only monsters

Chapter 1027 NO151: The Way of the Madman

Chapter 1027 NO.151: The Way of the Madman

"Speak of it, Mr. Ji Ling."

"Huh? What's wrong? Tachyon-senpai?"

"I've always wanted to ask you a question, but it might be more direct and offensive. Do you think I should ask it?"

"Well, since Kallen is the person involved, then Kallen can only say that since she is hesitant, it means it is not a good question and it is best not to ask it."

"Ahaha! But I thought it didn't matter, so I asked directly, shouldn't you hate Guinea Pig-kun?"

"..." The real wit was choked speechless by the first half of her attitude. After hearing the second half of the sentence, he couldn't help but look back, "Did my brother say something to you...? It doesn't seem like that."

The entrance to the training ground leading to the grove is also the edge of many students and alumni from the training ground.

Zhen Ji Ling stopped here, and at the end of the sentence, he was sure that he got the answer from Arisuko's reaction.

Arisuko, on the other hand, grinned as if she didn't care that she was being observed and speculated.

"So it turns out?"

At this point, she and her trainer are the same, and no one can tell who is the other.

Just like Omo was once surprised by Zhen Ji Ling's high degree of completion, Ari Taoko also felt that this junior high school girl's behavior was really 'abnormal'.

Arisuko took a step forward, walked into the shadows cast by the intertwined leaves of the forest, and then looked back:

"I just relied on my observation and judgment of you to conclude that guys like Mr. Guinea Pig should be the person you hate the most."

Along with the words, the dark red under the pair of gratings seemed to glow slightly in the gloom.

Even though she was equally familiar with human nature and willing to take advantage of it, she couldn't do this at the age of junior high school.

"Oh? Why?"

"It's just like what he originally guessed."

"Hmm~~ Is it because you have been working for your brother for a long time, and you have started to think the same way as him? Tachyon-senpai~?"

At this point, Zhen Ji Ling admitted generously: "Yes, if I were born with this personality and this ability, I would definitely hate my brother very much."


"Actually, Tako-senpai, I'm jealous of you?"

"Of course not. I haven't gone out of my way to check. Besides, I don't actually know why you would be willing to recognize him as your brother."

But in the eyes of Zhenji Ling at this moment, the similarity between the two people is even further.

The autumn wind was silent as they looked at each other, playing with the leaves in the woods, and even pulled a few off and floated past them.

After spending too much time with that man, she had become accustomed to receiving similar looks that would have made her very annoying.

Being stared at by such eyes, others will inevitably feel a little palpitated, and Arisuko's usual notoriety also adds to this impression.

"The same at the beginning? No, no, no," Tako smiled and shook her index finger, then raised her hands slightly forward, as if she was showing off herself, and also seemed to be imitating a certain Kamen Rider, calm and confident, "I have always been In this way, in my eyes, you are incredibly similar to Mr. Guinea Pig."

"Because you and your brother are the same kind of people, because you are already like this without my brother's interference."

At this point, both of them were more honest with each other than before.

"That's what I'm saying. I don't want to be Guinea Pig-kun's sister. It's disgusting." Arisuko, who no longer tried to hide her words, spoke unscrupulously.

Zhen Ji Ling didn't care about the other party's words that also insulted her. She just still stood in the sun, her purple eyes looking straight at the eyes that were emitting a faint red light.

"So I also want to ask, why don't you hate my brother?" ————

"Wow, these kids around Linton are quite exciting."

"Dally, this is not good..."

Dozens of meters away, high up in the forest, Dali Arab sitting on a branch was screaming strangely.

Next to her, Godolphin Arabia was particularly embarrassed. She really hoped that Bayer Turkey, who always insisted on discipline, could pull him aside.

"What's wrong? The goddess wants to focus on all the racing girls and cheer for them!! Bayer, don't you think it's interesting that this guy Omo is involved in this matter?"

"Really? If it's such an interesting thing, why don't you let me listen to it?"


Suddenly, a gloomy and heavy voice came from the side, almost frightening the head of the three goddesses to fall.

Of course, it's not just the sound, just turning around to see the devil's face at an extremely close range is enough to give an ordinary person a heart attack.

"How did you find out!? I clearly set up a barrier!!"

"Indeed, there was a sound all the way while I was dragging the coffin, but the sound stopped when I passed by here. Do you have any clues?"


"Who said I don't hate him?" Seeing the astonishment on the other person's face, Tako's smile became even stronger, "He is the first guy in this world that I can hate so much. Of course, now you are the second Well, you should be proud, it shows that you really learned something."

"..." Zhenji Ling looked at her silently, as if she hadn't recovered yet.

But Suzi walked out of the shade of the tree without caring, stood next to her and patted her shoulder: "You shouldn't understand, right? You should understand the most, right?"

"When you look at a person, you don't just have one mood. Some people can make you extremely disgusted, but they are indispensable." Facing Zhen Ji Ling's eyes that were still incomprehensible, her smile was unbridled, and even more A bit arrogant and domineering.

There is still a real intelligence in the eyes, hoping that I have seen it wrong, a dangerous gleam.

"This is exactly the kind of challenge that makes you believe that it will push you to the limit sooner or later. At this time, you will gain both an extreme opponent and an extreme friend."

"Do you think it's extreme? I can see the confusion in your eyes, which makes me feel sorry, Mr. Ji Ling, maybe I'm a little anxious, and I actually expected to get a new challenge from a junior high school student.

"Being able to tolerate disgust and joy, and even love and hate, this is an essence that cannot be learned through study alone, Mr. Ji Ling."

Tachyon smiled, stepped backwards, and stepped into the shade of the trees again. The dark red under the grating also flickered in the shadows again.

"That's what you should really be jealous of."

"Don't think about the past, and don't think about relying on the power of irrelevant others. Whether as a woman or as a horse racing girl, you are living too comfortably, don't you think?"

"You are very talented and many people like you."

"Is it because of this that it didn't allow you to get the one that really allows you to get close to Guinea Pig-kun's essence?"

"Think carefully——"

Before she could finish saying "Think about it," Tako suddenly felt her pocket tighten, and was shocked to see the monster card box that she had put in her sportswear pocket flying upward diagonally in the distance.

The next second, a loud noise was heard in the distance, startling the birds, and at the same time, there was an unusually loud but unfamiliar curse:

"Can't I admit my mistake this time? Omer Linton! Don't bully others too much!"

"Seeing is worth hearing a hundred times. Is this the goddess's attitude of admitting defeat?"

(End of this chapter)

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