pearl gem

Chapter 365 They went to the stadium by car and forgot me as the head coach

Chapter 365 They went to the stadium by car and forgot me as the head coach
She was about to see the faces of those "ghosts" clearly, when suddenly her wrist seemed to be grabbed by something.

She was startled, but fortunately the thing let go of her, but when she fixed her eyes again, she found that she had come to a beautiful old castle.

Waves of beautiful piano sounds reached her ears, and she followed the sounds suspiciously, and saw a woman sitting in front of the piano.

The woman has long blue hair and cannot see her face clearly, but her back is beautiful.

As if aware of it, the woman turned around, but at this moment, a white shadow stood between them.

"This is not where you should come, go back."

The bone-cold voice pierced through the darkness, echoing in my ears like a bell.

When he opened his eyes again, he returned to the cold iron bed.

She met a pair of beautiful but sinister blue eyes.

"Vita, don't be afraid, just draw another tube of blood." A hand gently caressed her cheek, with a chilling intimacy, "When the embryo experiment is successful, you won't have to suffer from this again... ..."

As if the pain poured from the memory into the dream, Xie Yuqing felt a needle-like pain, turned over and woke up, and she saw a handsome face leaning in her direction.

Dim light slipped in through the cracks in the curtains, looking at the sleeping face so close, she didn't know when and where she was for a moment.

After a while, she came out of the long and messy dream, and her thinking ability returned. She stared at the ceiling in a daze, feeling a kind of absurd confusion.


[Heavyweight: Dancer is really here! AFT officially announces Dancer's resignation! 】

[ALI finally officially announced the new coach!Triple Crown Dancer will serve as the head coach, will ALI take off in the new season? 】

[LCKvsLPL, the duel of ace coaches! Who do you support on Dancer sunny day? 】

On the way to the base by taxi, Xie Yuqing saw ALI's official announcement hot search, and immediately exploded in the competition circle - during the transfer period, there were indeed some rumors that Dancer would come to LPL to coach, but the transfer period is over now Many people thought that Dancer came to China just to participate in the filming of "Apex of Fearlessness", and they have let go of their expectations.

Who would have thought that there would be an official announcement without warning this morning.

[Congratulations, I finally announced today [smile]]

Xie Yuqing congratulated him, and was about to leave when a message quickly popped up:

[Zuo Ruixuan: Haha, it’s not easy~]

[Xie Yuqing: The contract has just been finalized? 】

[Zuo Ruixuan: Well, I went to the alliance to go through some procedures. 】

[Xie Yuqing: What about Ice? 】

[Zuo Ruixuan: She has been promoted, team supervisor. 】

[Xie Yuqing: Hahaha come on, I like you! 】

[Zuo Ruixuan: Thank you.She originally wanted to be an analyst and move behind the scenes, but I want to see her all the time, so supervision is a good position. 】

Xie Yuqing couldn't help but smile at his undisguised joy.

It would be a good story if the two of them could reunite.

After chatting with Zuo Ruixuan for a while, we arrived at the base.

When I got out of the car, I saw Piao Ling waiting on the side of the road, looking a little anxious, but after seeing her, the other party calmed down a little, and took the initiative to say hello, "Morning, sunny day."

"It's getting late." Xie Yuqing smiled and nodded at him, "Are you going out?"

"It's not that group of bastards." Piao Ling looked helpless, "For the two o'clock game, they went to the venue by car, but they forgot about me as the head coach."

"Ah? Hahaha..." She couldn't help laughing out loud, "Who bp at that moment?"

(End of this chapter)

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