My master is invincible

Chapter 1266 Talking about the Grave

Chapter 1266 Talking about the Grave (11)

I sneered, if it wasn't for Yan Jin's previous permission, I might have nothing to refute, now, how could I be polite to her, I immediately walked over to the deceased, reached out and touched the face of the deceased.

According to what Yan Jin said earlier, before the ceremony on their side, they need to touch the face of the deceased three times, which means to touch gold, and pray that the deceased will be born with gold in the next life.

As soon as this action came out, the woman's face changed drastically, she grabbed my arm and said sharply, "What are you doing?"

I ignored her. For this kind of shrew, the more you carry her with you, the more she dances. If you want to deal with this kind of shrew, there are only two ways. The first is to poison her, and the second is to beat her she.

Of course, this is just a personal opinion.

"Mom, I've already asked him to hold this ceremony for Dad!" Yan Jin grabbed the woman's arm.

"You're crazy, aren't you?" The woman opened Yan Jin's arm and said sharply, "Well, now you have learned to cooperate with outsiders to bully my old lady."

That Yan Jin frowned, staring at the woman for a full minute, not knowing what she was thinking, she turned around suddenly and walked towards the door. After a while, she came back, this time , she had an extra watermelon knife in her hand, she put the knife around her neck, and said with a blank expression: "Mom, if you make trouble again, I will die in front of you today."

"" The woman was taken aback for a moment, then softened immediately, and said in a breath, "Daughter, what are you doing, is it worth it for an outsider?"

"He's not an outsider, I invited him to help preside over Dad's funeral." Na Yan Jin said in a deep voice.

Regarding this scene, I was quite puzzled, why did Yan Jin help me like this?

As the saying goes, when things go wrong, there must be a demon. I am getting more and more incomprehensible to Yan Jin, and even think that she is the one who killed the deceased. The reason why she helped me so much is because she feels guilty.

I would think this way, but there is no other way, people, there is no such thing as a good thing for no reason, let me ask you, walking on the main road, suddenly someone handed you a candy, would you eat it?Even if this candy is worth thousands of dollars, I believe most people will not eat it.

And I naturally couldn't avoid this vulgarity, mainly because Yan Jin helped me too much.

Following Yan Jin's words, the woman stopped talking, first let the dozen or so strong men in black leave, and then stood silently by the side.

"Chen Jiu, continue!" Na Yan Jin said to me.

I hummed and glanced at these people present. There were 11 people in total. I ranked them according to their relationship with the deceased. Nephews and nieces of the deceased, the fourth row is the nephews of the deceased.

As for the elder brother of the deceased, I did not dare to make him kneel down, mainly because he was older than the deceased, and if he was asked to kneel, it would damage the blessing of the deceased.

After arranging these people, Yan Jin stared at me suspiciously, as if asking me where she was kneeling.

According to my opinion, in her situation, she should be kneeling in the fourth row. After all, she is not the biological daughter of the deceased. In addition, I suspect that she caused the death of the deceased, and I even want her to go out.

However, she helped me like that just now, if I let her go out, Yan Yu would definitely not agree.

After thinking about it, I decided to let her kneel in the fourth row, next to the nephew of the deceased.

So I said to Yan Jin, "You kneel down to the fourth row."

She was slightly taken aback, her expression was a little strange, she seemed to want to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything, she walked straight to the fourth row, and knelt down there.

"You bastard, how could there be such an arrangement!" The woman was a little reluctant, and stood beside her and started cursing.

I glared at the woman, and said in a deep voice, "In your opinion, where should she kneel?"

"Of course it's the left side of the first row! She's the eldest daughter, so she's fully qualified!" the woman yelled at me.

I sneered, "As far as I know, the deceased only gave birth to a daughter, Yan Yu, and according to your customs, there is a difference between biological children and non-biological children, so why not put her in the fourth row? "

"You..." The woman was angry, "I don't care, my daughter must kneel in the first row!"

"Mom, are you enough? According to the rules, I'm kneeling here, so what if I kneel in the first row, it's just a position!" Yan Jin yelled at the woman.

"Miss Yan is really a sensible person." I praised her. I said this praise from the bottom of my heart. In general funerals, many people can compete for a position. a name.

However, this does not seem to be the case here in Hong Kong. The fight here is not only about a title, but more about inheritance.

According to the customs here, if the elders left a will, the inheritance should be done according to the will. If there is no will, the distribution will be made according to the difference between closeness and closeness, and the distribution right is in the hands of the person who presides over the farewell ceremony.

Some people will definitely say, nonsense, what right does a person who presides over the ceremony have to distribute other people's property.

I can only say, don't forget the most basic blood relationship, and the unfamiliarity of blood relationship is reflected in the kneeling position, the closer to the deceased, the closer the blood relationship with the deceased.

China has always advocated that the son inherits the father's business, and in this funeral, it is fully displayed.

However, at the time, I didn't know the details, and I thought it was just kneeling. After all, before some rich people die, most people will make a will.

After all of them knelt down, I looked at the woman and said in a deep voice: "According to the book of rites in "Zhou Li", you don't have the right to stand here, if you want to see the dead for the last time On the one hand, we can only wait for the ceremony to end."

What I said was on my deathbed, mainly because I didn't want to see that woman, and I don't know why, when I saw that woman, I felt so angry in my heart. I can hate a person so much, and that woman did it.

And that woman was obviously not a good person, and immediately said: "Who are you, I am the one who died now... man, as a wife, why do you drive me out, just because of your status?"

When she said this, the woman was full of confidence, and she had a lot of air. My old lady is standing here, what kind of style can you show.

I didn't want to talk nonsense with her, so I looked at Yan Jin. I still understand the reason why one thing falls for another. Judging from the previous reaction, the woman couldn't obey Yan Jin's words, but at least Yan Jin's words, She will think about it.

As soon as Yan Jin saw my eyes, she immediately understood, and looked at the woman, "Mom, what he said makes sense, there are indeed such words in "Zhou Li", you go out first, and I will call you when you are done. "

(End of this chapter)

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