Doctor of Healing

Chapter 325 Preparation for the Ghost Heart

Chapter 325 Preparing for the Ghost Heart (Leader Xiaoxiao 515 Plus × 4)

Ji Xiang started working in orthopedics.

He was not in a hurry, nor did he frequently use [Superior Doctor's Gaze], even Ji Xiang had never used it at all, but followed Deng Chaohong's operations and medical records honestly and step by step.

In addition, performing surgery with Zhao Zhe and coordinating with Director Liu to complete partial resection of kidney cancer on weekends is also a big job.

The days passed silently like running water.

twelve days later.

Ji Xiang and Director Liu are undergoing a partial resection of kidney cancer, and the operation went smoothly. Director Liu is very happy.

After one operation was completed, Ji Xiang went to send the patient, and took the next patient to the stage.

Director Liu sat in the corner of the operating room and watched the nurses chattering.

"Director Liu, your recent surgery is really getting better and better." The anesthesiologist chatted with Director Liu.

"It's bad, it's because Ji Xiang is here." Director Liu didn't shy away from saying it, telling the truth.

The anesthetist was startled, and said with a smile, "What's the matter, Director Liu, you mean you want to recruit Ji Xiang as your son-in-law?"

"I would like to, but young people nowadays." Director Liu shook his head, "My girl is in the south, and it is impossible for her to come back."

"Director Liu, Ji Xiang belongs to the Phoenix man." The itinerant nurse joked after hearing this.

Tang Yan, who was busy, froze for a moment, Phoenix Man?She immediately thought of Feng Yuqing who was driving an Aston Geely.

It seems to be the opposite, he is not a phoenix man, but a rich man.

"What's wrong with Phoenix Man?" Director Liu said disdainfully, "Talent is like being pregnant in October, you can't hide it. If you can really be called Phoenix Man, you don't need to fight out among thousands of troops, go find it. Bai Fumei from a well-to-do family. The old man with good eyesight chose the Phoenix man early on."

"For example?" the anesthesiologist asked with a smile.

"Zhu Yuanzhang?"

"Hahaha, Director Liu, look at what you said, this is called bullshit!" The anesthesiologist laughed, "But I think you really appreciate Ji Xiang, the kind in your bones, you don't look right at Ji Xiang. If we were not familiar with each other, I would doubt your orientation."

"It's really admiration. I started to want to recruit him as my graduate student. But..."

The anesthesiologist pricked up his ears.


"What? The school doesn't give you a place?"

"Ji Xiang won't come to me as a graduate student." Director Liu said frankly, "It's hard to say whether the regular training period will end in one or two years, and he has to go. I have a strong feeling."

Just as the anesthetist was about to ask something, there was a commotion outside the door. He kicked the door open and stood at the door to look.

Another anesthesiologist in the operating room was sitting on a flat trolley holding the ball, and the nurse was holding an IV drip. Someone in front opened the way, and someone behind pushed the trolley, and quickly left the operating room neatly and solemnly.

The figures of a group of people disappeared in a hurry. Director Liu didn't look at it, but he knew it well, "Have you finished the heart transplant?"

"Tsk tsk, that's really fast." The anesthesiologist didn't answer, but sighed.

"The transplant operation itself is not difficult. The difficulty lies in the postoperative care and rejection." Director Liu said.

"I haven't done it for so many years, why do I start again?" the anesthesiologist said to himself.

"I heard from Director Bai that the reason why we didn't do it before was because the donors were limited and couldn't support it. But now..."

He made a final sound.

"What is it now, Director Liu?"

"Do you know what a ghost heart is?"

"Are you going to tell a ghost story? We don't believe it." The anesthetist laughed.

"Damn, you can only talk about it in the operating room, don't say it outside, others will think you are not doing your job properly." Director Liu said contemptuously.

The gossip he heard from Director Bai just happened to show off.

"!!!" The anesthesiologist was taken aback.

"The pulsed field kills the cells, and then chemicals wash away the cell residue, leaving behind the protein architecture that can be implanted into autologous stem cells to develop into a real beating, non-rejecting heart."

"Because it is pale and pale, it is also called ghost heart."

"I'll go, Director Liu, your research is deep enough!"

"I also heard what Director Bai said." Director Liu smiled, "Director Bai said that the ghost heart may be widely used in the next ten years, so the heart transplant technology in our hospital must be passed on, or else it will come to an end." It's time to catch blind."

"If you want to say that Director Bai is really serious, but these... Forget it, he stands tall and sees far, hey."

The anesthetist knew that Director Liu and Director Bai had a close personal relationship, so it was hard for him to say anything.

"Director Bai has been watching the heart transplant operation. I've been very tired recently." Director Liu said, and a patient wearing a hospital gown walked in.

"Work!" Director Liu stood up.

First N check N pairs, Ji Xiang, the anesthesiologist, and Director Liu each went through it to check the identity of the patient and the location of the organs. The symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder are obvious.

After checking, Ji Xiang went to brush his hands and was ready to go on stage. Zhao Zhe didn't go up, but helped the itinerant nurse busy below.

Another operation begins.



A patient after a heart transplant is sent to the ICU.

The patient's condition was stable, and a small amount of light red bloody fluid was drained from the pericardial drainage and thoracic drainage, which meant that the vascular anastomosis was quite good and there was little bleeding.

Director Bai was quite satisfied with this.

The directors of the Department of Cardiac Surgery, Cardiology, and Critical Care Medicine under his command are all present, as is Lu Gang.

A group of top experts in the province represent the escort of the highest level of technical force in the province.Although Director Bai couldn't be sure that nothing happened, but he had already reached this point, and if there were any problems, it would be fate.

Although the patient has woken up, the ventilator is still used to assist breathing, reducing the burden on the patient's heart and lungs.

The operation went well, and the patient recovered well after the operation. An hour later, the first consultation meeting was held and it was decided to withdraw the tube.

Any treatment has advantages and disadvantages. Although ventilator-assisted breathing has great advantages, it also has disadvantages.

After consultation with the expert group, the ventilator was still removed and the patient was allowed to breathe on his own.

Everything is still intact.

The patient's vital signs were stable, and the air in the ICU was relaxed.

After 2 hours, the vasopressor that kept reducing the pump rate was also withdrawn.

After 3 hours, the cardiac drugs were withdrawn.

The patient only has a small amount of isoproterenol pumped in by a micropump for maintenance treatment.

Director Bai looked at the patient, feeling inexplicably relieved.

Heart transplant, the patient recovered so quickly after such a major operation!Although the Second Affiliated Hospital has not performed organ transplantation for a long time, it is still a treasure trove.

The overall technical strength is still very strong.

Director Bai was also a little tired, he lay down in the duty room of the ICU for a while to rest his energy.

But just after lying down for less than 20 minutes, there was a hasty knock on the door.

"Director Bai, there is a problem."

Director Bai sat up all of a sudden, "What's wrong!"

(End of this chapter)

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