pearl gem

Chapter 146 "I Want to See You"

Chapter 146 "I Want to See You"

But "deliberately" does not allow her to concentrate on other things, but instead makes her always miss the matter of "reply".

Over time, Xie Yuqing realized a sad problem:

She seems to be...

I have a different kind of affection for Aric than others.

Even though none of them mentioned Greenland again, this secret tacit understanding is even more charming.

However, Xie Yuqing was not too troubled, and quickly accepted her emotional change.

Because when she looked back on her acquaintance with Aric, she found that he was simply too easy to be liked.

Mysterious and sincere, she will take her words seriously and take risks for her.

This is something her parents never did to her.

Xie Yuqing expressed her feelings, those seemingly inadvertent moments were the reason why she was tempted subconsciously.

even if……

He is just a "netizen" who has never met.

But what is more precious than "friends of life and death"?

Recalling "him" after several years, Xie Yuqing still feels that her love for Aric is inevitable, even if it sounds silly.

At that time, Xie Yuqing also began to speculate on Aric's attitude towards her.

Being able to do that for a stranger, he should also have a good impression of himself, right?
That's right, Xie Yuqing remembered the first time they met, or it is more appropriate to call it "meet by mistake", so he gave her a beautiful sapphire and pearl bracelet.

So is there a possibility...

He fell in love with himself at first sight?
Every time this thought flashes through her mind, Xie Yuqing's heart beats faster, and she looks forward to this kind of bridge that only happens in fairy tales.

So, after class that day, when she passed the Dinosaur Bridge by herself, she suddenly felt a sense of loneliness when she saw the classmates laughing and playing on the cruise ship.

She had an inexplicable impulse, took out her phone and sent Aric a message:
[Vita Xie: I want to see you. 】

Then she breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a sense of relief.

However, after anxiously waiting until after ten o'clock in the evening, Aric got off the line late.

"The other party is typing" repeatedly appeared in the private chat box. Xie Yuqing was afraid of missing his reply, so she couldn't help but hugged the notebook, and kept her eyes on his status from the bathroom to the sink to the bed.

How would he respond?
Will you agree or refuse, and what kind of mood do you have?
After hesitating for so long, are you thinking of saying no?
Xie Yuqing couldn't restrain herself and began to retreat.

Maybe she was too aggressive and scared the other party.

Otherwise... She took the initiative to solve the problem?
Xie Yuqing hesitated, but at this moment, "Yes" popped up in the private chat box.

At that moment, she jumped up from the bed with joy.

Even if she was still worrying and worrying a second ago, paving the way for his possible rejection, the word "good" in this second comforted everything.

Xie Yuqing couldn't wait to type.

[Vita Xie: I heard that Primrose Hill has a beautiful view, and you can see the panorama of London!You can also watch the sunset!See you this Saturday afternoon? 】

Since it was her initiative to meet, she naturally planned the location.

Why choose Primrose Hill?
This is a decision she has studied for a long time.

The first time we met formally, we chose restaurants, coffee shops and other places when we came up. It was too artistic, and it was easy to be awkward while chatting.

It's best to chat while shopping, and then find a place to eat when you chat.

So it is a good choice to go for a stroll on the hill and watch the sunset together.

that situation...

Come to think of it, something romantic will happen.

Xie Yuqing tossed and turned on the bed, her heart couldn't stop her joy.

However, after a while, Aric still replied "ok" very simply.

Although it seemed that he was not in high spirits, Xie Yuqing didn't think too much, and hugged the quilt excitedly and kissed him.

This moment is probably the most exciting moment in her life.


In order to prepare for the official meeting with Aric, Xie Yuqing spent a lot of money to buy a lot of skin care products. After being discovered by Jiang Xueli, she was complained and said that she could use her skin care products.

Jiang Xueli has a delicate mind, and after discovering the abnormality of her roommate recently, she somewhat understands it.

(End of this chapter)

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