only monsters

Chapter 234 Why You Just Don't Want to Believe It!

Chapter 234 Why You Just Don't Want to Believe It!

But at this moment, Texas' brake call interrupted his distraction:
"Linton, is this here?"

The streets in the southern district were full of people coming and going, and many pedestrians turned their attention to the van with the label of Penguin Logistics, probably because they were surprised to see such a logistics vehicle in the bustling commercial street at night.

As the person who once delivered the courier for Kelif with Angel Energy, Texas obviously knew the location of Omer's office.

But the address given by Omer was two streets away from the office. Although she was a little puzzled, she didn't ask any questions.

"That's right, it's time to say goodbye, both of you."

Homa nodded, unbuckled his seat belt, and opened the car door. There was no need to ask the other party to open the trunk. Texas was very considerate. When he greeted him, he had already heard the soft sound of the backup car door lock popping open.

"Don't forget that the doctor advised you not to move around." Mostima saw that he had gone around to the back seat and unloaded the Beta motorcycle from the trunk.

No matter how you look at it, the action of lifting the heavy motorcycle can be regarded as strenuous exercise.

After hearing this, Aumer only said with a subtle expression: "Don't forget that you are still wrapped in bandages."

If you want to pretend to be sick, you should pretend to be decent and show your acting skills.

In this regard, the mummy raised his hand as an 'OK'.

"See you next time." Texas also waved his hand through the open car window as a farewell.

It seems to be a little hotter.

This reminded Omer of the visiting group he met before leaving Rhodes Island.

A visiting team composed of Skadi, Urbian, Ghost Shark, Gloria, The Undertaker, Laplande, Nian, Xi and other combat participants.

The first few deep-sea hunters didn't have much use for their internal diss, even if they were paralyzed by Sakota. Anyway, they didn't put on the posture of 'let's kill randomly'.

And not all came to see Omer, after all, there were three people lying in that ward.

But they all thanked Omer.

Some are straightforward, some are riddles, referring specifically to a certain deep-sea hunter, and some are provocative, referring to a certain white-haired wolf girl who said 'I remember this time, and I will come to you next time I encounter something interesting'.

Laplande probably had a chat with Texas. Although the gesture of saying goodbye just now was a bit simple, it was obviously a greeting to a friend in terms of Miss Cherenina's temperament.

It can be considered that the alternative has achieved its original intention, although it has not been able to get along well with Angel Neng—is it necessary to do something special with that jumping red-haired angel to get along well?
Isn't it her enthusiasm that makes herself feel tired?
Under the amazed eyes of passers-by, Homa, who had a plaster cast on his right hand, pushed the conspicuous heavy locomotive along the side of the road without any pressure.

As I was doing the review in my heart, I felt that I should take off the plaster cast.

No matter how you think about it, it is a bit too personal to meet netizens with the posture of a disabled person.


As I mentioned before, Omer's office is quite remote.

It is not directly standing on the commercial street, but a more classic facade in the alley.

In this kind of place, Texas vans really can't drive in, and the alley is the limit.

But such an alley is enough for Homa to approach with a locomotive.

The plaster cast on his right hand had been removed, and it was thrown into a roadside trash can along with the fixed bandage.

Seeing the light of day again, the arms that did not show the characteristic 'shrinking' characteristic of newborn limbs were directly white from the skin color.

There is indeed an obvious sense of incongruity, whether it is the rhythm of the five fingers or the feeling of clenched fists, there is a bit of awkwardness.

But at least not too dull.

That's good, Omer has the confidence to cover up well.

A fallen angel needs to pretend to be sick, but he needs to pretend nothing happened.

Although the netizen had actually seen his own tragic war damage on the live broadcast, that netizen was also from the city of Tianmen, which gave Omer some time to play.

In terms of medical resources and technology, Jiemen District is not worthy of being compared with Tianmen City, although orthopedics and neurology are particularly developed here because of the culture related to horse racing girls.

However, the medical treatment of Tianmen City is a high-end version of Jiemen District.

——Jiemen District was selected for medical specialization by the Saima Niang culture.

——The city of Tianmen was fully specialized by the traverser incident related to Tianmen!

That is the city of Tianmen where there are new invasions and conflicts of traversers every day. Of course, it has also achieved the convergence and development of countless medical technologies in different worlds.

Rhode Island Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. also has a large branch in Tianmen City. The reason why the headquarters is located in Jiemen District is not only the need for entrepreneurship, but also because the medical industry in Tianmen City is too busy. .

In the period when it was necessary to study ore disease data, the Rhodes Island Company naturally attached great importance to the development of Tianmen City and the exchange of medical technology.

However, after breakthroughs in ore disease data and even a definitive cure plan, the focus needs to be shifted to company development and cooperation between the two worlds, and the city of Tianmen is no longer suitable for Rhodes Island.

But that's going too far.

All in all, Homa's situation can only be regarded as a minor injury in Tianmen City, and Kailifu, who is resident in Tianmen City, should not reverse his common sense so quickly.

so no problem...

Homa thought so, pushing the cart and approaching his brand new office after renovation, which was incompatible with other facades around the alley from the outside.

As the distance gets closer, it is inevitable, and I start to imagine what netizens will look like.

And when he thought of this, he couldn't help but think of the profile when he helped the other party put the luggage.

This made him a little uneasy again.

He is rarely so anxious. The last time he was notified by the police station to collect the body, and the last time he was going to the college entrance examination room, both were big events for him.

A netizen who has known each other for many years, and his friendship is even better than the intersection of reality, when he really wants to meet or even get along with him for a long time, he will naturally appear uneasy, especially when the previous profile direction also shows that the other party is feminine in hobbies and behavior habits.

It can't really... be a woman, right?

Press the button to unlock the garage. After parking the motorcycle, walk to the main entrance. After being verified by the housing system, Omer pushed the door and entered. The first thing he saw was a familiar figure standing at the door.

"Good evening, Master."


The anxious space was filled with astonishment, and Aomer, who was staring at the blue eyes, nodded slightly stiffly: "Good evening, why are you here?"

"What do you mean why are you here? Can't the racehorse girl care about the loss of the trainer?"

Another familiar voice came from above, causing Homa to look up at the brunette horse girl leaning against the fence on the second floor.

"I guessed that you would come back here. It just so happened that Mr. Kelly also contacted me."

After saying that, Ari Tachoko turned over and jumped from the second floor, which made Aomo subconsciously shout to be careful, but he just hesitated to speak and saw the other party landed firmly.

Not to mention the rehabilitation training, at least Tachyko's physical fitness should be brought back to the right track.

But this is also somewhat oppressive on the floor-but Omer didn't choose to lay the floor at all in order to save money.

That's all right, carpet, come on!

"How are you, guinea pig, I specially brought two nutrient supplements to speed up wound recovery," the brown-haired Ma Niang took out two test tubes sealed with wooden corks from the pocket of her white coat, smiling coldly. Lie, "The debut match hasn't even started yet, so I can't compete with Ma Niang and fall first~"

Uh... this is angry.

Did Keliff reveal his injuries?
No, if this is the case, then the test tubes brought should not be any nutritional supplements, at least not to speed up the recovery after the wound, but to supplement calcium and the like.

So... it's just because the previous news was too late?
"..." Omer raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, and instead of picking up the two nutrient solutions, he asked, "Where's Keliff?"

Instead of apologizing immediately, he has a plan, the effect will be more intuitive, and kill two birds with one stone, and that is to ask this.

Unlike the two racehorse girls, Keliffe is aware of his specific injuries. Whether it is the pre-ventilation of the subsequent exchanges, or shifting the focus to draw the other party's attention, it should be asked at this moment.

but why……

Tachyon's sneer seemed to be more obvious.

"Keliff? She is asking the cafeteria to teach her how to use the coffee machine. Are you impatient to drink there?"

"Of course not. First of all, I didn't know he was making coffee, and secondly, about medicine...?" Amo was stunned suddenly.

"You mean her?"

Tachyon didn't use Dongyan at all. Although it's already summer vacation, the communication habits in Treyson College's extreme oriental environment haven't changed yet.

'かれ' (he) and 'かのじょ' (she).

After all, it is different.

(End of this chapter)

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