only monsters

Chapter 235 Embarrassment Will Transfer

Chapter 235 Embarrassment Will Transfer

It is worth mentioning that Omer Linton does not lack experience in communicating with the opposite sex.

Although with his hobby of 'human observation' since he was a child, he shouldn't have too many interactions with people, but who made him encounter difficulties in life early?
In orphanages, schools, temporary jobs, and even in front of the counters handling certain businesses, Homa has to use the communication skills he has acquired from countless observations and studies.

And try to figure out the psychology of the other party in order to achieve the goals under different negotiations.

At this moment, Omer has already sensed the immediate crisis, so he sighed, and stretched out his right hand towards Erisuko:
"Can I ask Miss Tayko to reward me with two potions?"

"Yeah, yay, will Mr. Guinea Pig also have such a direct obedience?"

Ari Tachyon's brows and eyes were really bent, and she was a little satisfied. When the two test tubes in her hand were about to be put into Aomer's hands, she raised them slightly: "Aren't you still caring about Mr. Kelly just now?"

"Because I have some work problems and I plan to ask for advice..."

This is not a lie, he also thought about talking to Kelly about the monster card and the secret key he just got, but that was a plan to talk about later.

Right now, it's good to reverse the order to deal with it, and the hesitant appearance can also be used as a clear indication to guide the other party's brain to make up the direction——

——Omer already understood Tachyon's dissatisfaction, but to be honest, even if he understood, he really felt that coffee must be a better drinking choice than medicine.

Unless it was that woman named Mu Hai Xingzi.

Bad enough coffee does make one think about potions.

So don't worry about the topic of what to drink, you might as well talk about other aspects, which is exactly what Omer did.

Ari Tachoko is a very smart racehorse girl, so smart that she can restrain her curiosity, but when it comes to work, she always knows how to avoid what Omer doesn't intend to tell her, just like at this moment, she paused after hearing such words , looked at the hand in front of him.

Then she was stunned, and when she looked at Aomo again, her eyes were a little sharp.

It seems that he wants to see through Omer at a glance.

But even in the face of such gazes, Omer still maintained that earnestness and a little indifference when talking about work.

So she could only put the two tubes of reagents in the palm of Omer, and the dissatisfaction in her eyes was covered by a clear helplessness.

"I won't ask any more questions."

When she said that, she had already turned and walked towards the sofa.

Anger is only temporary, and the foundation is even some groundless comparisons, which can be covered up with some compromise or perfunctory.

Just like she could see the abnormality of Omer's right hand, and then realized that the mercenary work did encounter some problems.

It is somewhat inappropriate to criticize a mercenary who finally came back.

"Have you had dinner yet?"

Sitting down in front of the sofa, just as she thought about it, she heard an even more inappropriate greeting from the other party.

Such speechlessness made her look up at the trainer again. The latter was holding up two test tubes for a look, and then swiping something in the air, obviously operating the terminal.

"Not yet, the mechanical guinea pig and Mr. Xintiao are still waiting for you to solve it together."

new article?Kellyf is indeed from the Far East.

"That's it." Omer simply placed an order for ingredients, which was a luxury he hadn't seen for a long time, and used the supermarket delivery service, "I'll go to the kitchen later to have a look."

As he said that, he was about to walk towards the kitchen, but just after taking two steps, he stopped and asked Miura Bourbon at the side: "Should you still have access control?"

She and Tachyon are both students of Lidongliao. Although the teahouse is in Meipuliao, she can definitely go to live with relatives, and even let Sunday Tranquility find a way-she already owns a luxurious coffee shop in a foreign land. Omer has every reason to suspect that she has other dens on the surface of the boundary gate area.

"There are not many horse girls who are still in the dormitory. Fuji Kistler is also on vacation and has signed a security contract. There is no access control." Tachoko, who was already reclined on the sofa, picked up the remote control and activated the TV screen , the eyes of the blinds reflecting the screen are full of boredom.

After all, the laboratory preparations at the office are not perfect, and she probably doesn't have any experiments that she wants to start immediately.

"Then what time do you plan to go back?" Homa asked while beckoning Miura Bourbon to sit down too.

"Go back? Why do you want to go back," Ari Tsubaki asked in amazement, "Me and the mechanical guinea pig have already made the bed!"

Now it was Omer's turn to stop talking.

It's okay to make the bed, you two are not just waiting for me, you are actually quite busy, right?

Homa turned his head and looked at the Bourbon who sat silently next to Erison, which also made the latter shrink his legs.

The cyber horse girl doesn't care about the eyes just like her trainer, and the result of the eye contact is fruitless.

Even if there is no micro-expression, it means that there is really no change in expression, and even the eyes are still pure blue.

So he could only helplessly say: "...This is an office."

"Can't you live? It's all paved."

"First of all, you need to strengthen your gender awareness, and second, have you talked to your family?"

"My family doesn't care about me at all, and this is the trust we gave you, Mr. Guinea Pig!"

As she spoke, she raised her hand, intending to pat Homa who was standing behind the sofa, but the latter took half a step back, dodging the casual hand, turned to look at Bourbon helplessly, and immediately became serious.

"What about you, Bourbon?"

He was always so serious with the cyber horse girl.

After all, unlike Ari Tashiko, who often rests in the activity room, Miura Bourbon, who is in normal class, is often training time when facing Omer.

Omer in training time is always serious and serious, which is the attitude he should have towards work.

At the same time, although this cyber horse girl is far superior to Tachyon in terms of self-care ability, but in terms of judging things...

Too much reliance on intuition will also lead to deflation. Omer has no doubt that Bourbon will be led by the nose by the tachyon, but the nearest tachyon seems to be influenced by the cyber horse girl, which is not so unexpected. See you on the test bench ! ', so he kept saying nothing.

All in all, Bourbon is more familiar with this stern-faced Master than Tachyon is familiar with, who is too talkative during the rest time. Facing the other party's eyes, he replied without any surprise: "Confirm, tell your parents about Master Record, get permission."

"I'm curious what you said."

"The fussy guinea pig can't grow fat! Do we have to send you a hotel entrustment?" Tachoko, who was already turning his head to watch TV, said impatiently.

Then he muttered softly: "Obviously the new articles have been moved here."

I wasn't sure she was a girl!

Although I thought so, there was really no need to shout it out. Omer could only wave his hands speechlessly: "You two can do whatever you want, I'll go to the kitchen to have a look."

It is said that the cafeteria taught Kelly how to use the coffee machine, but after so long there was no movement, Omer almost thought that there was something wrong with his hearing.

oh hearing...

Omer hesitated whether to call the decoration company to strengthen the sound insulation decoration.

The tea seat is not sure yet, but the two horse girls with excellent hearing and one themselves, after all, they want to give each other some private space.

Even if you don't talk about personal space, you have to consider noise production.

Should I collect rent from those two people?
Homa thought about this matter very seriously, but as he gradually approached the kitchen, he gradually heard two voices muttering:
"Is it broken?"

"should be……"

"Oh, sure enough, I'm still not suitable for such a troublesome drink as coffee."

"...Are you going to give up?"

"Try again, get a cup of coffee before the little snake comes back!"

"But he... has gone home."


"Student Bourbon... sent me a message just now."

"Then I'll attack him right away!"

The sound of snapping slippers sounded immediately, and he strode forward violently and hurriedly, and then a girl with pink hair and red eyes directly broke into his field of vision, and then stood there awkwardly in a daze.

"Assault who?"

He asked with a faint smile, that smile was quite calm, which made the other party feel particularly uncomfortable.

 If it had been broadcast live a few days earlier, the battle in the sculpture hall would have been a huge challenge.

  Let him continue the New Year now

(End of this chapter)

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