pearl gem

Chapter 176 My Two Old Friends Are Full of Praise for You

Chapter 176 My Two Old Friends Are Full of Praise for You

"It's enough for our boss to know you."

The two bodyguards brought her into the car without any explanation, and didn't even give her a chance to escape.

The car drove all the way to the shipping port.

There are many docks for loading and unloading goods along the banks of the river. Ships of heavy tons are berthed at the berths. The waters in the night are filled with fog, and everything is isolated from the hustle and bustle, deserted and quiet.

Xie Yuqing was taken aboard a ship.

The interior of the ship was not as dark and scary as she imagined, but it was arranged like a bar.

The bodyguard didn't tie her up, or did any other rude behavior, and pushed her to the sofa and stood aside.

Not long after, the white-haired man came in, shook off his mink coat, rolled up his cuffs, and walked to the back of the bar.

Then he picked up the cocktail glass, and while mixing the wine, he said in blunt Chinese, "I've always wanted to meet Miss Xie, but I didn't expect it to be in this way. I hope you don't mind."

Xie Yuqing's heart tightened, and she asked calmly, "You know me?"

"Of course, my two old friends are full of praise for you."

"That's really my condolences."

Hearing her slightly sarcastic tone, the man who was crushing mint leaves gave a pause, finally looked up at her for the first time, met her calm eyebrows, and suddenly smiled, "Miss Xie is really interesting, but you don't want to Do you know who those two old friends are?"

Xie Yuqing didn't want to pick up on him, and said sincerely, "Do you think this is okay? You can tell your purpose directly, and I can decide whether to continue to deal with you, or to lie flat and not struggle."

Zhong Yao took a deep look at her, "Miss Xie is really different from other people."

He picked up the stirred mojito, walked up to Xie Yuqing, and handed it to her.

"I'm allergic to alcohol."

Seeing her resistance leaning back slightly, the man smiled, put the wine glass aside, then sat down opposite her, crossed his legs, "I want to do a business with Miss Xie, you come to our Wanli, I will give you the position of chief engineer, and you will be the youngest and most promising future star in the future."

"Sounds good, but you probably don't fancy my ability, do you?"

"I know your grades are good, but a college student who has just graduated and wants to have a bright future must pay something, such as..." Zhong Yao looked her up and down, implying, "Your blood."

Xie Yuqing pursed her lips, "What happened to my blood?"

"One week, one tube of blood." The man gestured "1" to her, "What do you think?"

"Yes." Xie Yuqing said immediately, "No one would refuse."

Her unthinking attitude made Zhong Yao pause.

Xie Yuqing asked immediately, "Do you have anything else to do? If you called me all the way here just for this matter, it would be a bit of a trivial matter."

The man sat up straight, retracted his slightly raised chin, and looked at her with sharp eyes.

Xie Yuqing didn't back down, she had natural doubts on her face.

After a while, he slowly lay down on the back of the sofa again, and said with a faint smile, "It can be seen that Miss Xie is a person with ideals and ambitions. Now that the matter is settled, Miss Xie... you can go, go to this place on Friday Report the address."

He motioned for the bodyguard to get paper and a pen, then wrote down a line of address and pushed it to her.

Xie Yuqing stuffed it into her pocket casually, and said to him, "Then you can find someone to take me back, it's already at this point, I'm almost late for my classmate's birthday party."

(End of this chapter)

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