Chapter 561

Hearing this, Lin Pingzhi raised his head helplessly.

"It seems that TV dramas are all deceiving!" Lin Pingzhi kept complaining in his heart.

All these etiquettes he learned from watching court dramas and listening to cross talk, who knows that this is not the case at all.

In fact, they didn't kneel every time they met the emperor. Only in formal occasions, such as court meetings, ceremonies to sacrifice to heaven, etc., the officials would kneel to the emperor.

In ordinary court meetings, it is basically a simple bowing ceremony, rather than a big ceremony of "three kneeling and nine knocking".

After all, the emperor's work and rest time is very tight every day. Although Emperor Wanli does not go to court, it does not mean that he does not "office".

In addition to the necessary cabinet ministers, he has to meet many people every day.If a person comes in, kneel three times and knock nine times, long live my emperor.Then the emperor doesn't have to do anything else for a day, just sit there and accept worship all day long.

And during this period, when you meet the emperor, if you don't look at the emperor, it will make the emperor feel that you look down on him.It is a crime of disrespect not to look at the emperor.

Lin Pingzhi raised his head and looked at Emperor Wanli.

Although it was not the first time that Emperor Wanli saw Lin Pingzhi, but this time he saw him clearly.

Lin Pingzhi also looked carefully at the last ZTE master of the Ming Dynasty.

Emperor Wanli was a bit older than Lin Pingzhi. The current emperor was in his thirties, and his appearance was not very outstanding.Fang Fang's Chinese character face, two mustaches, and even a little naive.

It was also the first time that Emperor Wanli looked at Lin Pingzhi carefully.

Although he had seen many beautiful women, this was the first time he had seen a man who was prettier than a woman.

In the past, if a man was said to be handsome, it would be "Pan An in appearance, Song Yu".

But no one can tell how handsome Pan An and Song Yu are.But when he saw Lin Pingzhi in Jinyiwei's official uniform today, Emperor Wanli couldn't help but think of these two people.

The two looked at each other for a long time. Emperor Wanli sat on the dragon chair and said: "Aiqing has been in Beijing for more than a month. I don't know if you are still used to life in the capital during this time?"

Lin Pingzhi clasped his hands and said, "I would like to report to the emperor, and thanks to the emperor's honor, my minister is very well during this time."

Emperor Wanli nodded, and then said: "Aiqing, this time you have assisted the court in weeding out traitors and made great achievements. I don't know what to reward you. Although your official position is not high now, it is only from the rank of the fourth rank. .But it is a position under one person and over ten thousand people. After thinking about it, I will not give you a promotion. Why don't I reward you with a title? This time, Aiqing has made great achievements and made you a general of the auxiliary country , I think everyone in the court will have no objections."

Lin Pingzhi saw that Emperor Wanli was just being polite to him.

Lin Pingzhi then said: "As the saying goes, 'Thunder, rain, and dew are all due to the grace of the emperor'. The meritorious service this time is due to the emperor's great blessing. This minister is just a coincidence, so I dare not be greedy for merit."

Emperor Wanli was very satisfied with Lin Pingzhi's answer.

After all, he is polite and courteous, if he confers the title as soon as he says it will, then wouldn't the court be in trouble.

Moreover, the price paid by Emperor Wanli to Lin Pingzhi is definitely not low.

The position of Beizhen Fushi was given to Jinshi.This is enough for some people to struggle for a lifetime.But rewards still have to be rewarded, but right now there are a lot of things, and the matter of rewarding, it won't be too late to reward after all the things are over.

Emperor Wanli winked at Gujinfu, Gujinfu nodded understandingly, and then withdrew.

Seeing Gu Jinfu leave, Lin Pingzhi felt a little flustered.

After all, the person in front of him is the emperor, and he can determine the life and death of thousands of people with a single word.Dealing with such a person is really not easy.

Although in Jianghu, Lin Pingzhi met Fang Zheng, Chong Xu, Zuo Lengchan, Ren Woxing and other leaders without fear.But when he entered the official career, he naturally had to worry more.Even if you worry about your own family.

After Gujinfu left, Emperor Wanli stood up, stretched his waist, and then pointed to the guest seats on both sides of the imperial study room and said, "Aiqing, you don't have to be so reserved, please sit down."

After getting the permission of Emperor Wanli, Lin Pingzhi sat on the chair of the grand master beside him.

At this time, Emperor Wanli limped off the dragon chair, and then he sat on the chair next to Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi took a closer look at this time, this great son of heaven.

Although he was not very short in stature, he was definitely not tall either.

In addition, sitting in a chair all year round also made him a little fatter before middle age.However, Emperor Wanli's legs were one long and one short.

This is not caused by the day after tomorrow, but the fact that Emperor Wanli was born.

Born as a handicapped man, Lin Pingzhi felt a little sympathetic to this brilliant son.

However, the chairs in the palace are not so easy to sit on, and I always feel a little cramped.

Especially at the moment, this great son of heaven stepped down from his dragon seat and sat next to him.Right now, Lin Pingzhi is "on equal footing" with this great son of tomorrow.

This is the greatest honor for anyone.

Lin Pingzhi was not afraid of what this Great Son of Heaven would do to him. With his martial arts and the strength of his subordinates now, it would not be difficult for them to escape from the capital safely and escape into Heimuya.

As the saying goes, "cannibalism has a short mouth and soft hands".The Emperor Wanli put down his airs like this, probably because he wanted Lin Pingzhi to do something difficult.

After Emperor Wanli sat down, he said straight to the point: "I invite Ai Qing to come here today because I want to discuss something with Ai Qing."

Lin Pingzhi replied: "The emperor's words are serious. It is our duty as ministers to share the worries of the king. If the emperor has any orders, it doesn't matter."

Emperor Wanli said: "Okay! I like Aiqing's quick words. The thing is like this. Now the eight major Shanxi merchants have all been brought to the case, and all the ill-gotten gains they have obtained have now fully enriched the treasury. Since then, it has never been as full as it is today."

Hearing this, Lin Pingzhi felt a little happy. After all, 20 years after the Wanli Emperor passed away, Daming died.Although there are many reasons for the demise, to put it bluntly, it is just two words "no money".

The officers and soldiers couldn't pay their salaries, so they naturally wouldn't fight with their lives.Right now, the eight major traitors have been eradicated and their wealth has been confiscated.Not only did it lose the internal support of the Qing army, but it also filled the national treasury. Today's Ming Dynasty may perish due to peasant uprisings in the future, but it will definitely not perish at the hands of the Manchu Qing.

Emperor Wanli continued: "However, this matter is very involved, from the minor officials of the ninth rank to the courtiers of the first rank, basically all of them are involved in this matter."

Even if Lin Pingzhi understood the meaning of Emperor Wanli, Lin Pingzhi said: "The emperor is in a dilemma, should these people be punished?"

Emperor Wanli nodded and said, "That's right, Aiqing really understands my meaning very well. It's just that."

Lin Pingzhi continued: "The emperor is worried that if everything is involved, the foundation of the country may be shaken. But if nothing is done, there will be endless troubles."

Hearing that Lin Pingzhi understood, Emperor Wanli smiled happily.He said: "That's right! Aiqing really won my heart!"

(End of this chapter)

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