Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 400

Chapter 400

Kaogos was taken aback. Undead creatures were not uncommon. Almost every continent had undead haunting them. If the city's cemeteries were not cleaned regularly, undead would often appear.

But undead creatures do not have much IQ, and it is difficult to gather into a climate. The only possibility for such a large-scale undead is that someone is behind the scenes.

Suddenly, a towering mountain suddenly came into view.

This mountain peak is unusually tall, and it is still very conspicuous among the vast mountains. The ice wraps the mountain body, forming a shape like a tower. There are high-level undead around the mountain peak, and the terrible chill is being transmitted from the mountain peak.

Even just watching, I can feel a trace of fear rising from the bottom of my heart.

Chaogos immediately realized that the strange dragon he was tracking must have something to do with all this.

Above the head, there was a sudden sound of flapping wings. When Kaogos turned his head, he saw a terrifying dragon with a wingspan of more than [-] meters pounced on him.

It was frightened and hurriedly swooped to avoid the opponent's pounce.

Chaogos recognized the giant dragon at a glance, Bolelius, the king of white dragons, but now the blue flames in its eyes have clearly turned into undead.

"Polelius, what have you done?"

Varian (Death Knight): "Hahahaha, Polyreus has now become a member of the Scourge, stupid blue dragon, and soon you will be like it, my lord's great plan needs your contribution Body, your soul!"

Hearing the other party's words, Cao Gogo was shocked.

Chaogos (Blue Dragon Spellweaver): "Evil human, what are you? Who is the master behind you?"

Varian (Death Knight): "Hahaha, you want to know the answer? I shouldn't have told you, but soon you and your race will join my Lord's great plan, so it doesn't matter.

Listen carefully, my master is the great Lich King, the master of death, the ruler of the undead, have you seen that huge army of undead?That is only a small part of my lord's strength, and soon my lord will use the power of death to transform all the dragons and build an army of dead dragons capable of conquering the world!

The whole world will tremble before the power of the undead Scourge.

Now - wake up. "

Varian slapped the dragon's head, and Borelius sprayed Chaogos with a breath of dragon's breath.

The strength gap between the two sides was too great, and Kaogos didn't dare to revel in the battle, turned around and ran away, flapping his wings frantically.

At the same time, he blesses himself with various magics that strengthen his flying ability.

The opponent was not willing to let go, the Frost Dragon kept breathing out dragon breath, and when Kaogos accidentally touched him, half of his body lit up.

What a terrible power!The blue dragon wasn't very afraid of the power of frost, but the power of death in the breath gave it a burst of fear.

Must escape from here!

In an instant, four giant dragons appeared in the sky at the same time, fleeing in all directions.

This trick is not too clever. Although the mirror image is realistic, it has no collision volume, and there is no sound of fanning the air when flying, so it is easy to distinguish.

However, Varian glanced at the embarrassed figure who was breathing cold air from his mouth, but he pulled the dragon's horns and rushed towards the phantoms of several other blue dragons.

Kaogos flew tens of kilometers in one breath before turning his head back in fear. Fortunately, the illusion he used hastily deceived the other party's eyes, and he finally escaped alive.

But when he thought of what the human said just now, he was startled and furious. He wanted to transform all the dragons into undead. It's unreasonable, Scourge! Lich King!Destroy the world!Several key words were outlined in my mind in an instant, I must go back and report this matter!No matter what the Lich King is, it must be destroyed.

Flapping his wings violently, Chaogos accelerated his flight speed again.

The frost dragon slowly descended from the sky.

On the ground, Kel'Thuzad also put down the staff that guided the camouflage magic.

This is a canyon between the valleys, only a mountain away from the undead army, but relying on the disguise of some undead magic performed by Kel'Thuzad, the surrounding undead will not set foot in the establishment.

Kel'Thuzad (Archmage): "It seems that the plan has succeeded, Your Highness Varian, and the crown of domination will be ours soon."

Varian jumped off Borelius's neck, nodded, and shook his head again, "Before it's confirmed, everything is unknown, let's go, let's go back."

Behind the two, there is a huge cave.

The two entered the cave, and in the depths of the cave, a huge fire dispelled the terrible chill of Icecrown Glacier.

Surrounding the huge fires, surrounded by densely packed adventurers, they warmed up by the fires, and some soldiers of the Stormwind Kingdom established a temporary stronghold here.

The adventurers greeted Varian walking in.

Varian also returned the gift one by one. When he left Lordaeron, he not only brought thousands of soldiers from the Stormwind Kingdom, but also thousands of adventurers with him. However, Northrend did not have a resurrection point, and he followed him all the way for several months. , now there are only a few hundred people left, but those who can survive are all top-notch powerhouses without exception, and these people are the biggest reliance for him to complete his plan. "

In addition to the adventurers, there are also some soldiers of the Stormwind Kingdom, who also gathered around the fire. Some of them looked at their prince numbly, some mechanically polished their weapons, and some drank strong wine, compared with zero adventurers. Waking up, these soldiers were obviously frightened by the terrifying side of this icy continent.

Varian did not blame these warriors. Expeditions in Northrend were not easy, and the expeditionary force paid a heavy price during the months of march.

Go straight to the biggest fire, gathered here are several guild leaders and core adventurers.

It was also through these people that Varian learned a lot of information that he should not have, and used this information to formulate a complex plan.

Although Frostmourne is powerful, it is a big pit. Unless you get the crown of domination, it will not be practical to use after all.

Fudo Gale (Hunter): "How about King Wa, has the plan succeeded?"

Varian nodded, "It should have been successful. The Wyrmrest coalition has noticed the existence of the Lich King, and also discovered the Scourge's 'conspiracy' to destroy the dragons. Soon they launched an attack on the Frozen Throne. Once the dragons have destroyed the outer defenses of the Frozen Throne, it is time for us to do it. This is our only chance.

Have you figured out who the Lich King really is? "

Several adventurers exchanged glances.

Star Scar (thief): "I'm not sure yet, but I have a few conjectures, and the most likely one is - Gul'dan."

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Gul'dan? Isn't he a warlock of the orcs? It's been a long time ago."

Little Witch (mage): "That's right. We thought it would be Ner'zhul, but Ner'zhul is not dead now. The Lich King must be a magic class who is proficient in magic, so the only ones who meet this standard are Ner'zhul. Gul'dan, and the death knight is a profession created by Gul'dan in history, he is very proficient in spiritism, so there are nine out of ten."

Varian no longer cares too much about the 'history' these adventurers speak of, and he cares more about the information it provides.

"Gul'dan..." For some reason, Varian always felt an inexplicable vigilance and hostility towards this name, as if something was destined to happen to him.

"Hehe, regardless of whether he is Gul'dan or not, for the crown of domination, the Lich King must die."

The speed of the Wyrmrest coalition was faster than Varian expected, and the adventurers he sent sent back the message just the next day.

The Longmian Allied Forces have arrived.

"I'm coming!"

In the cracks behind the ridge, players hid in the shadows and watched the dragons flying across the sky.

In the sky, the dense dragon wings almost covered the sun.

Three ancient dragons, dozens of adult dragons, hundreds of young dragons, and countless young dragons.

At this moment, the undead around the Frozen Throne have also discovered the incoming enemy, and thousands of gargoyles immediately rose into the air, ready to meet the enemy.

What awaits them is the blue dragon's terrifying dragon language magic, the sky is densely covered with storms and thunder, ice and flames...

The battle lasted for more than ten minutes, and the corpses of the gargoyles rained down like a rain.

The skeletal archers on the ground were nearly useless, burned out in the red dragon's flames.

Green dragons, bronze dragons, and even some black dragons belonging to the Longmian coalition all launched attacks on the ground one after another.

The dragon's breath of various attributes almost slaughtered all the undead around the Frozen Throne.

Only a small number of elites retreated into the Frozen Throne.

The Longmian coalition attacked with all their strength, it was truly terrifying.

However, for the indestructible shell of the Frozen Throne, the dragons are a little helpless.

In the end, the Longmian Allied Forces were very cautious and did not intend to directly attack the Frozen Throne. They just destroyed the undead around the Frozen Throne. This was no difficulty for them. They used their air superiority to fight and leave. Although the enemy cannot be completely wiped out in this way, the loss of one's own side is also very small.

Of course, they can also land down to fight a fierce ground battle, but it is really not a wise choice that the Dragon Clan will suffer heavy losses no matter whether they win or lose.

After all, the Lich King is threatening the whole world. Although the Wyrmrest Coalition was established by the guardian dragons, it is not a good choice to sell everything for the whole world.

At least now that such a wave has come down, the so-called Lich King will stop thinking about attacking the Dragon Clan in a short time.

The battle lasted for more than ten minutes. When the Longmian coalition retreated, only scars were left on the ground.

When the shadows of the dragons disappeared into the sky, Varian hiding in the cave led the adventurers out of the hiding place.

Looking at the Frozen Throne in the distance, Varian took a deep breath of Northrend's icy air.

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Soldiers of Stormwind City, brave adventurers, this long expedition is finally coming to an end. The artifact of death is hidden in the towering ice peak, and the undead blocking our way It has been eliminated, and the artifact is at your fingertips. As long as we get the crown of domination, we will have the power to protect this world.

For the safety of the Stormwind Kingdom, and for the glory of the Alliance, I order you—to fight side by side with me, kill! "


Amidst the passionate shouts, hundreds of soldiers from the Stormwind Kingdom and hundreds of elite adventurers launched a mighty attack on the Frozen Throne.

(End of this chapter)

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