only monsters

Chapter 1038 NO162: Damn it, don’t you all have to go to work! ?

Chapter 1038 NO.162: Damn it, don’t you all have to go to work! ?

The bond between people is of course mutual.

Just as a friendship often requires mutual maintenance, family ties are not only maintained by blood ties, but also by mutual dedication of getting along day and night.

It's just that more often than not, you can't be sure whether it's all your wishful thinking.

Especially love that is driven by hormones and dopamine.

The encounter between I like you and you like me appears more in abstract ghost videos than in fact.

Love is the most variable emotion because it is often not pure.

That is not just the effect of hormones, but often the transfer of emotions.

Just like the so-called orientation mentioned by the world, the most common sayings such as the father controlling the mother, the uncle controlling the sister, etc., are all mixed with other longings in love.

The lack of parent-child love, the compensation for sadistic desires, the satisfaction of shame and self-deception...these abnormalities that have been buried deep in the heart unconsciously not only interfere with lust, but may also become increasingly apparent in daily life.

But when it comes to that, the proportion of 'love' should be easily overshadowed by 'desire', and should appear clear and distinct without being confused, so there is no need to study it in detail.

Difficulty can only be reflected in contact.

But this still did not prevent him from asking again:

"Well," Texas admitted frankly, "according to Croissant's calculation, he should give me an answer today."

"Feel sorry…"

But he will still be led by that strangeness.

"Just from your perspective, this situation is quite unusual. Is it because of Linton?"

Even if reason keeps warning that those mental activities are unnecessary, even if it is clear what the most efficient action should be at the moment.

"It should be certain," Iss said calmly, "because I have dealt with the return applications of several old faces in the past few days."

"I think so. I really didn't expect that she could still be useful in this kind of thing."

There are more men and women in this world who are still confused by feelings with little or no impurities.

"No need to apologize, you don't need to apologize," the masked man with white feathers and black face said helplessly while staring at the screen and sliding the mouse. "This small problem is not as troublesome as the normal mistakes of other employees."

But the director is still in the world on the other side of his hometown.

When there were three work mistakes in just one morning, Penguin Logistics' logistics supervisor, Iss, inevitably gave advice to this representative who had been awarded as an outstanding employee for several consecutive years.

Looking at today's work schedules for Angel and Croissant, they are also in the district. The only one missing from this lineup is the young master of the Peters family who has been an intern in the company.

"It's true that I'm not sure, but I'm still a little nervous..."

The so-called intelligence, the so-called rationality always shines before and after contact.

"You should probably just take some time off, Texas."

Even Chelenina Texan, who always acted cleanly and acted neatly, was taciturn but perfect and appropriate, and therefore always appeared concise and capable, was no exception.

Mostima, who was originally outside the Jiemen District, and even Kong, who was in the Tianmen City, were applying to be transferred back to the Jiemen District, and the dates were all today...

This was not just a scene. The small mistake Chelenina had just made had been eliminated in a few clicks of his mouse. Such a simple numbering problem was much easier to deal with than the armed conflict caused by Envoy.

Even if Fengchi Logistics is also interested in this area, the logistics map of Jiemen District will be difficult to change in a few years.

The success created by Penguin Logistics’ style and Rhode Island’s support is truly difficult to replicate.

But even if you don't consider him, everything is completely together here.

There is no need to go into details about a certain penguin that usually spends its free time jumping around, but always appears in the headquarters at the right time.

But it is precisely in the moment of such an obvious gathering of onlookers that the normal work of Texas seems so fragmented.

Yis even hesitated for a moment, wondering if his tacit judgment was wrong.

And such fluctuations were smoothed out by several small mistakes made by the model employee.

I didn't participate in the girls' conversation at all, but I also understood the situation and was willing to go along with it.

His impression of Linton was pretty good.

A new colleague who is polite, friendly, and talkative can slightly balance the gender ratio in the company's core circle, and can even serve as a mouthpiece for insulting the boss (x).

The only problem is that it seems to be a lot of trouble and the work is not very frequent.

Can't share some work for myself.

"They..." Texas turned to look at the office exit.

At first glance, no one was there, only the door and potted plants, but beside the door, the halos and rabbit ears of certain people were very conspicuous, showing a tacit understanding of collective heads shrinking for a moment.

It also brought a helpless smile to her face.

"Anyway..." She turned around and pondered for a moment, "I'd better ask for a leave."

"That's it. You've saved a lot of vacation time..." Is nodded, but saw that the other person's smile became more subtle, "What's wrong?"

"The idea of ​​saving up a lot of vacation time also applies to you."

"That will only happen if the Boss is willing to let go."

Iss sighed and finished typing out the Texas leave note, then pulled out the quickly printed list and handed it to her.

"You can show this list to the field department, or you can ignore it."

No one in the company could blame Texas for his absence anyway. "I can let you know later."

"No, I'm free now anyway, let me go," Texas smiled after taking the order, "Then I'll leave first?"

"Go ahead and wish you good luck."


Chelenina, who did not expect that the other party would say such a thing, was stunned, and then thanked her. After seeing the other party nodding towards the screen, she turned and left, taking off the work badge hanging on her chest.

The pair of wolf ears on the top of his head swayed slightly, and he could already hear the scattered footsteps outside the door.

"Angel capable." She walked out of the door and saw the most obvious red-haired angel packing things on the table not far away.

After hearing his call at this moment, he tried to pretend that he had just been called:

"What's wrong? Texas."

"Have you asked for leave?"


"If you want to follow me secretly later, it's better to ask for leave."

"Ah? What did you say?!" Lemuel was stunned.

No matter what detours or circles, once a decision is made, Chelenina will be as sharp and straight as her double blades.

"Although I think it would be better if there were fewer people, you wouldn't listen, right?"

"Well, you can't say that..." Lemuel glanced at the hiding place not far away where Lapland, whose tail was painted white and made like some kind of body paint, was hiding.

"Should only Lapland ignore this?"

"Hey, what do you mean!" The owner of the white-grey tail jumped out immediately.

"Just tell me whether you will follow later!"

"Of course I have to follow!" Lapland said plausibly, and immediately met Chelenina's cold gaze, shrinking his neck subconsciously. The picture of his miserable tail was still vivid in his mind, whether it was Texas or a red wolf. They are all lifelong enemies.

Thinking of this, she stiffened her neck and grinned: "What's wrong! Is there something shameful?"

The gaze between the two lasted for several seconds. When Ai Doulu, who was hiding behind the green plants, and the fallen angel squatting by the table felt the stagnant atmosphere - they heard Chelenina sigh.

"It's up to you. It's rare to get together. If he doesn't respond, let's go explore the city together."

"Eh?" Angel Neng was stunned for a moment, then quickly realized, "Why are you so pessimistic!"

"Ah, I know this," Lapland folded his arms and said proudly, "Don't listen to her seeming to confess her confession very straightforwardly, but this guy actually often thinks about running away. After all, she is new to falling in love - hello , very dangerous!”

"Shut up." Chelenina sheathed her sword coldly.

But at this moment, a sudden notification made her cold face waver, and several other people walked out of their 'bunkers' to gather, and then looked at Dirk, who had distanced himself from everyone and took out his mobile phone. Sars.

"That sound is the notification tone of the chat software, right?" Angel Neng said.

"I turned it off because it was too noisy," Kong nodded, "but I have set special attention for everyone, and the messages are all prompted."

"Then it seems he is the one," Lapland grinned, "Besides you, who else can Texas set up something like that?"

"But I'm really curious when she started."

They still wanted to discuss it, but saw that Texas had already walked back. Before he could ask any questions, she spoke first:

"He asked me to meet him at six o'clock in the afternoon."

"So late? Have dinner directly?" Angel Neng was a little confused.

"Oh, could it be something like a candlelight dinner?" Sora, who had read many comics and heard a lot of gossip, made her final judgment.

"Waiting until that late, if it's him, it shouldn't be bad news."

Rather than making judgments or not, Mostema thought he understood Omer quite well.

Everyone is pretty straightforward, so if you really want to refuse, you shouldn’t be procrastinating.

"Ha! If that's the case, Texas, how far are you going to go?" Lapland grinned, as if he was planning to speak in a pornographic tone that suited the characteristics of a gangster.

In the days when we could fight each other simply and directly, there were many exchanges where we could take advantage of each other verbally, and when we were in a hurry, we would even use some vulgar insults, but the result was that the other party was always unmoved.

But now, there may be a big difference.

After all, this guy showed such a feminine expression the day before yesterday.

But before she could say anything, the other party answered the capable angel's doubts:

"He said he had something to work overtime on and would talk about it later."

"Huh?" Lapland's train of thought was interrupted.

And it wasn't just her, the expressions of the others were not much better. The stewardess looked almost down. It was impossible to imagine how there could be such a man.

And in this silence, it was Mostima who was the first to laugh out loud.

"That's his style."

The person involved also nodded.


(End of this chapter)

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