Infinite Begins with Giants

Chapter 304 Mobilization

Chapter 304 Mobilization
"Hello, Bessie, I'm Bill, and I invite you to do shopping together!" Holding the toner microphone, Bill said in a thick voice.

"Get out, I'm not selling anymore." A cursing female voice came out of the receiver, very angry.

Old Bill was in a daze, and there were some strange voices on the phone.

"I really can't do it anymore, let me go, I will die suddenly." On the other end of the phone, a dejected male voice begged.

"Your sister, are you still a man, but my mother is spending money to support you, and you are gone in half an hour?"

"But I really can't do it, I'm leaving, and the money will be returned to you."

As soon as the words fell, there was a sound of messy footsteps. Obviously, the man who was taken care of by the rich woman fled.

"Trash, you can't even make money lying down!" Bessie yelled.

Here, Ren and Garcia looked at each other, the woman opposite was so tough.

The corner of Old Bill's mouth twitched, and he covered his face with his hands: "What you said is not for sale, so it turns out that you are keeping a little boy."

He used to have a lot of headaches for Bessie, she often went crazy, and unlike others, she had mental problems from the beginning.

As for now, she was already terminally ill, and she was the one who cut off her husband's lifeline. For this reason, she not only got divorced, but also spent a year in prison and paid a large sum of money before being released.

"My mother is happy, let me fart quickly, and tell me about the specific situation and treatment. I'm short on money recently." Bessie said in a crisp voice.

Bill shook his head slightly, and said: "The Thorn Security Company, regular employees, responsible for training..."

The conversation went well, and Bessie obviously couldn't stay at home anymore and was anxious to kill someone.

Finally, she specifically asked: "Is there any handsome guy in the company? If not, I won't come.

What I'm talking about is the kind of long-lasting waste that is not strong from the outside, it's best to spend more than two hours at a time, and the ammunition is fully charged..."

"Yes, yes, there is a berserker in the prime of his life, you will be satisfied!"

With a snap, Old Bill turned pale, put down the receiver, and hung up the phone, not to mention how tired he was.

He was a little worried. After retiring for a few years, these people not only failed to adapt to society, but let themselves go.

If you can't control them, I'm afraid it's easy to do bad things. On the battlefield, orders and missions are the most important.

Wen Xi smiled wretchedly, and looked at Higgs: "Brother, this girl is so powerful, most people may not be able to subdue her, so I have to rely on you, Brother."

"Yeah, if this woman comes, I need you to calm her down. I hope your specialty is really long, not blown out."

With a cigarette in his mouth, Garcia patted Higg on the shoulder and said jokingly.

Higgs was a little guilty, but his face was still tough: "Hmph, she's just a bitch, I promise to kill her to death!"

Ren laughed dumbfounded, and stuffed fruit pieces into his mouth with a fork. He knew very well that after paying Xigg and Wenxi a few days ago, they went whoring.

It was Garcia who made him look at him with admiration. The little prince of the nightclub, after falling in love with Shirley, stopped fooling around.

Everything went well. After contacting his comrades, Bill took the bank note from Rennes and went to the branch of the Steam Alliance in Dilamo City to purchase arms.

For this kind of thing, acquaintances have a preferential price.

Everyone started to get busy. Higgs and Wenxi went to Sunshine District to inspect. The [-] cowboys recruited last time were on patrol every day.

The aborigines are very irritable. Without security personnel, those shops can't do business with confidence.

Garcia taught 10 off-duty cowboy marksmanship and gun fighting on the training ground rented by the company.

Some basic training, such as target shooting, long-distance running, etc., can still be completed on the training ground in Dilamo City.

Thorn Security Company, this brand new war machine, started to work.


In the afternoon, when Ryan was about to go to Mrs. Allie to find out about the progress of Fudge Kangao, an acquaintance came to visit, and a news published in the Wisteria Evening News caused quite a stir.

Kingdom of Faroland, the 4th Brigade of the Second Army, a total of 6000 people, will soon be stationed in Dilamo City.

It is said that the leader of this army is the princess Sophie of Falorland, a well-known beauty.

At this moment, Ren held two newspapers in his hand, one was the Wisteria Evening News, and the other was the Mainland Observer.

Today, the content on the Wisteria Evening News is already explosive enough. It can be said that smart people know that a war is coming.

Before, even if the Kangao people moved out, many civilians had illusions that war would not come, but now, all hope has been dashed.

After the news came out, the atmosphere on the whole plain became a bit depressing, and Ren knew better.

Randy Mack has arrived in Orange Town with two three-star hunting teams and has begun to take charge of the Little Widow Hospital.

As a result, the old goat was liberated. He didn't intend to stay in Orange Town all the time. He just made an agreement with Omar that he would participate in the decisive battle next year.

In the office of the Thorn Security Company, the old goat sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, shaking his wine glass: "Boy, you are amazing, I haven't seen you for a while, and you have set up a grass-roots team.

Moreover, a tent area was built to earn money from those foolish natives. "

Ren carefully read the two newspapers in his hand, and asked without looking up: "Zolo, have you chosen to join the seventh round?"

This news surprised him a bit. In the 7th game, Zolo was courted more than once, but he, who likes freedom, refused them all.

After taking a sip of the red wine in the glass, the old goat looked at the office and said with a smile: "He lost an arm, although as a shooter, it doesn't affect his own strength.

But he has already realized that the Lone Ranger is not easy to mess with. In other words, to some extent, he took the blame for you. "

"So what, it's a deal." Ren said indifferently.

Since he was hiding behind the scenes and took Higg away, almost all the hatred for killing Ghost Hand La fell on Zolo.

However, Ren is not afraid of Zolo's revenge on him, and now Zolo is not his opponent.

The old goat chuckled: "If you are missing an arm, you can replace it with a new one at a high price, and he didn't intend to trouble you.

For a person like him, he would only seek revenge from Tucker the Ghoul Duke and Fenna, the Marquis of the Moon Wolf Clan. "

Ren smiled lightly and didn't express any opinions. He didn't like Zolo, probably because he also wanted to be a hero before, and did some good things that everyone praised.

But now he hates his former self.

Ren was reading another mainland observer newspaper, which reviewed the top ten outstanding young people in the mainland.

The reference standard is the record, that is, whoever kills the most demons and has high quality, the one in the front is not necessarily the strongest, but it must be the most ruthless.

There is no doubt that these people above are the ones that Rennes needs to chase now.

(End of this chapter)

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