only monsters

Chapter 1037 NO.161 Remember the 4-word mantra

Chapter 1037 NO.161: Remember the four-character mantra

Although the heat radiation and aura of an extra person around him are very obvious to a demon who is sensitive due to nervousness.

But with the help of a touch of fantasy, Homa was still able to fall asleep.

And the sleep was very good.

What's even more worth mentioning is that there were orders to visit in dreams for several nights in a row, but unexpectedly they didn't come this time.

Or perhaps because she didn't have control over the stage, Omer had an ordinary dream for the first time in a long time.

I dreamed that I became a fisherman. I fished for a long time with a small wooden boat and a small fishing rod, but no fish came out. I could only watch the fish swaying and circling on the sea. I angrily picked up the small harpoon on the boat, and stirred up hundreds of fish with one harpoon. fish.

Then the sharks were alarmed.

But the shark was useless, he lifted it up again, followed by the menacing whale, and then the giant squid rushed out to break up the fight.

But they were all struck down by him with the whaling harpoon that he didn't know when he had upgraded. Then, two-headed sharks, three-headed sharks, four-headed sharks, and deadly five-headed sharks attacked.

He had a hard time handling it, but he still won!

What responded to him was the pause of the hands, followed by a confused female voice.

The soft but strong restraint was completely unable to break free, and he was dragged and kept sinking until his eyes widened in reality and he saw the faint morning light in the gap between the curtains.

But that hand was extremely active, placing it on his chest and compressing his chest muscles as if he was trying to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

But this time he was exhausted and could only be extremely angry and extremely angry.

It’s not over yet!

It stands to reason that the arm resting underneath will not feel very good. Being pressed heavily by the side of the body can easily lead to poor blood circulation and make you feel sore and weak.

"Miss Shinjo, do you still remember the first of the three chapters of the agreement last night?" he asked.

In contrast, the hand on the abdomen also snakes around the shirt trying to draw a map around the abdominal muscles.

"Little snake, are you awake? What time is it now?"

"Hmm...Why am I holding the little snake? Maybe I'm using the little snake as a pillow!"

Only the hands that crossed the waist and rested on the abdomen and chest were still pressing.

But it was obviously impossible for the other party to turn over. She even had her hands clamped on Omer's body when he was sleeping on his side.

"Miss Shinjo?" He spoke solemnly, but no one in the quiet bedroom responded.

"Do you want to say that these two hands are sleepwalking? Don't you feel hard using me as a pillow...?" He paused strangely at the end of his words, because the two hands surrounding his body suddenly connected, and there was also a sound coming from behind. An intuitive sense of oppression.

Finally, the giant sea snake-like Manda attacked, easily smashing his boat, and causing him to be caught downward by the current. When he struggled hard, he was caught by the end of the tentacles of the eight-claw shark that came for revenge. .

I even felt the extension of the bondage in the dream.

So he raised his voice slightly: "Miss Akane?"

"You act as if you just woke up." Omer's mood seemed to be very stable.

He felt angry.

"Hmm..." A mumble that seemed to be unconscious came from his ears, reminding Omer of those classmates in junior high school who would change sides while lying on the table while taking a nap, and they were mumbling the same vague and broken things.

Well, the pressure, the physical pressure coming through the thin shirt, was too vivid and too detailed, and it was not very friendly to Omo, who had too much imagination.

In order to restore the label of the work to all ages as soon as possible, he chose to focus on the normal operation and activation of the terminal light screen.

Then as soon as I activated it, I saw an embarrassing pop-up window:

【Small! Heart! female! people! 】

u1s1, the bird is real.

If you are not careful, you may be dragged into the quagmire of thousands of words of content that need to be skipped in works for all ages, delaying breakfast and going to work.

[Sorry for taking over the fan publication]

You're welcome, you've come to visit me. What's there to say? It's not your childhood self who insists on provoking Ai Zhi.

As soon as he looked back at that memory, all he could think of was: 'Hey, you kid! 'feelings.

When I recalled my childhood, I thought I was a model and well-behaved child, but now it has become a childhood filter.

Are there no little angels in this world who are truly worry-free?

[Omo...confirmed the status, detected abnormal particle disturbance, are you okay? 】

The new news from the 'New Universe' notes made him feel a little relieved.

Well, I still have it, but it’s not convenient to go back now.

"It's really hard, but the little snake is like a heater. It feels better if it's colder." The voice that was only in the back before now sounded in the ears with a warm and moist breath.

"My current normal body temperature is 40°..."

Omo, who was still unmoved in the face of ASMR, said that he was suddenly pulled over by Ben who was still hugging him.

Then he saw Akane in pajamas looking down at him.

There was a slight blush on his face.

But more conspicuous than the blush were the dark circles on his face.

Sure enough, she didn't fall asleep at all... She even apparently suffered from insomnia.

But Omer did not point this out, and just asked expressionlessly:

"what are you doing?"

When he was about to lose his strength, keeping an expressionless face was the only option. Fortunately, Miss Akane had no plans to be late and didn't do anything extraordinary. She just leaned her head towards his chest.

"Make sure the little snake's heartbeat is very nervous. Well, it's beating very fast." She raised her head and smiled.

"The normal heartbeat of my race is faster than that of humans," Omer habitually explained the report he heard from the infirmary, and then said calmly, "But I am really nervous now."

"You keep ignoring me and rejecting me like this. I almost feel like I have no charm for little snakes anymore." The girl looked down at him and pouted. "No, it's just not the right time." He raised his hand and touched the girl's face and said, then stood up.

"But it's not your fault. A lot of things have happened in the past few days. There is really no good time. Even now, I have to say something to offend the atmosphere at this time."

"You're not going to rush me to class immediately, are you?" Qian had already picked up a pillow and was eager to throw it at Omer.

But he said, "No."

Just when she was about to let it go, she heard him say:

"But what I want to say is about Chelenina."


Twelve minutes later, kitchen.

"Good morning, Omer, did you have a good sleep last night? What's wrong with your face?"

After receiving the good morning greeting from Omer, he was surprised to see the red mark on his face.

It's not a palm print, but it looks like... a footprint?

And it's the sole of a human foot... Ling couldn't help but have a subtle expression, reminding him of his colleagues who often discuss weird hobbies in the company forum.

"It made Akane angry."

Then I got the same screen treatment as the TV version.

She prefers feet to hands. Is there any possibility that Miss Akane is a horse racing girl?

"Oh, have you finally slept together?" Ling Mingming handed over his hand, "My absence this time is just the right time... But is now the right time to say congratulations?"

She asked subtly, staring at the already faint red mark on Omer's face.

"Okay. After all, I have completed the necessary conversation and solved a hidden danger. I accept your congratulations." The young man who was fishing for fried eggs smiled faintly and then asked her, "On your side, is it? What happened?"

I've been here to sign in these past few days, so I should be a little confused if I don't see you today.

"Did your manager finally catch you?"

"Haha, on the contrary, she needs my help."

"Sounds rare."

"That's true. My sister usually looks self-sufficient and is not particularly good at anything. But this time, she is in charge of the sisters."



"That's really offensive."

"It doesn't matter. It's not a family scandal that cannot be publicized. To put it bluntly, I have a sister who wanted to stay up late to draw last night, but she was caught."

"Miss Xi?"

Ling's sister, drawing a picture, Omer could instantly picture the black-haired woman who had briefly cooperated with him in the original rescue operation.

After that, there was no other interaction, and after being ordered to mention him, he and Miss Nian seemed to deliberately avoid him.

But painting or something at's hard not to think of the person from last night.

"That's right, she's not used to sleeping. It used to be excusable, but now it's a habit. And my nagging little sister can't stand it."

"Do I need your help?" Omer was wondering as he was decorating the dishes.

"Of course, after all, there is nothing she can do if Xiao Xi hides in the painting."

"So that's it, the length of the family has great magical powers."

"Yes, after I helped her, I got immunity from nagging! Now I feel much freer."

"Miss Ling is free and at ease."

"That's good. Let's drink to freedom?"

"Okay, but just one cup."

"It's easy to say. When have I ever advised you to drink more?"

"Many times in your dream?"

"Oh? You should have no memory, right?"

"It's precisely because I have no memory that I made such a guess. It doesn't seem wrong."

"That's still wrong. After all, I didn't force you to drink." Taking the wine glass handed back by Omer, Ling raised his hand and disappeared. "But I still won't talk about it. I heard that you were called Cherie. Nina’s girl is pursuing you? Do you want to respond today?”

"You came here early in the morning to see the excitement?"

"I can't say that. I still want to explain it because of my absence this time."

"Is it necessary? There's obviously no appointment."

"That's true, but you still care about curiosity, don't you?"



"So it's necessary to explain. Sure enough, I'm not the only one who feels this way. Ha, it's time to make it clear again!"

"You can drink it yourself. I don't want to serve it to the table or go to school with the smell of alcohol."

"That's the reason. In that case, I'll just go and enjoy myself first."

(End of this chapter)

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