Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 355 Big Counterattack Plan

Chapter 355 Big Counterattack Plan

Hearing the system's announcement, Murphy couldn't help but feel admiration. This Godwin is a little tricky, and he actually took advantage of Prince Adam's confrontation incident to advance himself to the position.

This method is really powerful. In reality, I am afraid that he is also a business elite or a master strategist, right?

By the way, this guy shouldn't be an old man, right?Looking at Godwin's face, Murphy couldn't help but think of the kind who pretended to be tender in the game.

Although the game characters in Sky World will be simulated according to the player's appearance, as long as you are willing to spend money, you can even be the son of the Creator God. It is definitely possible to change the age and appearance a little bit.

Therefore, Mo Fei couldn't help being suspicious, maybe this guy is an old man in his 70s or [-]s.

At this time, Godwin had a solemn expression on his face, and he let out a long sigh of relief in his heart. After finally becoming a king, he became excited again.

Becoming a king is even more about flexing your muscles.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "As the king of Lordaeron, I will, as always, be loyal to my oath, the glory of my family, fight against the Horde, and wipe out the orcs!

For tomorrow's battle, I have prepared a plan, please correct me together. "

As he spoke, he beckoned, and immediately an attendant brought the prepared plan.

"In addition to supporting the various battlefields today, I also did a very important thing, which is to collect military intelligence of the tribe. Thanks to those adventurers who are not afraid of life and death, I basically grasp the current military deployment of the tribe."

As he spoke, he asked the illusionist to push up the updated sand table.

Seeing the military deployment of the tribe, everyone was amazed.

The troop information on this sand table is so detailed that almost 90% of the tribal legion numbers can be found.

Blaney (Prince of Gilneas): "Your Majesty Godwin, how did you do it, it's - it's amazing."

"Hehe, I can only say that I naturally have my own way."

Murphy was also observing the tribal army layout on the map. Judging from the sand table, there were very few troop numbers on the two wings, and they were all little-known small clans.

The most powerful main armies are almost all concentrated in the center line, with an isolated mountain named 'Broken Spear Peak' as the core, distributed layer by layer.

No wonder the alliance made some breakthroughs on the left and right wings all day today, but lost troops in the middle, and every attack was blocked.

However, this kind of layout of stacking troops is really not clever, it lacks strategic depth at all, and it is easy to be cut off from the back and carry out a large-scale encirclement.

Orgrim, as the great chieftain of the orcs, defeated the Kingdom of Stormwind. It stands to reason that he shouldn't be so unreasonable in military affairs, right?
"Everyone has seen it."

Godwin said: "The orcs should be carrying out some kind of secret plan, and the key point of the plan is this Broken Spear Peak. According to my intelligence network investigation, the tribe has arranged the most elite Blackstone Legion around the Broken Spear Peak.

At the same time, almost all the high-level shamans of the Shadowmoon clan gathered there.

At the same time, orc laborers continued to transport a large amount of supplies there, and it is unknown what they did.

There are also a large number of fire element creatures appearing in that area. Obviously, they are performing some kind of ritual. If I dare to guess, they are either summoning a powerful fire element lord, or even the fire element king Rag Narrows himself.

Or they are preparing for some powerful spell, some kind of super magic that can destroy an entire army at once. "

Having said that, everyone's eyes turned to Murphy.

Murphy shrugged helplessly, "I just used some force casually. Who knew that those orcs were so careless, they fell down before I exerted much force."

This time, everyone didn't pick up on it, and they said to themselves, just pretend, we won't trust you.

Muradin, on the other hand, laughed out loud.

"That is to say, those orcs are relying on their numbers. If it weren't for the fact that I have too few fighters, our dwarf army alone can beat them back."

Everyone also ignored the habitual stubbornness of the dwarves. There are quite a few dwarves in Ironforge, so they can only defend.

Lothar said: "Then, Your Majesty Godwin, what are your plans for this?"

"For this situation, I think we have no choice but two coping strategies, either to avoid this Brokenspear Peak.

Either hit the troops to attack Broken Spear Peak, and completely destroy it before the opponent is ready for the ceremony. Once successful, the tribe will completely lose the initiative. "

Everyone is convinced of this.

But whether to attack or avoid, everyone has their own opinions.

Someone suggested: "We don't need to take this risk. Why don't we just go around the Broken Spear Peak and attack their rear from both sides. Once we break through the Wrath Fang Plain and block the half-mountain tunnel, we will cut off their rear. The 50 The orc hordes will be our prey."

But someone immediately objected, "No, if the other party successfully summons the Fire Demon King, then we will be surrounded."

Then there was humanity: "The key now is to figure out what they are doing, whether they are summoning the Balrog Lord, or preparing to cast 'super magic'."

"That's right, otherwise it's just luck."

Mo Fei listened to everyone's conversation and suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

Fire Elemental Lord?I am familiar with this.

He directly opened the private message channel, opened the friend list and glanced at it. Fortunately, the other party was online.

A private message was sent directly.

Aidan: What are you doing dude.

Laglios: Who are you?
Aidan: I am old Mo.

Laglios: Murphys?How did you become human?
Aidan: I practice trumpet.

Lagrios: Damn, so awesome?Your trumpet is a bit fierce, I have seen the world announcement just now, 'Storm Disaster'... Your sister's majestic 80-level Balrog Lord has not yet been mixed with the exclusive title, but you have been mixed first , Do you have something to do with me?
Aidan: Let me ask you a letter. Is there any movement in the land of fire recently?Did Ragnaros the Firelord do anything?
Lagrios: Hey, well, I'm afraid it's not convenient to say that.

It's not convenient to say... Hehe, it seems that there is movement.

If there is really nothing wrong, the other party will probably be curious why he would ask such a question. Since the other party says it is inconvenient to say, it means that something must have happened.

Aidan: Let me guess, the Horde will summon the Firelord to the Prime Material Plane?
Lagrios: Damn, how do you know?I know, there must be your spies in the tribe, right? Come on, I know those stupid orcs can't do big things, I have to tell the boss later, I can't get too used to them.

Aidan: That's right, and we also know that the location of their summoning ceremony is on Brokenspear Peak.

Lagrios: ...I'm fucking speechless, this is still a thread, and the details have been checked before it even started, so why are you telling me this?You know everything and still ask me?

Sure enough, Mo Feixin said that in this way, only the details are left. The key is when the summoning can be completed, but don't kill it just when the summoning is completed.

Murphy is quite self-aware. The Fire Demon King is a world-destroying boss. If he really meets the Fire Demon King, he, the Storm Dragon King, is no match at all.

Aidan: Because we are good brothers. Of course, I can’t ignore my brother’s troubles. I have to remind you anyway. We have already known the plan of the tribe. When the time comes, if you really answer the call, That is to jump into the pit.

Although it is said that the projection mode will not really die, it is not good to lose the level.

Laglios: Say nothing, brother, you are so mean.

Aidan: So will you go with the Fire Demon King tomorrow afternoon? Don't accidentally injure your allies.

Lagrarios: Tomorrow afternoon?Haha, those stupid orcs told you that?You have been fooled. How could the ceremony to summon the Fire Demon King be completed so quickly? At least the summoning ceremony will not start until the morning of the day after tomorrow. I have a subordinate who is working as a supervisor over there and told me this personally.

Aidan: Really?Damn, what those orcs said was true, I almost believed it, thank you for reminding me.

Lagrios: Thank you, what's the relationship between us, you're welcome, you won't plan to attack Brokenspear Peak in advance, will you?
Aidan: You can't attack. You don't know what the terrain is like in the wetland. It's full of mud and swamps. Attacking is just killing people. We're going to go around and attack the back of the tribe. Anyway, in the projection mode, the main The physical world will continue to consume power, as long as you are far enough away for the summoned fire element to dissipate by itself.

Lagrarios: That's right, then I won't accept the call when the time comes.

After the conversation was over, Murphy looked at everyone again.

Everyone is still arguing.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "I think I know what the orcs are doing. They are indeed preparing to summon the Lord of Fire, and they will hold a summoning ceremony the next morning. At this time, they are building the summoning altar. Those peons What was delivered was exactly the material needed to build the altar."

Everyone looked at Murphy in surprise.

Godwin asked puzzledly, "Prince Aidan, how do you know such detailed information?"

Murphy smiled slightly, "Hehe, I can only say that I naturally have my own way."

Godwin was taken aback for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"Prince Aidan is indeed the hero of the alliance. In this way, the next plan will be easy. We must not let the Lord of Fire Demon be summoned to this world. Once we succeed, we will completely lose our advantage.

So my plan is to concentrate all forces on Broken Spear Peak tomorrow.

Although the enemy has a large number of troops, the knights of our alliance are all powerful fighters, well-equipped and well-trained. If they can launch a group charge, they will definitely be able to penetrate the enemy's defense line. "

Immediately, someone questioned: "But Your Majesty, how will the topography of the swamp area end?"

Due to the muddy swamp area and the vertical and horizontal rivers, it is impossible for large troops to rush in quickly, which leads to a natural advantage for the defender.

Someone suggested: "Concentrate all the mage troops, use ice magic to freeze the ground of the swamp, and save a hard road of ice."

This is a good plan, but the noble mages are used to pave the way, which somewhat makes the archmages of Dalaran a little unhappy.

But for the victory of the alliance, he could only agree.

Godwin continued: "The troops of the tribe are very scattered, and it is obviously impossible for them to expect that we will concentrate a large number of troops to attack.

We will gather the most elite [-] knights and launch an assault from the front. I will personally lead this army, Uther, Saidan Dathrohan, Turayang, Gavinrad Doom, you lead your respective troops Attack with me.

I suggest that the air force be led by Prince Aidan, with Prince Falstad as his adjutant, to cover our attack throughout.

In addition, the infantry led by the Grand Duke Bolvar, Lord Mograine, Prince Muradin, and Prince Blaney led the attack to attract the attention of the tribe.

Wait until the enemy's reserve team is called out, and then use these [-] knights and [-] air troops to penetrate the enemy's defense line in one go.

Our goal is to destroy the altar on Brokenspear Peak and prevent the summoning ceremony, so there is no need to fight a war of attrition. Once we break through the direction, we will go up the mountain immediately, kill all the orc shamans, and then retreat immediately. "

This plan is bold, but the possibility of success is extremely high. Today's one-day attrition battle has given both sides an understanding of the terrain of the wetland. This kind of swampy area cannot concentrate large-scale troops, especially cavalry, to fight. The enemy must not have anticipated such an action.

Moreover, Godwin actually wants to go to the battlefield in person, which can be regarded as a kind of honor for him.

After thinking for a while, everyone nodded in agreement.

Murphy also voted in favor.

Godwin felt very excited in his heart, this feeling of ordering the heroes is really good.

But he didn't drift, Aidan was almost killed by Aidan the last time he drifted, this time he had to stay steady.

When the meeting ended, Godwin called Murphy, Lawrence, Sean, and Mia together.

He looked at Murphy first, "Prince Aidan, the life and death of me and the [-] knights will depend on you, please protect our sky."

Murphy was also a little surprised, he didn't expect Godwin to trust him so much, okay, this guy is quite big.

Nodded, "Don't worry, for the victory of the alliance, I will fight side by side with you. I guarantee with my honor that I will never betray you."

Godwin nodded, and looked at Lawrence, Mia, and Sean again.

Before Godwin could speak

Lawrence took the initiative: "Don't worry, brother, we will never play against each other tomorrow."

However, Godwin smiled slightly, "No, I'm afraid I need you to fight again."

Prince Lawrence was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood.

"What do I need to do?"

"Contact the players in the tribe and tell them, continue to swipe tomorrow. The person you want to sell this time is me, so you just tell them..."

As Godwin spoke, he revealed his plan. '

Lawrence stared wide-eyed.

"Can this work?"

"How will you know if you don't try it? Anyway, it's not you who took the risk."

Lawrence thought so too.

Immediately contacted the few players in the tribe.

Lawrence: I said friends from the tribe, will you continue to brush tomorrow? "

Ba Dao Wuqing: Damn, let's do this, we were screwed by you in this afternoon's battle, more than 1 troops were killed, and several heroes died, what are you doing, brothers are scared.

Lawrence: It's not our fault. You guys are too good at it. Tens of thousands of people can't even beat a dragon. And Muradin hasn't been killed for so long. You have to get rid of the dwarf sooner.

Ba Dao is ruthless: That Aidan is a cheater, Nima is almost invincible, how can I fight.

Lawrence was also silent, thinking that this Aidan is really so powerful?It doesn't look like much, it looks ordinary.

Lawrence: That can't be helped. That Aidan and Muradin are good friends. If they are in trouble, they will definitely come to support them. Moreover, they can fly, so we can't stop them.But don't worry, this time we have a perfect target to sell you, Godwin, he's the King of Lordaeron now, killing him will definitely cost you a lot of plot points.

And his equipment is also good, with top-level configuration, he will definitely develop after killing him, and he doesn't deal with Aidan, if he is besieged, Aidan will definitely not help.

Ba Dao Wuqing: Get out, you also said that Godwin is the king, he has so many troops, you dare to sell us but we dare not buy.

Lawrence: Don't worry, I just finished the alliance's high-level meeting. He will go to the battlefield in person tomorrow, and that's just the opportunity. I'll ask you if you want to do it. Let's do it like this...

Talking about the plan again.

The other party was really moved when he heard it.

Ba Dao Wuqing: It sounds quite feasible, okay, it's settled, I'll contact a few more brothers, and we will act together when the time comes, what do you want in exchange?
Lawrence: Orgrim, Ner'zhul, King Saurfang...all are fine.

Ba Dao Wuqing: Heroes of this level are not easy to deal with, so how about it, I will contact you tomorrow depending on the situation. "

Ba Dao ruthlessly closed the private message, but there was a look of suspicion on his face.

Surrounding him were the group of players who participated in the matchmaking together today, and they were also having their own meeting.

Iron-Blooded Wolf Warrior (Chief Warrior Wolf): "How is it? What do you say over there?"

"Lawrence said he would sell Godwin to us..." Ba Dao said ruthlessly, repeating the conversation between the two just now.

Jagged Warrior immediately frowned, "I feel something is wrong. The world announced that Godwin became the king just after Adam fell into the boss. If there is nothing to do with it, something will happen. Do you think it was Godwin who made it for us?" A trap? He knew we were playing against each other, so he arranged a trap for us."

Ba Dao Wuqing: "I think that's probably the case, but he doesn't know that we already know his plot, so we can just do the opposite. We do this and this, what do you think?"

Doomsday Blade: "Damn it, Ba Dao is a good plan, I think it will work."

Golden Behemoth: "Yes, that's it."

at the same time--

Godwin asked, "How is it? Has the other party agreed?"

Lawrence nodded: "The other party agreed, but—it seems a little suspicious.

"Hehe, of course I doubt it. Adam is the main organizer of the duel, and something happened to him. The players of these tribes are not really stupid. If there is no doubt, it will be a ghost.

They must have guessed that I already knew their plot, so they must have done the opposite.

But what they don't know is that I already know they know we know their plot.

So they do the opposite, and I will do the opposite. At that time, as long as we do this and do this again, they will have nothing to sing. "

Lawrence stared wide-eyed, Sean was still trying to understand, but Mia was in a daze, what was it all about.

Murphy, who was on the sidelines, understood that Godwin was really addicted to playing tricks, but would things really go so smoothly?

"Prince Aidan, I'm afraid this matter still needs your cooperation."

Murphy did not refuse, anyway, you are the one who took the risk personally, you are not afraid of anything I am afraid of, "No problem."

(End of this chapter)

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