Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 399 Icecrown Glacier

Chapter 399 Icecrown Glacier
Varian did not respond to these messages. These thoughts were obviously instructions from the mysterious voice long ago, a kind of reverberation and reverberation in thoughts.

He went straight to Bolelius's body, aimed at Borelius' forehead, and thrust the blade into it.

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Resurrect, King of the White Dragon, resurrect Polyleus, in the name of Frostmourne, I will summon your soul back from the other side of death, resurrect!"

A blue flame of the underworld quickly ignited in Polelius' eyes, and the flame spread rapidly, filling the dried up blood vessels and connecting the broken shells.

Boom!The dragon claws of the white dragon slowly lifted, leaving a huge crack less than a few meters away in front of Varian, but Varian didn't care, and focused on injecting the power of death into Bolelius's body. In the body.

Bolelius slowly raised his head, it seemed a little dull, and a little dazed, the eyes burning with the blue spiritual fire no longer had the same charm as before, but Varian knew very well that it was because its soul had long been incomplete Incomplete relationship, part of the dragon soul is attached to the dragon heart, part of it belongs to the underworld, and part of it is sucked into it by Frostmourne, controlling the huge and magnificent body in front of it.

That's what the so-called undead are.

However, it is an ancient dragon after all, even if only a part of its remnant soul remains, it will still be a powerful individual after its resurrection.

Soon, a new name and blood bar appeared above the dragon's head.

'Bladecaller' Borelius (Frost Dragon), the world's first-order boss, with 284000 HP.

Varian nodded. Although he could feel that the dragon's strength had dropped a lot after being resurrected, it still looked very powerful. At least his next plan was enough to carry out.

At this moment, another piece of information came to mind.

Mysterious voice: "Varian, is that you? You damn human, you haven't answered my call for so long, are you trying to betray your master?"

This time the voice was unusually clear, and Varian immediately understood that it seemed that the other party had finally found himself online.

Although Frostmourne is a powerful artifact, it is obviously not a complete artifact, but is governed by a higher level. That mysterious voice is the true owner of the death artifact.

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Oh, my respected master, how can you say that about me, I have been serving you all the time, according to your command, I will gather a huge army of undead for you, Isn't that exactly your order?"

Mysterious voice: "But why don't you bring Frostmourne with you, you know it makes me very unhappy, and when I am unhappy..."

A sharp stabbing pain suddenly came out of Varian's brain, as if piercing into the soul. Varian gritted his teeth. Fortunately, because he had made enough preparations, the damage was not too great. The most important thing was It's his will that hasn't been affected too much.

But Varian still showed a look of being seriously injured.

Varian (Storm Prince): "Oh, great master, stop now, stop now!"

Mysterious voice: "Hmph, now you know how powerful you are! Humans, do you know what will happen if you reject me? This is just a small punishment. If you dare to betray me, then you will understand what you will suffer. What torture."

Varian (Storm Prince): "Oh, my great master, I will never betray you."

Mysterious voice: "What did you do just now, I felt a huge mana disturbance, you consumed a lot of death power."

Varian (Prince of Storms): "I have created a new servant for you." Varian said as he climbed onto the back of the dragon, Bolelius immediately flapped his wings and flew towards the outside of the cave.

Mysterious voice: "Let me see—damn it, a giant dragon, you resurrected a dragon, I told you not to provoke those reptiles in Wyrmrest Temple during this period, the time has not come yet!"

Among the many forces entrenched in Dragonbone Wilderness, Wyrmrest Temple is undoubtedly the most powerful one.

After the death of the last ancient dragon, Galakrond, its body fell from the sky, and the power contained in the body produced a huge energy shock, which razed hundreds of kilometers around it to the ground, and thus created a map called Dragonbone Wilderness .

In order to ensure that this monster that destroyed the world would not be revived again, the five giant guardian dragons jointly built a dragon fortress named Dragon Rest Temple, and each arranged for a ancient dragon to guard it. For tens of thousands of years, the five ancient dragons have always remained. Here, even after the betrayal of the Black Dragon Legion in the War of the Ancients, the Wyrmrest Alliance Army did not disintegrate because of this, and always insisted on its mission to monitor Galakrond's body.

This army is a special force under the Dragon Covenant, and it has never been dispatched even in the most critical moment of the Dragon Clan.

Although the mysterious voice behind Frostmourne was powerful, it obviously did not dare to easily attract the attention of the Longmian coalition forces.

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Don't worry, master, I have always kept your teachings in mind and never provoke those giant dragons. What I resurrected is a white dragon, which does not belong to the sphere of influence of Wyrmrest Temple."

Mysterious voice: "Very well, you are not allowed to lift Frostmourne, you must obey me."

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Oh, of course, I can't bear to part with this Excalibur." Varian said, at this moment, Boleilios was already soaring in the cold sky of Dragonbone Wilderness. The mountains, forests, and wilderness are unobstructed.

On the horizon in the distance, the outline of Wyrmrest Temple can be vaguely seen, so far away, the magnificent temple looks very small, like a small tower.

But he knew that the temple was extremely magnificent, and there were thousands of dragons living in it. No force in Northrend dared to provoke it easily, but now, he was going to provoke it.

Looking at the huge building getting closer and closer in the distance, Varian smiled slightly.

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Alright master, I still have things to do, so I won't contact you for now."

Mysterious voice: "Hey, wait a minute..."

Varian had already put Frostmourne back into his backpack.

At this moment, in the distant sky, a young red dragon is desperately flying towards the Dragon Rest Temple.

It was the one that was frozen in the Frost Dragon's Nest before, and it was ready to report back to the Dragon's Rest Temple as soon as it was unfrozen.

Varian was not in a hurry to act, but followed from a distance, slowly closing the distance.

Seemingly feeling threatened, the young red dragon turned around and looked at the sky behind him, seeing the figure of Borelius, he was frightened and waved his wings vigorously.

But how did the young red dragon fly past the ancient dragon, and was caught up in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that it was not too far away from Wyrmrest Temple, Varian didn't wait any longer.

"Kill it!"

With an order, Bolelius opened his mouth, and blue frost flames spewed out. This frost flame breath not only contained the power of frost that Bolelius had mastered before he was alive, but also contained the magic power of death from the underworld.

Where the blue fire passed, the red dragon had no ability to resist, and let out a shrill dragon throat, which spread far into the night sky, and then fell down screaming.

Varian also let Borelius down.

When he landed beside the red dragon, the red dragon was already dead.

Although the corpse had cooled down, the flesh and blood were unharmed, only a layer of ice crystals was attached, and the eye sockets were hollow and lifeless.

good, very good.

Varian nodded.

The power of Borelius' dragon breath has basically not decreased, but it has lost the ability of dragon language magic.

After confirming the results of the battle and leaving enough traces, Varian didn't stay any longer, allowing Borelius to soar into the sky again and fly towards the distance.

The timing Varian chose to leave was obviously very wise. After only a few minutes, the figures of several giant dragons appeared in the sky.

A red dragon and a blue dragon, both adult dragons, landed together and turned into a red-haired elf and a blue-haired human.

Seeing the corpse of the young red dragon, both dragons were taken aback.

Ernestaz (Red Dragon Skywatcher): "This is——Frost Dragon's Breath? Damn, did Bolelius do it? This guy is getting more and more arrogant."

Kaogos (Blue Dragon Spellweaver): "No, something is not quite right, I can feel the power of death from it! The disturbance of the magic power is still obvious, it shouldn't be long before the other party left."

Magic perception!

Some blue light spots suddenly appeared in the sky, and a flight path formed by the blue light spots flew towards the mountains in the north.

Chaogos (Blue Dragon Spellweaver): "It's the shadow that wanders in the northern mountains. It's unforgivable to dare to attack the dragons! I'll catch up and see where it's going. Go back and report to the ambassadors immediately."

The red dragon nodded, and the two dragons soared into the sky at the same time, one heading north and the other west.

At the same time, Varian was flying Borelius in the direction of the Frozen Throne.

He didn't know the location of the Frozen Throne originally, but thanks to those adventurers, the mysterious voice hidden in the mountains was finally discovered by him in a giant frozen peak
Following the trail left by that strange dragon, the blue dragon continued to speed up, but the speed of the other party was very fast, even if the blue dragon tried its best, it could barely guarantee not to lose track.

Dragonbone Wilderness gradually disappeared, replaced by a large coniferous forest, Crystalsong Forest.

Continuing to fly, the forest also disappeared, and there appeared cold and continuous mountains and majestic glaciers in front of us.

Chaogos was a little nervous. He had never been to this strange territory before. The only task of the Wyrmrest coalition was to monitor Galakrond's corpse, and Northrend was not a safe place. Even with the strength of the dragon clan , although no one dares to provoke them in the Dragonblight, but looking at the entire Northrend, it is not the only powerful force.

The storm giants in the storm cliffs, the guardians of Ulduar, the Vrykul kingdom in the Howling Fjord, the frost troll empire in Zul'Drak, and the spider-man hidden deep in the ground are all very powerful.

But almost without exception, no one is interested in the icy wasteland of Icecrown Glacier. The terrain here is too rugged, the climate is too cold, and resources are scarce.

But now, this dead and silent place seems to be extraordinarily lively.

That is - undead!
Through the clouds, Chaogos saw countless undead in ragged clothes and bones, busy building towers, city walls, and even fortresses.

So many undead!Looking around, there are canyons and mountains all over the Icecrown Glacier.

(End of this chapter)

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