Crossing the Swordsman: Lin Pingzhi, the Swordsman of Evil

Chapter 560 The First Meeting with Emperor Wanli

Because of Lin Pingzhi's unintentional move, he successfully promoted the early reform of the Ming Dynasty.

It's just that Emperor Wanli hasn't made up his mind yet.

After the New Year's Eve, Emperor Wanli finally issued a "summoning order" to Lin Pingzhi with apprehension.

And the person who came to deliver the decree was still Eunuch Gu himself.And this time, Emperor Wanli gave Lin Pingzhi a gold medal, and also granted him to walk in front of the imperial court.You can freely enter and exit the palace gate to meet the emperor.

Facing the welcoming sedan chair sent by the emperor himself, Lin Pingzhi sat on it unceremoniously.

After all, I may not be an official for long. If I don't enjoy it now, I will have no chance in the future.After all, the purpose of his trip to be an official has basically achieved half of it.The rest is to persuade Emperor Wanli to get rid of them completely before Nurhachi has no full-fledged wings.There is the promotion of planting, potatoes, sweet potatoes.

But Lin Pingzhi thought about one thing wrong.

He originally thought that potatoes and sweet potatoes had not been introduced to the Central Plains yet, and he originally wanted to take his navy to Nanyang to find these things.

But in fact, these things have already been passed on, and they were not stolen by businessmen from the Central Plains as stated in the history books.It was brought in by foreigners who came to the Central Plains to do business after the sea ban was lifted in the late Ming Dynasty.

It's just that these common crops are now called "artichokes" and "red yams", not potatoes or sweet potatoes.So Lin Pingzhi never knew about it.

And now this kind of thing is basically the food of ordinary people, and people of Lin Pingzhi's class naturally have never eaten it.Although it has appeared among the people, the people of the Central Plains have been eating grains and six animals since ancient times.Very repulsed by such foreign things.

In addition to the agricultural tax in this era, it is all for food.Rice and wheat have to be paid, so in order to facilitate tax payment, the common people naturally mainly grow wheat and rice.Potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn are rarely grown.

What Lin Pingzhi wants now is to persuade Emperor Wanli to promote the cultivation of this kind of thing among the people. After all, these things are easy to survive and easy to grow. As long as the people don't starve, then no one will be full enough to rebel.

Although Lin Pingzhi had already thought about what to say to Emperor Wanli on the way into the palace.

But when his sedan chair came to the Meridian Gate, his heart also started to beat.

The sedan chair passed through the Meridian Gate and landed outside the Taihe Gate, which entered the inner city. Lin Pingzhi couldn't help but gasped as he looked at the tall palace walls.

Although he had visited this place in his previous life in modern times.

But the modern ruins are nothing compared to the last glory of the Ming Dynasty.

Now is the first day of the new year, and it is also the time to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new. The walls of the imperial palace have also been repaired and painted by craftsmen, so they look even more imposing.

Then Gujinfu led the way and led Lin Pingzhi to meet the current emperor Wanli Emperor.

It can be said that Lin Pingzhi was greatly favored this time. He was able to enter the Meridian Gate in a sedan chair and get off the sedan chair at Fengtian Gate. The Duke of Dongchang personally led the way.Since the Yongle Dynasty, apart from princes and relatives, only Yu Qian who won the battle to defend the capital, Yan Song who was in power for a while, and the emperor Zhang Juzheng had such favors.

Since the death of Zhang Juzheng, Lin Pingzhi was the first foreign minister to enter the Meridian Gate in a sedan chair.

However, for Lin Pingzhi's favor, many people, including Eunuch Gu, were convinced.

After all, Lin Pingzhi's raid on the "Fanji Bank" made all of them meritorious and paid off.

This inspection of the eight major Shanxi merchants, all the officials who went to work on errands, can be said to be rich in money and sex.

When ransacking the house, it is very common for these servants to take the opportunity to make some money, get a little money, or take a woman or something.It's also an open secret.

And for these rich people, the gold and silver treasures in the family are piled up in mountains, and the maids and concubines who are not naturalized in the family are all prettier than the other.If they scrape any oil and water casually, they will never be exhausted.

This time, thanks to Lin Pingzhi, everyone reaped a lot of benefits.Fame, wealth, and sex are equally stable, so how could they refuse to accept Lin Pingzhi?
And now everyone, including Gu Jinfu, felt that Lin Pingzhi was pretending to be confused.

They always felt that this matter was deliberately drawn out by Lin Pingzhi after he made a clear investigation in advance.Even Gu Jinfu and others began to doubt Lin Pingzhi's intention to become an official.

Or it was because he found out about these things, and then took this opportunity to become an official and let the court eradicate these black sheep.

After all, the name of Lin Pingzhi, the evil swordsman, is famous all over the world, as the saying goes, "the great chivalrous man serves the country and the people".They naturally suspected that Lin Pingzhi deliberately became an official to draw this matter out.

After all, the former leader of the Five Sacred Mountains was the head of Mount Heng.It is not surprising that Lin Daxia, who has friendship with both good and evil, can find out these things.

It's just that Lin Pingzhi didn't know what they were thinking, otherwise, he would have admired their brain power.

After passing through the palace, Gu Jinfu took Lin Pingzhi directly to the imperial study.

Because there are ancient and modern Futou leading the way, there is no need to report anything.

Gu Jinfu directly took Lin Pingzhi into the imperial study room, and came in front of Emperor Wanli.

But Lin Pingzhi never raised his head, and always seemed submissive.

But this is not because he is timid, but because he has always remembered the rules of seeing the emperor in the cross talk.

That is, "Hold the court beads with both hands, and look down at the two buttons." Although the court clothes of the Ming Dynasty did not have court beads, Lin Pingzhi looked at his official boots without looking up.

After all, looking up at the emperor for no reason is called "intentional assassination of the king", and he was pushed out of the Meridian Gate to ask for beheading.

But Lin Pingzhi also thought too much, this is the rule set by the chiefs, what matters to the emperor of Daming.

After all, their holy ancestor had a face full of pockmarks, so naturally he didn't dare to let his courtiers see his ugly appearance.

Gujinfu went forward to salute and said: "Report to the emperor, Beizhen governor Lin Pingzhi will bring you here."

Then Lin Pingzhi saluted Emperor Wanli and said: "My minister Lin Pingzhi kowtowed to the emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live."

Lin Pingzhi's move directly stunned Emperor Wanli.

Emperor Wanli looked at Lin Pingzhi and asked, "Why Lin Aiqing?"

Hearing Emperor Wanli's question, Lin Pingzhi was also dumbfounded.

Lin Pingzhi thought: "Don't you need to pay homage to the emperor when you see the emperor?"

Emperor Wanli said at this time: "Aiqing is free of courtesy, please get up."

After getting permission from Emperor Wanli, Lin Pingzhi stood up.But he still kept his head down.

Emperor Wanli asked strangely: "What's wrong with Aiqing? But what's the emergency? Why don't you raise your head to see me?"

At this time, Gu Jinfu gave Lin Pingzhi a cover and said: "My Majesty, this is the first time Master Lin has met the emperor, and he has not learned etiquette. Please forgive him for his crime of disrespect in front of the palace."

Then Gu Jinfu said to Lin Pingzhi: "Master Lin, why don't you raise your head quickly! Do you really want the emperor to punish you for your disrespect?"

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