pearl gem

Chapter 175 Wanli Group COO

Chapter 175 Wanli Group COO
There is another possibility...

Weisheng Juling had already reached some kind of deal with Wanli Group behind her back.

Xie Yuqing knew that she shouldn't think of her "savior" that way, but other than that, she couldn't think of the reason why the other party concealed his whereabouts.

In any case, he was dragged into the water by himself.

Maybe she should stay away from him, so as not to implicate the innocent again.

As for Jiang Shirley...

Feelings can't be controlled by others. Although I don't know how they met and how far they have developed, it is impossible for her to get involved. It's a big deal...

It's better to stay away from Jiang Shirley.

As long as she is happy.

Later, Xie Yuqing did the same.

Life in a foreign country is lonely and difficult, and she has to deliberately reduce social interaction and isolate herself.

It was also at that time that she understood how strong and lonely a person needs to be when he clenched his teeth and insisted on one thing.

Xie Yuqing's exchange career lasted for two years. The British tutors have always been optimistic about her because of her grades and talents. She was taken to an industry seminar near graduation, saying that it would be helpful for her to stay in the UK to find a job in the future.

However, she never told Weisheng Juling that Star3 seems to have sequelae.

Since she regained her original self a year ago, Xie Yuqing has been a little unable to cheer up anything.

Even her once favorite aerospace major brought her only a sense of burnout. She no longer had the original passion, and she just went to and after class without interest every day, living a Buddhist life.

However, Xie Yuqing couldn't take advantage of her instructor's kindness. On the day of attending the seminar, she specially put on makeup, and she was dressed in a decent white suit and trousers, looking graceful.

But she never expected that she would meet the white-haired man she met a year ago at this seminar——

When the man who claimed to be "COO Zhong Yao of Wanli Group" introduced himself, Xie Yuqing fell into a great confusion.

Zhong Yao...

This face is completely different from what was conceived at the time.

But this is not the point.

The point is, Weisheng Juling once said that Zhong Yao is a nurse.

Is it the same name?
For this reason, Xie Yuqing had the courage to pretend to pass by him several times holding an orange juice glass.

It's a pity that there are many people around him, and he can't see the nameplate on his chest at all.

However, perhaps because of her natural keenness, when she passed by again, Zhong Yao's eyes suddenly swept over.

When Zhong Yao saw her face, Zhong Yao paused for a moment, and immediately raised his glass to her and said, "Miss, do you seem to have something to say?"

Xie Yuqing was not stage-frightened either, she looked straight into his eyes and asked, "Didn't Wanli study chemistry? Why did you become interested in aerospace?"

"Good question." Zhong Yao smiled at her appreciatively, "The future belongs to high technology, and our Wanli research is the most cutting-edge biochemical technology. Who said aerospace and our industry cannot be combined?"

When he was speaking, the two men who were standing in front of Xie Yuqing politely turned sideways.

It happened that she saw the white-haired man's name.

Zhong Yao.

Sure enough, the same surname, the same first name.

Xie Yuqing's complexion suddenly changed, and the confusion in her heart instantly turned into panic.

At this moment, she suddenly realized something.

Maybe she is really too naive.

Xie Yuqing was restless, and finally made it to the banquet time, she apologized to her instructor, got up and left.

However, perhaps her mood change caught Zhong Yao's attention. As soon as she left the clubhouse, two tall bodyguards in black stopped her way and said to her:

"Our boss wants to see you, come with us."

Xie Yuqing tried her best to calm down, "Who is your boss? I don't know him."

(End of this chapter)

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