Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 354 The Road of Blood

Chapter 354 The Road of Blood
Facing the criticism from everyone, Adam's face gradually turned red.

He was terrified, but even more angry.

Damn Godwin, I didn't expect, oh, I didn't expect that your kid would do such an amazing job!Didn't I just sell a few NPCs, so what's bothering you?

Damn Aidan, why did he save Muradin, if he died there wouldn't be so many things.

Damn Lawrence, Mia, Sean, what did they say when they were fighting with me, and now they are like this again.

Damn, hate!Damn bastard, damn everything.

He clenched his fists angrily, his sharp nails pierced into his palm, and blood flowed out immediately, dripping slowly between his fingers.

A trace of scarlet energy smoke lingered in his hand.

Just as hatred filled his heart, a sharp female voice emerged in his mind.

Scarlet Mother: I told you a long time ago that this world is full of falsehoods and lies. Look at the faces of those people. They will turn you into sacrifices to fill their desires and malice.

You are in danger, my abominable child, wake up, only blood and pain can tell the truth of the world.

Pray to me, my abominable child, pray to me, offer me your blood and pain, and I will give you the great power that springs from your blood...

Only then can you survive.

System prompt: You have attracted the attention of the 'Scarlet Mother', triggering the plot task [Road to the Blood King].

[Road of the Blood King (Story Mission)
Task content: Completely break with the alliance, become the blood prince, and embark on the hateful road of chasing blood power.

Task reward: Your hero template will be automatically converted into a boss template of the same level, your reputation in the Scarlet Church will be upgraded from friendly to revered, and your relationship with the alliance will be converted from respected to hostile. 】

Adam's face froze. This was the evil god he believed in—the Scarlet Mother, and he learned all his blood magic from this evil god.

At the beginning, he took over the task of clearing up the cultists, and after eliminating the cultists, he obtained a power from the evil god from the blood stains on the battlefield, and thus embarked on the road of blood magic.

But he didn't expect the evil god to notice him at this time.

Was it the hatred and anger in my heart that attracted the attention of this evil god?

Do you want to accept this power?

The Scarlet Mother is an evil god, and taking refuge means that he has completely become a BOSS, and Adam's heart skipped a beat.

I haven't played the BOSS template myself, and it's said to be very strong, but that Aidan is a reference, and it's really ridiculously strong after being transformed into a dragon.

Immediately, there was a little more expectation in my heart.

The gods of the evil gods are usually accompanied by strong side effects, but the evil gods are also gods, and only by becoming the gods of the gods can they take revenge and pay the price for this damn Godwin.

The expectation value suddenly became stronger.

And now that I am in danger, I have to struggle a bit in order to survive.

Immediately made up his mind, he said silently in his heart.

"Great Scarlet Mother, I pray to you with blood and pain, give me your strength, and help me escape the cage made by hypocrites."

His skin was getting redder and redder, while everyone was still arguing about what to do with Adam.

Blaney (Prince of Gilneas): "He must be executed. My father must not die in vain, and the people of the Kingdom of Gilneas will not agree. If he cannot be executed, the Kingdom of Gilneas will withdraw from the alliance!"

Muradin (King of the Hill): "That's right, Adam must die. Such a scum, such a traitor, has no reason to live."

Faol (Archbishop of Holy Light): "Your Majesty Godwin, Adam is the prince of Lordaeron, and you must make this judgment."

Amidst the urging voices of the crowd, Godwin showed a painful expression on his face, and he said sadly: "But Adam is my own brother after all, how can I do it, maybe we can arrest him first, and wait until the war is over." Give him a fair sentence."

"The matter is already obvious, isn't it? There is nothing to hesitate."

"That's right, for those warriors who died because of betrayal in the war, Adam must die!"

"Give the order, Your Majesty Godwin."

Uther suddenly stood up at this moment and shouted loudly, "Everyone, I think I understand His Majesty Godwin's difficulties. Back then, we questioned His Majesty Godwin's justice and honor, and asked him to swear that he would not inherit the throne until he defeated the orcs." , but now everything is clear, it was Prince Adam who colluded with the orcs and killed His Majesty Tenaris, and now King Greymane, Adam is the one who should be punished.

As for His Majesty Godwin, he should inherit the position of King of Lordaeron—without a doubt.

Only by becoming a king can he be qualified to pass judgment on Prince Adam.

But becoming a king is not an easy thing. A king must have enough personal qualities—bravery, wisdom, nobility, and—fairness. Tell me, Your Majesty Godwin, whether you can do enough to face your own relatives. What about justice? "

I!Godwin seemed to be greatly shocked, and his face was extremely tangled for a moment, as if he couldn't bear to judge his own brother.

But in the end, a resolute look appeared on his face.

"You're right Uther, you've woken me up. In today's crisis-ridden era, the survival of the alliance is above all else. Even if it's my own brother, I can never cover up his evil behavior.

Maybe I can't be a wise monarch like my father, but fairness—I think I can.

I am willing to accept the position of King of Lordaeron and to give a just reward to those who died in battle. "

He said and looked at Adam, "I'm sorry Adam—my dear brother, everyone has to bear the consequences for their actions, although it hurts me to do this kind of thing (Tenima is cool), but I It has to be done.

Accept justice!

In the name of the King of Lordaeron, I sentence you guilty, but I am merciful. If you have anything to say, this is your last chance. "

Adam's face became more and more red, as if he was about to bleed, and the red smoke lingered around him, looking evil and weird.

Everyone showed a vigilant look. Although there are many people, everyone knows that the princes and princesses of Menethil's family are all outstanding and should not be underestimated.

Adam (Blood Prince): "Hahahahahaha, my stupid brother, your childishness and innocence make me sick, yes, I was the one who killed the father, I thought you would die with him, no To think that you survived.

The leaders of the alliance are indeed a bunch of useless waste, knowing that you have huge suspicions but still letting you go, why?Didn't you want you to use the blood of the people of Lordaeron to fight against the orcs and bear the casualties for them.

Such hypocrisy, such insidiousness, the so-called justice and glory - are just excuses for a group of cowardly and vicious people.

It was my plan to destroy this rotten alliance, and I would have almost succeeded were it not for someone's sudden intervention.

But you still underestimate me, do you think I will have nothing to rely on if I stay?The power I possess is beyond your imagination.

That is the terrible magic bestowed on me by the great master I serve!Soon, you will all pay for your short-sightedness. "

Murphy was shocked when he heard it, I wipe it, what is wrong with this guy, he even recognized them all?
Suddenly he noticed that the title on Adam's head had changed from Prince of Lordaeron to Prince of Blood.

Prince of Blood?What kind of profession is this?
Moreover, Adam's name has also changed from a green ally color to a red hostile color, and even the border of the avatar has changed from a hero to a BOSS avatar.

Others also noticed the changes in Adam, mainly in appearance, of course, the evil red magic mist was obviously not a normal thing.

"kill him!"

"fix it!"

"Kill him!"

"In the name of the Holy Light."

In an instant, everyone shot together, holy light, magic, and swords all greeted them, but Adam didn't hide. He was bombarded, slashed, and pierced by chaotic swords and turned into a pool of blood and flesh in an instant.

The piece of meat melted quickly, and his face still loomed in the bloody water.

Adam (Blood Prince): "It's too body has been liberated...the King of Blood will return...this world...will be drowned in the blood of the Scarlet will be destroyed ... gurgling"

As a bunch of blood bubbles emerged from the pool of blood, the entire Prince Adam disappeared completely.

[System prompt: Complete the sudden plot event [The Blood Prince's Betrayal]. You have witnessed the fall and betrayal of the blood prince Adam. He seems to have summoned the power of a certain evil god and successfully escaped the capture of the alliance.

According to your performance in this event, you get 75 plot points. This event has been recorded in the Chronicle of the Sky: BOSS Biography. 】

75 plot points...

Mo Feixin said okay, he really doesn't have any sense of presence in this sudden plot incident.

He suddenly understood why Adam took all the blame on himself just now.

I guess it is necessary to collect more plot points. Since it is going to be blackened, of course it must be blackened thoroughly. The higher the notoriety value, the stronger the boss.

Originally, he was just one of the princes of Lordaeron, but now he directly created an evil boss who plotted to destroy the alliance for himself, which is quite quick-witted.

Muradin (King of the Hill): "Odin's beard, what the hell is that?"

Fao (Archbishop of Holy Light): "Holy Light, that is - the power of the Scarlet Mother, the evil god who was born in the legend in blood and pain, so this is the case, this Adam has already surrendered to the evil god, no wonder it is so evil."

Uther (Paladin Lord): "Look, I said long ago that evil forces will inevitably bring about corruption and evil deeds, and this is the best example." He glanced at Murphy while speaking.

Muradin immediately stared back, "What should we do now?"

Godwin pondered for a moment. He was very surprised by Adam's last actions. Although Adam was accumulating notoriety for himself, there was no doubt that he helped him clear the suspicion from the side.

But Godwin would not naively think that Adam had no malice towards him anymore, he could feel that he and Adam would inevitably have some fights in the future.

But at that time, it will be the battle between the king of Lordaeron and the evil blood prince, and he is quite looking forward to it.

Godwin (Regent of Lordaeron): "Initiate a wanted arrest for Adam, and issue a hunting mission to the Adventurer's Association. Any warrior who can kill Adam will receive the honor and rewards of the alliance, as well as an epic from the royal treasure house of Lordaeron." Equipment rewards."

"Well done, Your Majesty Godwin. I admire your justice and determination. The facts have already revealed your qualifications. I salute you—His Majesty the King of Lordaeron!"

As Uther said, he knelt down on one knee.

Several other paladins of the Silver Hand also knelt down to salute.

Is this to create established facts?

Looking at all this, Murphy couldn't help but sigh in admiration, who said that Uther is old-fashioned, don't you think his acting skills are very good.

There have always been two different theories about the period of history when Alsace massacred Stratholme and Uther chose to run away.

The first theory is that Uther is just and rigid, so facing the residents of Stratholme infected by natural disasters and plagues, they would choose to be more conservative when faced with this dilemma, so he rejected Alsace's order to massacre the city.

Another way of saying it is that Uther is an old bastard, knowing that massacring a city would bring him a bad reputation, so he simply found an excuse to slip away and left this hot choice to Alsace.

In the past, Mo Fei wasn't sure about the truth, but now he can see that Uther is definitely a badass, although he is not a bad person, but under his calm appearance, he is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface. But it is extremely deep.

Gaining the support of the paladin lords, Godwin turned to the princes and princesses of Lordaeron's royal family.

"Lawrence, Sean, Mia, the relationship between you and me in the royal family of Menethil has not been very close, but now is the critical moment for the survival of Lordaeron, I hope you can be fair and straightforward, you think I am qualified To be king?"

Lawrence, Sean, and Mia immediately understood that it was time to stand in line.

A few people were also quite guilty. Among Lordaeron's royal factions, those who most opposed Godwin had already gone to Northrend, and their faction was next. Gathering around Adam would have made Godwin fight against each other. Confrontation, but today, it is impossible to sit on the fence and wait and see.

In addition, they also participated in the confrontation activity, and they were relatively guilty, so they reacted almost immediately.

Lawrence (Prince of Lordaeron): "Brother, you are the king everyone expects, and only you can lead Lordaeron."

Sean (Prince of Lordaeron): "That's right, leading the alliance army against the orcs, you deserve the title of king."

Mia (Princess of Lordaeron): "Brother, we all support you."

Godwin looked at the leaders and representatives of various countries.

"Everyone, what do you say?"

How else could it be said, Godwin's general situation has already been established, and if he wants to sing against Godwin at this time, he will undoubtedly become a sinner who destroys the unity of the alliance.

If Godwin made a move to advance by retreating and directly announced the withdrawal of troops, then the alliance would stop fighting.

Blaney was the first to agree, since he was also one of the suspects after all.

Blaney (Prince of Gilneas): "I salute you, Your Majesty the King of Lordaeron."

Muradin (King of the Hill): "I have never liked you, Godwin, but I have to say that what you have done today is worthy of a king."

Alleria (Ranger-General): "I salute you, Your Majesty the King."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "I salute you, Your Majesty."

Lothar, Prince Thorbane and others also expressed their views.

Archbishop Faol nodded inscrutablely, "Then I hereby announce that Godwin has officially succeeded the title and power of King of Lordaeron."

[World Announcement: Prince Adam of Lordaeron took refuge in the Scarlet Mother and became a servant of the evil god. Before he escaped, he prophesied the Scarlet Doom. In the near future, it is very likely that a terrible crisis will be set off.

Witnessed by the royal family of Lordaeron, the monarchs of various countries, and the great lord of the Knights of the Silver Hand, Godwin Menethil, the regent of Lordaeron, officially became the king of Lordaeron.

(End of this chapter)

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