Doctor of Healing

Chapter 324 The most important thing is the practicing certificate

Chapter 324 The most important thing is the practicing certificate

"Dad." Zhao Tianjiao walked into the office after knocking on the door.

"I'm done." Zhao Jixiang got up and put on his clothes.

"Dad! I hate Ji Xiang very much." Zhao Tianjiao made no secret of his dislike for Ji Xiang in front of his father, and said whatever was on his mind.

"Why?" Zhao Jixiang was not surprised, he just asked plainly.

Zhao Tianjiao recounted what he had just experienced without embellishing it.

He is very aware of his father's temper, and his buttocks must be crooked, but his father needs to know the truth and weigh the pros and cons.If you tell a lie, you will definitely be scolded lightly in the future.

Zhao Tianjiao was well educated in this regard.

"Understood." Zhao Jixiang said.

"Dad, Ji Xiang is simply too arrogant! And his luck is very good."

"That's not good luck, it's high level." Zhao Jixiang said to the point.

"It is impossible to say, I have reset more than a dozen patients with shoulder dislocation, but after meeting him, something went wrong."

"Hehe." Zhao Jixiang changed his clothes and went out together with Zhao Tianjiao, "Luck? It is true that luck is needed in some difficult operations, and luck is also needed in the diagnosis of some difficult and miscellaneous diseases."

As Zhao Jixiang said, his tone suddenly increased, "But! According to what you said, when Xiao Xu was about to reset, Jixiang suddenly made a strange movement."

"Yes! I'm sure the patient didn't mention it when Mr. Xu asked about his medical history. Ji Xiang looks like a clown, but this clown-like action seems to remind Mr. Xu." Zhao Tianjiao said firmly.

"This is the skill." Zhao Jixiang said, "Even if it is the method of elimination, it is worth a try."

Zhao Tianjiao was stunned for a moment when he said this in a vague way, not understanding what his father meant.

"Jealousy will make you lose your calm thinking." Zhao Jixiang said, "Don't pay attention to him, you just need to walk your own way."

Zhao Tianjiao was still a little dissatisfied, but his father had already said so, he moved his mouth, and finally fell silent.

"I just contacted Director Bai. The scientific research you are doing recently is very likely to apply for the provincial self-administration department next year. You should contact Director Bai more and read more books." Zhao Jixiang urged, "The most important thing is !"

"The exam is coming." Zhao Tianjiao said awe-inspiringly what his father hadn't finished.

"Well, exams are getting more and more difficult now, and what I'm most worried about are small-probability events." Zhao Jixiang stopped in his tracks and looked sideways at Zhao Tianjiao, "If you don't pass the exam for medical practitioners, the preparations you made before will be in vain."

"Dad, don't worry." Zhao Tianjiao patted his chest and said, "I promise at least the top ten in the province!"

Zhao Jixiang nodded, noncommittal.

"I've been focusing on the exam recently. If I didn't concentrate on reading, I wouldn't have heard Mr. Xu sent me a message today, and I wouldn't let Ji Xiang and Mr. Xu have the surgery together."

"That's all the minutiae." Zhao Jixiang pressed the elevator button and said earnestly, "Technology is one aspect, and the doctor's certificate is the most important. Next is the Provincial Natural Science Department, the National Natural Science Department, and then..."

"Dad." Zhao Tianjiao was a little enthusiastic.

"I can only help a little bit with Jieqing and the like, and we'll see if I can apply for it." Zhao Jixiang said.

The father and son got on the elevator, went downstairs in silence, and got in the car.

Zhao Jixiang drove home, and at the door of the house, Zhao Tianjiao suddenly said, "Dad, I remembered why I was jealous."

"It's because of Ji Xiang's scientific research."

Zhao Tianjiao was slightly taken aback by his father's words, and then fell in admiration.

Although my father didn't say anything, everything was under control.

Ji Xiang, what are you going to fight with yourself!
"Yes, Dad." Zhao Tianjiao said honestly, "Director Liu of the Department of Urology seems to care about Ji Xiang very much. He personally sent Ji Xiang to the Department of Orthopedics early this morning. The director of the previous department sent a Gui Peisheng to come. I have never heard of a department."

"Seeing a piece of rough jade, as long as people are not stupid, they will always want to put it in their pockets. Not only Director Liu, Director Bai is not the same."

"Director Bai?!"

Zhao Jixiang didn't talk so much with Zhao Tianjiao. The less people who know about some things, the better. He believed that Director Bai had a tacit understanding with him.

His son, Zhao Tianjiao, was young and frivolous, and he might leak it out without a word of mouth.

It's fine, but be careful to avoid embarrassment.

"Don't worry about it so much. I'm the one who looks up at the road. Your eyelids are too shallow, and you're blind." Zhao Jixiang said, "It's not the time to look up at the road yet. You just need to keep your head down and work. The license is very It is important that there can be no mistakes."

His tone was deep and serious.

"Dad, don't worry." Zhao Tianjiao seemed to have calmed down a bit, and replied seriously.

The two returned home, Zhao Jixiang wanted to sleep after changing clothes and washing.

The light in his son's bedroom was still on. Zhao Jixiang opened the door and took a look. Seeing that Zhao Tianjiao was studying hard, he finally showed a relieved smile.

He didn't say anything to Zhao Tianjiao, and closed the door to rest.

Son, there will always be a day when he grows up.

He pointed out a way for him, put him on the horse and sent him off, but how far he can go depends on Zhao Tianjiao's own ability.

Provincial Natural Sciences, National Natural Sciences, their greatest ability is Jieqing.

Lying on the bed, Zhao Jixiang thought of his limit and laughed at himself.

Academician, it seems that he can only covet it for a while, Zhao Tianjiao will not be able to make it, if he strives, grandson can try.

This is the meaning of the family. Others walk the same path for one generation, but our own family can walk the same path for two or three generations, and go further and further.

Before going to bed, Zhao Jixiang's last thought was Ji Xiang.

This young man seems to be very capable, and he has been appreciated by the professor leading the group, the director of the department, and Director Bai of the Medical Affairs Department just three months after he came to the Second Affiliated Hospital.

They are even willing to pay a certain amount of bargaining chips and watch Ji Xiang go up.


Don't worry, wait for an opportunity to teach Ji Xiang the principles of life.

Zhao Jixiang didn't care much about Jixiang's outstanding performance. A large hospital is like a big ship, a big broken ship.

If you go down the river, it may float for a long time.

But if nuclear power is installed, it is very likely that it will fall apart in an instant.

One or two extremely powerful geniuses are nothing, the platform is the foundation.Although there are some geniuses who don't care about the platform because they are the platform themselves, such geniuses are rare.


They only appeared in the 80s and 90s of the last century.

Ji Xiang...

Zhao Jixiang put the name aside in his heart, and began to think about the provincial department.

While half-asleep and half-awake, Zhao Jixiang suddenly dreamed that Zhao Tianjiao stumbled in the exam for a medical license, which made his previous arrangements go to waste.

Suddenly woke up.

After dreaming back at midnight, Zhao Jixiang was also very helpless.

The son's matter is still a big matter, and I can't face success or failure calmly and calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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