only monsters

Chapter 1028 NO152 You have to remember why you canceled the test

Chapter 1028 NO.152: You have to remember why you canceled the test

In the Holy Terra Federation, even the education that most people received in their youth was to look at things dialectically.

However, during prenatal education and childhood, most people’s understanding of gods is simple and rigid.

——Endowed with great power and nobility.

Maybe they have seven emotions and six desires, or they treat everyone equally.

After all, the Holy Federation of Terra allows legal faiths to coexist, and many gods contributed when the regime was first established, and their positive propaganda is also indispensable.

Just that propaganda, that is, the extent of universal basic education.

By the time you reach middle school or high school, certain gods will appear frequently in subjects such as science, history, and energy.

——Not only the form of existence, but also the process and development, and even the evolution of religion will be mentioned in a relatively comprehensive manner. How to recognize the gods will be people's own business.

But even so, there are some gods whose public images and expressions of faith remain completely unchanged.

This type of god either has a very partial vocation and positioning, or does not care about belief and inheritance at all, or his belief foundation is solid enough and has a long inheritance.

There is no established authority or responsibility, and it does not pursue many believers. It just guides the integration of the souls of horse racing and humans equally, allows the birth of horse racing girls, gives them blessings, and tries to constantly recreate those figures galloping on the earth.

The college reform that Akikawa Yayoi promised them has been mostly completed. Although both the facilities and the people are very different from those days, the scenery and atmosphere here have returned to the fulfilling and beautiful time of those years. .

But Dali Arabia is not an old rice dumpling who has been sleeping for thousands of years.

It also allowed her to spend less time surfing the Internet in her small home recently, freeing up more time to watch the training and life of racing girls.

She often stayed in the back hills of Central Teresin, because this was everyone's first home.

——I don’t care whether these beings who are like my chosen ones believe in me or not.

The three goddesses each have their own interests and hobbies, and they are scattered around every day for three days. Occasionally they get together to chat about their current situation, and live like ordinary enthusiastic netizens.

Among them, the three goddesses undoubtedly have some exposure to all three categories.

As a long-lived being who rarely needs sleep to pass the time, she has been watching the development of history. Many times when the reform of the competition required the presence of the three goddesses, she often appeared on behalf of the two compatriots.

Even the current Treson made her feel familiar everywhere.

The small abandoned shrine is also the first shrine of the three goddesses in this world.

It cannot be said that there is no coach, but the theoretical tower has not yet been established. When the so-called racing coach encounters this racing girl who is very different from ordinary people, he will often make jokes that reduce trust.


Although she has no faith or belief, many past events that happened here made her feel nostalgic and relaxed.

After all, in those days when the rules were not yet perfect, girls' running relied solely on their natural instincts.

Such gods indeed live a free and easy life, especially when technology develops to a certain extent and the three AI goddesses are born, which also means that they can take off part of their 'work'... then life will be even more free and easy.

If we had to compare it with the scenery in my memory, the grown men and women leading the girls were indeed a new scenery.

Naturally, she also takes note of the breeders who help the children run faster and stronger.

Among them, Dali Arabia is undoubtedly the most nostalgic.

This is not only a thank you to him/them, but also because the goddesses have actually seen too many emotional entanglements between racing girls and trainers.

But since we are watching the training and life of the horse racing girl, it is inevitable that the existence of the horse racing girl and the horse racing girl will appear in our field of vision and complement each other.

Of course, although there are many myths about gods interfering in the emotional affairs of mortals in this world, the three goddesses are not idle to that extent.

It's just an insurance to avoid serious incidents. Once you notice it, you will pay more attention to it.

After all, the minds of adolescent girls are not mature, not to mention that participating in major competitive events is a test of the spirit, and the emotions at this stage often lead to extremes.

On this basis, the three goddesses' focus on this aspect is more to protect the trainers. Because many people have overlooked one fact, that is, as the competition becomes more and more involved today, the cultivation of horse racing girls itself has taken on the nature of source energy cultivation.

From the moment they embark on their careers, racehorse girls have been moving towards the realm of sublime beings, strengthening their bodies through training and honing their energy through practice - this is already entering the realm of sports comic protagonists involving extraordinary powers.

And unlike those cartoons where the racehorses fight to the death and end up being pretty ordinary people, the reality is that the more complete the training of a racehorse girl is, the more amazing the various physical qualities of a racehorse girl will be.

Of course, this cannot actually be compared with the path of spiritual practice that specializes in combat abilities. After all, the training of horse racing girls is to serve the race, just like many sports comics, even if they add various fantasy abilities, they still serve that competitive event.

There are specialties in the art, and if someone who is purely running meets someone who is really killing someone, both their skills and mentality will be at a disadvantage.

But even so, how many of those busy trainers have devoted themselves to practice?

How many of them can take practice into consideration at the same time?

Trainers are never idle, and they are not what most people think of: just standing on the side and pointing fingers.

It is also in this situation that even if you are already practicing energy cultivation, or are a sublimator on the path of prosthetic body transformation, and change careers midway to become a trainer, if you do not concentrate on improving yourself during the training process - you will still Perhaps in terms of pure violence, he was outshone by his responsibility.

This is very dangerous.

Rather, it's quite dangerous.

Adults may still be able to expect self-control, but if those who master violence are immature minors...

So far, there has not been much negative news in the field of horse racing, and there have not been many denunciations against horse racing girls. This is also due to various regulatory efforts.

Whether it is the rule of full-time living on campus advocated by all Tresons, or the psychological education classes of the university department, or the multi-faceted supervision of associations, student unions, and even the three goddesses of AI.

All in order to avoid that bad situation from happening.

Even so, such incidents are still frequently brought to the table of the student union, and at least they can be properly handled to minimize public opinion issues.

After all, there are many source energy training academies in this world that are open to young people.

Although each has a complete set of legal management, the use of force to suppress the ban is still unavoidable.

In the statistics of criminal cases in various cities of the Holy Terra Federation, the number of injuries and homicides committed by minors is considered to be 8%. The number may seem small, but if the base number is in the tens of thousands, it would be another matter.

It was already to the point where Beatrix would inevitably complain during the few online chats she had with Homais.

As for the discomfort of her best friends when they heard that she and Omo were talking about such things, that was another matter.

All in all, with this premise, Dali Arab will also select some trainers that he cares about, click "Special Attention", and then keep an eye on the trainers and their girls.

But to be honest, Trainer Linton's team is not among them.

After all, being a trainer is so exciting.

Dali Arabia would be happy to see Omer deflated, but not if he looked like an old god.

It's a pity that Omer in Dali Arab's eyes looks like that most of the time.

Unlock, unblock!

The head goddess doesn't want to see such an irritating anchor at all, but obviously there are always exceptions.

When the two girls entered the sanctuary of the goddess, even before they reached the torii gate halfway up the mountain, Dali Arab's ears pricked up.

The three goddesses can hear the prayers of the racehorse girl, but compared to their abilities of clairvoyance and wind ears, their special focus is more on making their clones manifest nearby.

But we're already at the door. Why don't you go and listen in person?

As a professional melon eater, Dali Arabia dares to make a judgment just after hearing the first sentence!

Special attention, start!

While it is activated, God’s reserve and majesty must still be maintained, and you must be careful when eating melons!

Therefore, in order to prevent others from seeing the goddess hanging on a tree and eavesdropping on conversations, her barrier setting was not unthoughtful.

Covering the body, blocking the sound, psychological suggestion - such a comprehensive voyeurism standard, who can see through it! Who else can notice it? !

At this time, a handsome guy with a burning head was passing by dragging an iron coffin.jpg

(End of this chapter)

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