask him if he was pestering the president, he even saw Miss Zhenjiling pretending to be friendly, which caused another black spot at the bottom of his personal page.

This mood is very wooden.

How did this spread?
Is it a stalker?
Is it true that the whole world will know that Grandpa plans to secretly reward himself in two days?

Tama's!Can the day pass!

Is it necessary to install a full set of special privacy protection design for the office?

Something is wrong, there must be a ghost inside!

 Speaking of which, yesterday was Chairman Rudolph's birthday, but I'm sorry I didn't write about her.

  And today seems to be Qi Ruijun's birthday... It doesn't matter if the character doesn't appear, just be a child you don't know.jpg
  By the way, the water lotus book was also finished in Sinicization yesterday, and the annual Tianxia Budokai has started again (x), don’t miss it

(End of this chapter)

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