Infinite Begins with Giants

Chapter 305 "Low-key" Natural School

Chapter 305 "Low-key" Natural School
Based on the statistics of the public performances in the past ten years, the Mainland Observer has selected 10 strong players of the younger generation.

1. Church of Light, "Holy White Sword" Michelle, Knight of the Golden Rose (temple).

2. The Nocman Empire, "Valkyrie" Keisha, Golden Rose (Round Table) Knight.

3. The Witcher Association, "Dawn of Light" Hal, Master of Mechanics.

4. Steam Alliance, "Justice from Heaven" Alfred, Broken Shadow Darth Vader.

5. The Church of Light, "Silver Gun" Raphael, Knight of the Golden Rose (temple).

6. The School of Nature, Antonio, the "Octopolar Blue Front", and the Phantom Ranger.

7. Demon Hunter Association, "Hand of Shadow" Chris, Shadow Hunter.

8. Saint Joan Empire, "Storm Prince" Matthew, Cloud Piercer.

9. In the Kingdom of Faroland, "Black Rose" Sophie, Wuhen Shadow Warrior.

10. Kaluo Tribe, "Little Barbarian King" Vasili, Burning Spirit Berserker.

"Don't worry about it, Michelle must be number one." The old goat said leisurely after taking a sip of red wine.

Ren put down the newspaper, pricked a purple grape with a fork, put it in his mouth and chewed it twice, it tasted sweet and refreshing.

"This master is really a model worker. I heard that he is either killing the demon descendants, or he is on the way to kill the demon descendants.

Moreover, I feel that there are too many people on the list from the Church of Light and the Demon Hunters Association. "Ren sighed with emotion.

There are two of them. If you count the headquarters of the two forces, Kesha and Matthew, there are three each.

It has to be said that the overall strength of the Nockman Empire and the San Joan Empire is too strong. Fortunately, these two countries did not fight, otherwise it would be a complete disaster.

The old goat snorted softly and curled his lips: "Of course there are more than the top 10 fierce people. There are geniuses in many countries and forces. They can be regarded as a relatively active group of people."

Moreover, both the Church of Light and the Demon Hunters Association are very keen on hunting demons. Coupled with the intelligence advantages of large organizations, the record is naturally good.

Ren nodded, of course he understands this, not to mention anything else, the Illuminati Church is definitely more than just the two youth churches of Rafael and Michelle.

"This newspaper is said to be very authoritative, and those who can be included in the list must have quite outstanding records.

There must also be a strong enough background, and there are no grass roots on it. "Ren said with a smile.

Even if there are scattered people who have reached the fourth level, it is estimated that they will not be able to squeeze in. This is not only because of the strength of the combat power, but also because there is no news channel, it is not so easy to find strong demons.

To his surprise, in such fierce competition, the Kaluo people actually snatched a spot.

As expected of a powerful tribe that dared to call the Goddess of Light a bitch, they now have two barbarian kings.

The barbarian king is not the direct leader of the Karo people, the chiefs of the tribes are in charge, but the barbarian king must be a strong man in the sanctuary, and he is also the true background of the ethnic group.

Don't think that there are only two saints in the Karo people, they just choose the two strongest ones as the barbarian kings.

The old goat shook his head slightly, and said sarcastically, "Authority is a fart, they are just a bunch of people-pleasers.

Among other things, that ranger from the natural school would definitely not be on the list just based on his record. "

Ren's expression was a little surprised, and he also found it strange that he had more or less heard of the people above in the newspapers before.

But this Antonio, if it weren't for the business card given by the scholar Dennis, he wouldn't know who the other party was.

"Is he weak? Or is his record poor?" Ren asked.

To be honest, he didn't think this person was a parallel importer.

When he read some books or newspapers written by the people of San Joan, the tone of the group of gods from the Illuminati Church was not so loud.

The spiritual leader of mankind, the guardian of the continent's order, the lighthouse of civilization, the supreme goddess... It's almost like saying that, except for our Church of Light, other people and forces are scum.

However, those gods dare not blacken the scholars, even if the scholars basically don't believe in the goddess of light.

Lao Shan laughed loudly, and explained: "Of course Antonio is not weak, he can even be said to be very strong. The vice president, Mr. Carragher, said that he has the demeanor of the sword master of the sky.

But he is lazy, and he has a record, but compared to others, he is very poor. "

He has met the ranger Antonio several times, and the other party suddenly came to Buchen City three years ago and founded the Urban Style Magazine.

Afterwards, he never hunted and killed the demons again. If the record is good, he will see a ghost.

Michelle has been killing demons non-stop, and he doesn't rest every year and holiday.

However, there is no problem in the ranger's strength. The nickname "Eight Extreme Qingfeng" is not blown out. After two sets of swordsmanship, he took away a dark duke.

"I just find it strange that the natural school seems to be very low-key now." Ren touched his chin and said.

After reading the notes of the Sun King, he found that the scholars were not as active as in the Third Epoch. At that time, they were doing things almost every day.

The old goat rolled his eyes and complained: "Low-key fart, that's not the time, you have been a member of the association for too short a time.

You don't know, once they move their hands, how capable they are, it's not enough to describe.

Don't think how cold the scholars are. After the large-scale war with the demons, you will know how capable those uncles are. "

He has been in charge of the association's branch in Bushen City for more than ten years. He has consulted a lot of information, and one thing impressed him deeply.

In the Fifth Epoch, the demons did not wage a full-scale war with humans, but they also fought several local wars.

The old goat said with a smile on his face: "One time the battlefield was in the Kingdom of Casevia. Some scholars used some unknown method to temporarily disguise themselves as demons and tricked out a group of night demons hiding in the mountains..."

They took the group of night demons, and took out several blood camps in the blitzkrieg. When they were attacking a certain blood camp, they sneaked away.

After the reinforcements of the Blood Race arrived, they questioned the Night Demons sharply, but the group of Night Demons ignored them at all, shouting "Kill the Blood Races, revive the Night Demons", as if they were going crazy, and fought with the Blood Races. It was very tragic. The night goblins were almost wiped out.

Then, the blood race and the demon almost had a conflict, but the two dark princes suppressed the dispute and found that something was wrong.

The demon descendants were stunned. Afterwards, they mentally tortured a captured night demon marquis, and found out that some scholars pretended to be demons and told the group of night demons who were not very smart:

'We have secretly united with werewolves and ghosts, preparing to eliminate the blood race and help the night demon to the top. I hope you will seize the opportunity.

Shhh, this is top secret, remember, don't leak the news, we will do it together later, don't hesitate, wipe them out decisively! '

Those few scholars are simply possessed by dramatists. These words are actually full of loopholes, but the group of night devils who are not smart are still fooled and can't find their way.

Because the various races of the demons were not united at all, otherwise, they would not have been defeated one by one by humans back then.

This is the scholars, they are not only insidious, powerful, but also shameless, and they don't want to do too much showmanship.

This is the natural school that has always been "low-key".

(End of this chapter)

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