1993 Glamour at a Glance

Chapter 237 Investing in Jingshan Software?

Chapter 237 Investing in Jingshan Software?

Of course Song Yang didn't want to pull them into doing something big right now.

But didn’t you say that Li Ping should be the No.1 angel investor?

Now is the time to sow the seeds.

But today, it may become the first fire in Huaguo Internet's most powerful circle in the future.

At least let the Internet circle that is still in its infancy release this news on Huiduo.com, where Internet talents in Huaguo are currently the most concentrated.

If you have an idea or a project, you can find Chunya to invest.

Within 100 million, you can unconditionally support it to try, and only account for 20% of the shares.

At this moment, no matter who it is in the field, their hearts are throbbing.

"President Song, Jingshan Software..." Qiu Bo was the first to speak.

Song Yang looked at Mr. Lei, then smiled and said to Uncle Qiu: "Don't sell the villa, let's discuss it in detail tomorrow."

In a state of excitement, the participants of the first CFido Webmaster Congress took a photo in this small conference hall.

Standing at position C are two academicians.

Vincent Qiu and Restart S also stood by.

"Why Restart S?" Qiu Bo asked.

Song Yang smiled and looked at the hotel staff holding the camera in front of him: "If the machine breaks down, try restarting it. If the road is not easy, change it."

Qiu Bo thought about it.

What Song Yang thought when he registered this ID was: This is the most colorful chapter in the future, because of him, there will be a new beginning.


If Song Yang hadn't stepped in at this time, Jingshan Software, which was in trouble, would have to accept Lianxiang's entry after more than a year.After the reorganization, Lianxiang will become the major shareholder of Jingshan Software.

But early the next morning, Qiubo and Lei Jun went to Chunya Investment in Songyang on Financial Street.

Although Song Yang is interested in investing, he needs to understand the context of Jingshan Software and the current equity status.

Qiu Bo is also a young genius.

Thirteen years ago, two events made the front page of newspapers in Changsha, Xiangcheng.

First, the Galaxy supercomputer was born in Changsha University of Defense Technology.Second, a student single-handedly successfully developed the library system of the National University of Defense Technology.

That student is Qiu Bo.

"Have you ever worked in Stone?"

Qiu Bo nodded: "Yes, at that time, I was the only out-of-town employee of Stone. But later, I met Zhang Xuan."

Jingshan Software was originally called Xiangdao Jingshan.

This company is an agent of various computer accessories, and Zhang Xuan is the son of the owner of this Xiangdao company.

He came to Yanjing to run business with Stone, and Qiubo's technical ability left a deep impression on him.

Later, when he was sent to Pengcheng, Qiubo had a disagreement with the company's business direction.

"Mr. Duan is not interested in the typing and office software I want to develop for personal computers." Qiu Bo sighed, "The main product operated by Stone is typewriters, and 80% of the domestic market is owned by Stone. However, Mr. Duan does not I don’t think personal computers will replace typewriters in the future.”

In this case, Zhang Xuan invited him to join Xiangdao Jingshan Company.

The following story is a silent and lonely legend: Qiubo lived in a small hotel room in Pengcheng for one and a half years, accompanied by only a 386 computer and countless buckets of instant noodles.Except for three times of liver disease attack and being sent to the hospital, he hardly went out, and even held the computer in the hospital and typed codes.

A year and a half later, in 1988, WPS 12 with 1.0 lines of assembly code was born.

In the case of almost no publicity, WPS sold 1000 sets on the day of listing, with an annual sales volume of more than 3 sets.At its peak, 90% of the Chinese software market in the country was monopolized by WPS.Almost all the computers in the computer rooms of universities, government units, printing shops and company factories are beating blue interfaces.

After listening to his introduction, Song Yang pondered and concluded: "So, the year before last has actually changed. The current Jingshan Software is actually Zhuhai Jingshan, and Yanjing is a branch office. What about Zhang Xuan?"

"He has gone to Founder of Yanda University to serve as the president of Fangzheng Xiangdao Company." Qiu Burton paused and said, "I also approached him, and he still has shares in Jingshan Software."

The current Zhuhai Jingshan was established by Zhang Xuan and Qiu Bo.

After Lei Jun came in, he set up a Yanjing branch for Pangu office, and he served as the general manager.

At present, the shareholding structure of Jingshan Software has the flavor of this era: Qiu Bo 40%, Zhang Xuan 40%, Lei Jun and some other backbones together 20%.

"I want to persuade him to stay." Qiu Bo looked at Lei Jun, "This time, let him personally account for at least 15%."

After understanding the situation, Song Yang concluded: "At present, it is mainly WPS and other computer software, and a game studio has been established. What is the next plan for the general manager?"

"WPS must be rewritten." Qiu Burton paused, as if feeling the difficulty, "The current WPS is still based on the DOS operating system, and if it can be comparable to office95, it may take at least two or three years to rewrite. In addition, it is to continue Lei Jun's idea of ​​developing Jingshan PowerWord and Kingsoft Internet Security, and continue to develop some functional software."

"What about games?" Song Yang asked with a smile.

"...it fell." Qiu Bo was a little embarrassed, "only one game was released, "Revelation of Zhongguancun", which could not be sold. Now, the studio has a new idea, imitating last year's popular fairy sword to make a martial arts game But now, of course, we can only make the win95 version, which requires a lot of funds."

Song Yang knew that this would be a successful game, "Swordsman Love", after that, stand-alone, online games, and mobile games, this series can be regarded as enduring.

In the future, Jingshan can be listed on the market because of the success of the first generation of online games of this IP.

"If I invest, how does Mr. Qiu consider the company's valuation?"

Qiu Bo and Lei Jun looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

The past was indeed brilliant, but Jingshan is in the most embarrassing state right now.

"Does Mr. Song believe that we can make WPS successful?" Qiu Bo first asked.

"I believe." Song Yang sighed in his heart. In the Internet age, piracy will be a pain for all software developers, "It's just that it may take a long time."

Qiu Bo said again: "Last year... the Immortal Sword was launched in China, and it sold more than 10 sets in the first month."

Song Yang laughed: "President, please be quick. Let me contribute as much as I want, and how many shares will I give."

Qiu Bo gritted his teeth: "1000 million, Mr. Song will take 25% of the shares. With this money, we can come up with a new version of WPS and make games within three years!"

If it weren't for the current state, Jingshan Software would be worth at least tens of millions or even higher.

But now that there is a new version of Office, the people who originally wanted to take some shares in Jingshan Software have disappeared.

Three years ago, Qiu Bo met someone who offered Jingshan Software 1 million yuan.

Times have changed, and Qiubo needs to sell his house to save the company, so he has to bow his head.

"not enough."

As soon as Song Yang's words came out, Uncle Qiu felt cold.

Is 25% not enough?
Song Yang said solemnly: "You can't just think about it for three years. Please, let me tell you about the pirated CD."

Qiu Bo and Lei Jun turned pale.

Of course they are aware of this risk.The previous software was small and mainly sold on floppy disks.

Later, major software had to be sold on CDs, and so did games.

Before the appearance of VCD discs, or before this year, the harm of pirated discs was not so great.

But now pirated video discs are selling very well, and some people in the software circle are already selling pirated software and pirated game discs.

Otherwise, the sales volume of Immortal Sword broke 10 sets in the first month in the mainland, it makes no sense not to promote the sales volume now.

Sales are said to have declined very rapidly.

So Song Yang said: "It is only the first version of Microsoft's graphical interface operating system, far from being stable and mature. Their updates will be very fast, and the office is the same. So whether it is software or games, when developing You have to keep an eye on the new version of the operating system. To sum it up, 1000 million is less, and you have more ammunition. In addition, you can’t just bet on these two types of products for profit.”

Qiu Bo and Lei Jun were at a loss for a moment: "Then what else can we do?"

Song Yang looked at the two of them.

Qiu Bo and Lei Jun are both technically thinking at this time, and they are very idealistic.

They make things with ingenuity.

In other words, more ethical.

So from now on, Jingshan Software will enter a very long period of cold winter.

The software they make is good, but they can't make money.

The stand-alone game has been made into a series with a wide range of influence, but it also cannot make money.

During the time when others were making great progress in portal websites, they were still immersed in rewriting WPS and missed the initial golden period.

During this period, Lei Jun invested in Joyo.com, although his vision was advanced, but the conditions in all aspects were not mature enough.

It's too early.

If it wasn't because of the popularity of "Legend", they made "Swordsman Love Online Edition", how could Jingshan Software get to the stage of listing?
Even so, Qiu Bo was forced to withdraw from the arena, and Lei Jun was exhausted.After several years of hard work, I finally boiled a pot of millet porridge.

Song Yang felt that they didn't need to spend all their time rewriting WPS in this golden period.

"From now on, the way of thinking will change." Song Yang decided to give them a lesson, "After the backbone network is built, our country really has the Internet. On the new operating system, software is only one of the entrances, and the weight will increase. Smaller. Browser, more important."

"To be a browser?" Qiu Bo's heart trembled.

This field is now a war between IE and Netscape.In addition to WPS, Jingshan Software has to work with Microsoft in this area?

"No." Song Yang shook his head, "It's the content in the browser."

Lei Jun will be overjoyed: "For example, the BBS forum on the win95 system?"

"You don't need to do this." Song Yang laughed, "When there are more users, the Internet will be messy. Just like Huiduo.com, there are so many sites and a lot of content. It's a bit hard for a newcomer like me to look at. Feeling. What I want to suggest you do, of course, is more technical. How about a search engine?"

Qiu Bo suddenly realized.

Song Yang looked at Lei Jun full of anticipation: "It's like when you find that a client wants you to teach the basics of computers. After learning to surf the Internet, you will also need a beginners in the Internet. Make such a website so that others can find other websites more conveniently. If you want to know what you can search through this website.”

"...Then, how do you make money with this?" Lei Jun couldn't turn the corner.

CFido's site is where everyone contributes for free.

After thinking about it, Song Yang said, "My understanding is this. If you want to make money, you have to fall on people in the end. The Internet is different from many businesses in reality. People gather in the space of the Internet. When people gather, there is always a way to make money.”

"If I want to understand the current Internet, what I see is information." Song Yang guided their thinking, "It's like what I have seen: I am an advertising company, and the reason why companies advertise is that In order to let others know them and understand them. If there are more and more people on the Internet, then it is possible to advertise on the Internet. Just now that win95 is out, the monitor may become the TV of the future.”

He summed it up meaningfully: "It's not just a TV set for watching TV. There are too many types of programs. You can also make friends with others, play games, listen to music, and work...Now Sanyou Electronics can spend more than 7000 million yuan to buy CCTV. In the future, some companies may pay more money to buy advertisements on the Internet.”

The two of them, who had been making money only by selling software, couldn't help but stare blankly at him.

Will it be that exaggerated?

"Do things that require more advanced technology and make money from technology." Song Yang looked forward to them, "I believe you can do well in this matter. Of course, games are the same. Remember? I am a singer. If the game is made It would be better, then please ask a very well-known singer to help sing the theme song, and sell the original version through the Yinhe Audiovisual store, I can help."

But he emphasized: "But I hope that you will devote more energy to search engines while not giving up WPS. You must divide the work in these directions."

Song Yang didn't want the overlord of the search engine in this time and space to finally succumb to his interests and let things like search bidding and ranking ruin the search experience.

What portal... Wasn't there Ding Sanshi on the table last night?

Technological companies should do more technical things.

Make games, and make Huaguo's own truly good games.

To be a search engine should also have a more ambitious pursuit.

If they keep making money, the two of them won't be tired, right?
After all these are straightened out, Song Yang will pull them together to realize the original intention that he said last night.

The operating system of the PC is out of control.

But the operating system in the mobile Internet era is not necessarily useless.

He also talked about his patents in mpeg2, technology accumulation in VCD, and small software such as video players, of course, can also be made.

During the lively chat, both Qiu Bo and Lei Jun forgot about the investment.

Song Yang still felt that it was almost the same, and said with a smile: "For a period of five years, I will vote for you 5 million. The shares, of course, need more, 3000%. Jingshan is not only worth 30 million, I know. Now, say The value of 4000 million is a bit floating. But after I invested 1 million, the current foundation and the direction we talked about today are worth 3000 million.”

Qiu Bo's heart was shocked, and his eyes were full of light.

(End of this chapter)

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