pearl gem

Chapter 145

Chapter 145

But in the end, Xie Yuqing was forced to go on the shelf and left Nuuk in a hurry.

Because Weisheng Jue Ling didn't know what was going on, so he came up to chase people away in person.

So when she realized it, she was already being driven into the car with two omelets.

Hurry, hustle, hustle!
She didn't even give her a sip of soy milk!
As if she was afraid that someone would see her...

Xie Yuqing bit the omelette angrily, not knowing the truth about herself.

It was still Zhong Yao who drove her off.

This gloating guy gave Xie Yuqing a sideways look, and said something ambiguous, "Hungry ghost reincarnated, be careful to be a choking ghost in this life."

It seems that he left the control area and let himself go again.

Xie Yuqing sneered, "I don't know how I will die, but you..."

"It must have been beaten to death for talking too much."

Zhong Yao sneered, "Who can you kill with thin arms and legs?"

Xie Yuqing just wanted to retort, but when the words came to her lips, she felt that it was meaningless to play tricks, so it would be better to ask something useful.

So, she snorted softly, "I really want to fight. There was so much commotion last night, and I didn't let people sleep peacefully this morning. I'm so angry now... By the way, what were you arguing downstairs last night?"

"I don't know." Zhong Yao paused, and his tone was a little confused, "It seems that Ms. Zhou found her sister and wanted to make up for her, but Mr. said that she disobeyed orders several times and ordered her to be confined. .”

Xie Yuqing was a little puzzled, "Isn't her sister dead?"

"That being said, I estimate that the probability of disappearance is relatively high."

Xie Yuqing couldn't help thinking back to Zhou Yueying's expression when she mentioned her sister that day, it was something that only people who have experienced pain would show.

Presumably what she asked Quanzhijing was the whereabouts of her younger sister.

It's just that she and Weisheng Juling yesterday...was really weird.

Xie Yuqing murmured, "The relationship between the two of them is really complicated."

Every time she mentioned Weisheng Jue Ling before, Zhong Yao always reprimanded her impartially, but this time, he agreed, "I really can't see it."

"Have you been with Weisheng Juling for a long time? You still can't see it?" Xie Yuqing didn't believe it.

"I have been with my husband since I was ten years old, and Ms. Zhou came a year later than me. On weekdays, my husband takes care of her in every possible way, but as you said..." Zhong Yao glanced at her, "I don't understand why he would Looking for you."

"That's right, you have ulterior motives." Xie Yuqing said with emotion, "Those who don't know think that the master behind the scenes of Jin Kuo Villa is so powerful."

"By the way." Zhong Yao suddenly remembered something, "Sir, let me tell you, don't worry about Jinkuo Villa, he is ashamed of you, so this matter will definitely be resolved for you."

Hearing this, Xie Yuqing curled her lips secretly.

Aric had already told her that.

She would never have come to Nuuk if it hadn't been for curiosity, and a little bit of involuntary inclination.

However, if she thought so, she would definitely not say it stupidly.


After returning from Greenland, Xie Yuqing found that she had changed.

In the past, although she and Aric often chatted and shared daily life, she never felt "caring".

However, after coming back this time, she changed.

She will habitually open the Facebook friend column, and glance at it from time to time to see if the other party is online.

If she is not online, she will maintain this state.

If she is online, she will think, will Aric take the initiative to chat with her today?

And once chatting, she will be emotionally affected by the other party's failure to reply to the message in time——

Even she felt her own awkwardness, and deliberately delayed not replying to the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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