pearl gem

Chapter 364 Moonlight will weaken the brightness of the aurora

Chapter 364 Moonlight will weaken the brightness of the aurora
Like that plate of fruit.

She was still amazed at his supernatural powers at that time, he even knew which hotel and which room she was staying in, now thinking about it, it should be his plan to escape.

Anyway, that indecent video...

It must not be left in his hands.

What is it like?

After making a decision, Xie Yuqing was about to go down to look for him again, when there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.

As soon as he came in, he said to her, "I processed the video just now, and it has been deleted."

Was pre-empted again.

So the words that had been brewing for a long time stuck in his throat, and he choked out a sentence for a long time, "Then why keep it?"

This question is ambiguous.

As if complaining that he deleted the video.

She added as if preaching, "It shouldn't have been saved in the first place."

The man who climbed onto the bed said, "I haven't opened it, I forgot to delete it."

These words were more like an explanation that was intended to be concealed, but Xie Yuqing had no intention of asking whether it was true or not, but asked the most concerned question, "Did you poison me at that time?"

After thinking about it, she always felt that there was something wrong with the fruit, which made her fall asleep.

"A little sleeping pill, it's very safe." As if afraid that she wouldn't believe it, Yu Qing emphasized, "I won't mess with you."

"Then explain why you came down from my room?"

"How long ago, I don't remember."

He answered calmly, and Xie Yuqing was dissatisfied, "I thought there was something wrong at the time, and the auditory hallucinations were not so loud, but I didn't expect that the balcony design is so strange that people can come down from it."

He sighed, "I thought you would figure out a lot of things after solving Star3."

"I have figured out a lot of things, but I still can't tell what happened at that time, and which ones actually happened." At this point, she seemed to be touched by what she was thinking, and suddenly raised her head to look at the The person leaning on the bed beside him, "Except for those times when I was chatting with you, the records are still..."

"So sometimes I wonder if Star3 didn't affect me at all, but that person hypnotized me..."

Suddenly the atmosphere became tense.

Yu Qing raised her hand and rubbed her hair, "Don't think about the past, I'm here."

Xie Yuqing's heart froze, as if a kind of emotion was about to burst forth, the urge to throw people down, she suppressed a shivering feeling, covered her head with the quilt, "I don't want to, sleep!"

A few seconds of silence.

The light dimmed.

Xie Yuqing relaxed a little, but suddenly felt dizzy.

"My first time... I gave it to you, you have to be responsible to me, and I will wait for you to be responsible."

A low voice came to her ears from the side, she yawned, murmured back, "Isn't it just a kiss, it's scary to say", and fell into a deep sleep.

What else did he say, she didn't know.

She was dazed, sinking into a messy nightmare.

Her limbs were bound by the restraint belt, and the halo left by the shadowless lamp was everywhere, and a gentle and creepy voice kept saying in her ear, " your lover in a dream, forget Those painful things."


"Moonlight will weaken the brightness of the aurora, you must remember..."

With the rotating images and overlapping double images, she woke up faintly, and found herself in a quiet and cold dark passage in a trance.

Several ghostly figures passed by, whispering like ghosts.

(End of this chapter)

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