Be the emperor from the postman

Chapter 943 This is the fate of a good general of Ming Dynasty

After Li Dingguo shot and killed the veteran Zhang Ling with one arrow, he was very excited.

But studying by He Jinzhao's side for many years, coupled with wearing a mask, always took the look of joy off his face.

Shooting and killing a veteran of the army is nothing, until the follow-up Ming army comes, lures them into the urn and destroys them, then the military merits can be considered completely in hand.

Although Li Dingguo is He Jinchao's nephew, he has not been given any land since he joined the army. This alone has left many people speechless.

Joined the army under the rule of the Hammer Bandit, wanted his own land, and exchanged military merit for it!
"Dingguo, the commander-in-chief has approved our strategy."

He Lan was also an orphan taken away by He Jinzhao in Ganquan County. Back then, most of those children were adopted sons of soldiers who died in battle without descendants to inherit the incense.

In the same county, there were quite a few people with the surname He, so many young children changed their surname to He.

After all, Li Dingguo still has a youthful heart, so he couldn't help laughing and said:
"That's right, as long as the dog officers come to rescue us, we'll let them come and go."

"Hey hey, I'm qualified to have a daughter-in-law when things get done." He Lan bumped Li Dingguo's shoulder with his shoulder:

"I think the women from Sichuan sent to the commander by the people from Sichuan are quite beautiful. I like them. Do you want to pick one?"

Even she herself had already made such preparations.

On the contrary, Li Dingguo reacted quickly: "I envy you, you can make your own decisions, and if you can't, you can ask the commander-in-chief."

Li Dingguo was lying on the roof, and when he heard the name Ma Xianglin, he waved decisively before he could ask a question.

The two vanguard generals behind were all killed in battle.


He Lan didn't speak anymore, both of his parents died when he was young.

There is a shortage of this kind of population.

"Hanging him up makes Qin Liangyu think that her son is still breathing. At such an advanced age, it's hard to tell whether it's true or not."

So the army has recently taken in a lot of women from Sichuan.

The army meandered forward less than five miles, and some routs fled to the front of the formation, shouting to see Qin Zongbing.

Even though there was already some light, there were still few people in sight, not even the shadow of the officers and soldiers.

When the arrow was pulled out by him, he had eyeballs, and Ma Xianglin charged desperately.

When the time comes, morale will plummet even more. Fu Zonglong knows very well that once he takes a step back, he will hand over the entire Chengdu Mansion.

Even though Qin Liangyu didn't have much hope in her heart, if her son was captured, she hoped that his son would commit suicide and die for the country.

"This dog officer has such brains in combat, he must be a loyal minister and good general of Daming."

Ma Xianglin reined in the reins, no matter what he led his troops to rescue, the besieged people had to come forward to help him.

Why not rely on the 25 taels of silver to stimulate the soldiers' desire to win, as long as they enter the city of Chengdu, they can have more breathing time.

Li Dingguo grabbed his bow and arrow and walked out.

Ma Xianglin has always liked to take the lead in the charge in battle, otherwise the thief would not have shot three arrows in a row, two in the chest and one in the eye.

It can be said that Li Dingguo's strategies are quite limited, and they are all prepared for loyal officials of the Ming Dynasty.

That's why He Lan was quite excited at this time. After all, what boy wouldn't want to experience the great harmony of life with a Japanese girl?

Li Dingguo ordered someone to blow the whistle, and the cavalry began to chase the rout.

He Lan first went over and pulled Ma Xianglin down: "The dead can't die anymore."

"Master, I don't know."

What happened to He Jinzhao's team?
But he didn't gather as many people as I did?
Otherwise, he wouldn't have repeatedly used this kind of conspiracy to plot against him.

Beep beep, the whistle sounded.

"Break camp and move on."

Ma Xianglin called several subordinates and told them to drive the horses and continue on the road.

Li Dingguo's plan was not clever at all, and he didn't expect to catch a big fish all at once.

Avoid people, time waits for me.

"Come on, follow me in."

Behind him were the screams of Ming soldiers who followed him into the town, as well as the loud retreat.

With the sound of an explosion, the war horse was blown into two sections.

The three-eyed gun, a melee weapon, was also brought out.

Li Dingguo raised his head and smiled: "The dog officer really wants to sneak attack."

Everyone got on their horses and rushed into Longquan Town.

And he is extremely loyal to Daming, otherwise, facing such a disadvantage, he should have surrendered long ago.

No, almost all of Sichuan and Shu were given to He Jinzhao.

"The governor, the general, and the command made him fall into an ambush. There are no soldiers from our army in Longquan Town, and they are all pretended by hammer bandits."

He glanced around and saw that the person in the front had already fallen to the ground, like a hedgehog.

Even if there is hailstorm in the sky today, he still has to lead people to move on.

Dashuai never refuses anyone, as long as you send me a beautiful woman, I will accept it.

Let Ma Xianglin confirm that there is an official army in front of him who has always been loyal to Daming and resisted to the end.

Fu Zonglong did not order to stop the march, there was the emperor's urging behind him, and a distress letter from his subordinates ahead.

In this way, he was sorry for the appointment of the emperor, and he was sorry for the spirits of these loyal ministers and generals who died in battle.

"Don't rush to chop." He Lan stepped on Ma Xianglin's armor:

But how do those losers know if the news is true or false?

Ma Xianglin had known for a long time that the hammer bandits had a lot of shocking thunder in their hands, and they also relied on the power of firearms to quickly break through the dangers of Sichuan.

Ma Xianglin heard the loud shouts in the town: Brothers, someone is here to save us.

If it hadn't been for He Jinzhao's rebellion in Ganquan County, he would have starved to death long ago, and became a dead man lying on the side of the road, with his bones chewed to pieces by wild dogs.

Ma Xianglin took his horse and gave orders to his subordinates.

Daming became a Ding at the age of 16, and you had to pay Ding Yin to the court, and you had to serve corvee for free.

"Chopped off his head and hung it on a flagpole."

Ma Xianglin fell to the ground with only one breath left. He had no time to think, so he closed his eyes.

But the two pioneers behind, such as Zhang Ling and Ma Xianglin, both had a strong sense of responsibility, and they all fell into the trap.

Li Dingguo held the knife in his hand: "My mother has long said that she will guard me about getting married. Even if I take it back, I have to let her see it first."

Fu Zonglong knew very well that even if Ma Xianglin was still breathing, he must be considered dead in battle.

The 25 taels of silver is by no means so easy to get, and many soldiers of the Ming army feel a little bit drummed in their hearts.

Hearing the rout's words, Qin Liangyu almost couldn't hold the reins and fell off the horse.

Kuizu shook his head, he was in the back, he ran fast, only one life was spared.

"Not right."

He Lan picked up the bow and arrow at the side: "It's not yet dawn, so it's a good time to choose, this person still has a brain in marching and fighting!"

After resting at night, prepare to launch a surprise attack before dawn and break into Longquan Town, so as to meet those remnant soldiers.

Hearing this, Ma Xianglin asked someone to ride into the town on horseback, and if it was later, the hammer bandits would have to bite.

With the firing of the Francophones, most people were hit by bullets.

Such bravery naturally frightened the thieves.

Qin Liangyu woke up early in the morning, she was a little restless, always feeling that something would happen today.


In particular, Qin Liangyu and others could not receive the news and did not save them. What did the ordinary soldiers who fought with them think?
If the general can abandon them, he will abandon himself next time.

The Francophone that came out of the window also showed its power.

When the time comes to get married and invite him over for a drink, it will be a radiant face.

The horse's buttocks were stabbed twice, and it ran forward screaming.

After losing two vanguard generals one after another, even if they go back at this time, they will be chased by the hammer bandits and entangled.

She secretly bit her tongue, the pain made her regain her composure.

Maybe he died early, or maybe he just took a breath and was not far from death.

The commander-in-chief has long said that those who have made meritorious service in the battle in the middle of Shu and have never married a wife will give priority to choosing from this group of women as their wives.

Whether you can bring a beautiful girl back to your home depends entirely on your performance on the battlefield.


It can be said that it has always been a fine tradition of hammer bandits that the leading generals of the Ming army received special care.

Faced with this situation, he believed that the Ming army entrenched in Longquan Town had also received the news without any notification.

This kind of person, let him, who wanted to serve the emperor's thinking since he was a child, how could he not be determined to rescue him?
If Ma Xianglin had the mentality of "if the friendly army is in trouble, don't move like a mountain", he would not rush into the ambush circle and lose his life.

When the hearts of the people are scattered, it is even more difficult to lead the team, let alone marching and fighting.

Her son has fought in the battlefield for so many years, and fought in all directions for the Ming Dynasty, and he was always returned in a horse leather shroud.

Qin Liangyu gave the order, and he rode his horse surrounded by a group of white soldiers.

Everything is He Jinzhao's scheme!
"Are there any spies of hammer bandits in the army?" Fu Zonglong was furious.

He really couldn't see what happened in front of him, he only knew that he was lying down, and the person in front was shot into a hedgehog.

A smile appeared on He Lan's mouth, then he must die here!
We specialize in killing loyal ministers and generals of Ming Dynasty.

Thanks to the rumors about Marshal He's Ye Yu eight daughters, most of the local gentry in Chengdu at that time organized a group to send beautiful women to He Jinzhao, intending to make him addicted to sex.

Li Dingguo has nothing to do about it.

The Hammer bandit soldiers ambushed on the roof, opened their bows and set up arrows, and the crossbow arrows fired repeatedly.

Li Dingguo deployed troops on the outskirts of Longquan Town, and continued to send people to harass and block Ma Xianglin's support.

But as a mother, Qin Liangyu was extremely disturbed.

Fu Zonglong tugged on the rein, but couldn't say anything.

Fu Zonglong also understood what Qin Liangyu was thinking in his heart. It is common for father and son to fight in battle, but it is true that Xiezi Lababa is the only one in Ming Dynasty to fight with mother and son.

When it comes to the battlefield, if you don't sell you as the chief general, the soldiers below will be considered kind-hearted.

Ma Xianglin was already extremely alert in his heart, but he still said loudly:
"Commander Ma Xianglin, which subordinate of the old general Zhang Ling are you, and who is the leader?"

"My son's death on the battlefield was his pursuit, and I am proud of him."

Ma Xianglin is the son of Qin Liangyu, and he is definitely a loyal minister of Ming Dynasty.

Li Dingguo didn't mind using Ma Xianglin's son's head to provoke Qin Liangyu to fight.

"Xianglin has always been brave, with unsurpassed courage and good marksmanship. He will definitely give us a good start."

Li Dingguo also opened his bow and set up an arrow to shoot and kill the soldiers of the Ming army who entered the ambush circle.

There was no one on the main road of Longquan Town to respond, so Ma Xianglin rushed in with his men on horseback.

Just as the two young and ignorant boys were discussing this kind of thing, there was a sudden explosion.

Both sides became more and more confused.

Unexpectedly, they also planted a thunderbolt outside Longquan Town.

Qin Liangyu waved his hand and told him to go down to rest, and at the same time sent scout horses to investigate the situation ahead.

This wave actually paid off.

To Fu Zonglong's words, Qin Liangyu just nodded and did not respond.

The rout pawn turned around and ran, colliding with the Ming army who continued to break into the town.

A voice came from the room asking: "Hurry up and report your name, lest it is a hammer bandit impersonating us, and we hurt each other's lives."

As the "official army" who was besieged by the hammer bandits in Longquan Town, he naturally had no guns in his hands at this time.

Any accident on the battlefield is not an accident.

After all, successive defeats have dealt a huge blow to morale.

Qin Liangyu now has the information that her son Ma Xianglin was hung on the house number in Longquan Town.

"Chief Qin, my condolences."

Arrows rained down for a while.

Like Fang Guoan, the pioneer at the beginning, he went straight to the front and did not give Li Dingguo a chance to bluff and lure the enemy.

The army moved forward slowly. Of the three pioneers, only one entered Chengdu smoothly and received a reward of 25 taels of silver.

"Who are you?"

If her son died, then she would have to destroy this gang of hammer bandits even more.

As long as the defenders in the town gather together and wait for a while, his mother can lead the army to follow.

Ma Xianglin reined in the reins, and the hammer bandits blocked a lot on the road, and he seemed a little tired at this moment because of his sharp shot.

Even though Ma Xianglin was in excellent armor, he couldn't escape the crossfire of dense arrows and bullets.

Most of these generals of the Sichuan army liked to lead the charge.

The soldiers not far away were wailing and screaming, but Ma Xianglin didn't call for people to come forward immediately, lest there were thunderstorms buried on the ground around him.

Where did the live head come from for so many years?
It can be said that the children of the preparatory cadre camp assembled in Ganquan County were extremely loyal to He Jinzhao after they grew up.

"Is my son still alive?"

He Lan chuckled twice, that is, we are also the first batch of students of the Marshal, the direct descendants of the direct descendants.

As for this rumor, there are not only rumors about officers, soldiers, and rogue bandits, but it is also said that there are books specifically describing it from the capital.

They can persist until now, and most of them have become elite soldiers.

Some comforting words are simply not suitable for the battlefield.

I dare not say that Ma Xianglin was shot into a hedgehog. In short, he shouldn't say the funeral report.


Whether it is life or death, you have to know.

Li Dingguo nodded, that's all.

"It's really lucky." He turned back and smiled again: "You blocked two big fish in succession."

Qin Liangyu grabbed the reins and said calmly, "I will make He Jinzhao pay the price."

Fu Zonglong breathed a sigh of relief, the underdogs will surely win!
Now all he can rely on is Qin Liangyu's white-armed soldiers, and the army formed by these people, even the post-gold tartars outside the pass, have to fear.

Now that the young master died and avenged him, Fu Zonglong believed that the white soldiers would fight hard and the hammer bandits would be defeated.

Now everything depends on Qin Liangyu.

After receiving the news of his son's death in battle, Qin Liangyu looked as usual, but how could he calm down in his heart?

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