Be the emperor from the postman

Chapter 942 Growth Always Comes at a Price

Chapter 942 Growth Always Comes at a Price (Two in One)

However, Zhang Fuzhen was deeply moved. Back then, he was also troubled by the issue of military pay.

In particular, Shanxi is occupied by his own lord, and the shortcut to the capital is almost cut off.

The hammer bandits are entrenched in the north, and the bandits are entrenched in the south.

How can there be a way for the officers and soldiers to survive?
In order to make money, he also specially engaged corrupt officials in Shaanxi.

Zhang Fuzhen believes that the reward of 50 taels of silver can stimulate the gang of officers and soldiers who don't even know their mothers.

The lord said that money is alluring, it is really that the officials and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty are afraid of poverty.

The emperor collects taxes every year, so how many of the old salaries plus Liao's salaries and suppressed salaries can fall into the hands of ordinary soldiers?

Zhang Fuzhen looked at the officers and soldiers below one after another until they surrendered and squatted on the ground, shaking his head, maybe even Chongzhen's internal treasury had been emptied in these years.

"My lord, today's trap, as long as you don't run away, you can continue to use Fang Guoan to make a fuss."


This is unavoidable.

He Jinzhao certainly wouldn't know Fang Guoan's name.

After Li Zicheng entered Beijing, he first attached himself to Ma Shiying under the rule of Emperor Nanming, and confronted his old boss Zuo Liangyu.

"Fang Guoan, the defeated general, bow down to Commander He."

Why the hell don't kill prisoners?
Those were generals who would not kill the Ming army, but those generals rarely survived.

The land of Shanshan and Shanxi might be torn apart because of He Jinzhao's death in battle.

Zhang Ling stroked his gray beard and nodded slightly, Fang Guoan marched steadily, all the way into Chengdu.

Under the propaganda and teaching of a rebel, destroying Daming is the most important thing they should do.

Liu Erhu roared and drew out his knife.

After all, Li Dingguo was carefully cultivated by the lord, and he must not be compromised in Shu.

Died at the hands of what he thought was a dude.

The cavalry who cooperated with him used their horse speed to cut the fleeing officers and soldiers.

That's why Fang Guoan was worried that he would be beheaded by He Jinzhao's order.

That's the name of Little Horse Super!

Fang Guoan knocked his head on the ground, and He Jinzhao glanced at him with a scrutiny on his face, but didn't speak.

Layers of skimping!

"Yes." Zhang Fuzhen replied.

They won a big victory, it is inevitable that they will feel proud, so that our army can have a chance to turn defeat into victory. "

Immediately afterwards, the cavalry of the Hammer bandits all dispatched to charge over.

The army was dispatched together, and Zhang Ling sent someone to send Fang Guoan's letter to Fu Zonglong and Qin Liangyu in the rear.

These days, there is no need to worry about the hammer bandits being able to quickly break through Chengdu.

Most of the Hammer bandits camp screamed and hit, and they hit.

Immediately afterwards, it was received that the veteran Zhang Ling was shot and killed by the young Hammer Bandit general on the battlefield, which led to a major defeat of the government and army.

After being harassed for a few days, one must retaliate one or two times, otherwise one's own morale will be wiped out.

Because they know that there are tens of thousands of officers and soldiers, as long as they persist a little, they can be rescued.

The soldiers below were still registering in an orderly manner, and all the armor and clothes of the officers and soldiers were taken off.

Zhang Ling waved his hand: "Catch up with them and entangle them. Don't let them go easily. If you don't hurt him today, how can you do it?"

"I've heard about the reputation of Marshal He for a long time. I'm lucky to be able to switch to the Hammer Bandits today."

How could he not seize such a fighter opportunity?

There is no way out.

If you don't try to win a game, even if you go to Chengdu, you can only enter the city and passively defend.

It can be said that this group of talents can be regarded as their first batch of students, and they can always achieve some results.

It is extremely normal for people in this environment at the end of the Ming Dynasty to make any choice at any time.

He felt that He Jinzhao had been looking at the back of his neck all the time, which made his hairs rise.

Veteran Zhang Ling is known as the god crossbow general, with a hundred shots and a hundred hits.

Cut through the mess!
Other than that, there is probably no other way.

Fu Zonglong only knows Chongzhen's urging, does he really know the real information about what happened in Chengdu?
He had already fallen into the information cocoon that He Jinzhao had carefully compiled for him and could not get out.

"I like people who can make a difference, and whoever is worthless has to be sent to build roads."

Ever since the hammer bandits took Chengdu in a daze, the government army headed by Fu Zonglong fought under the guise of rescuing Chengdu, and their combat objectives have completely failed.

It can be said that they have been led by the nose by He Jinzhao all the time, and there is Chongzhen behind him urging them to go on the road with a whip.

"I dare not call you general in front of Marshal He."

They didn't have the courage to confront the hammer bandits, and they all fled.

What else do they want to occupy in Sichuan?


But the people behind couldn't see clearly, but they knew something was wrong.

He Jinzhao ignored him and glanced at him.

He Jinchao nodded. The little guys in the cadre reserve team in Ganquan County were all about the same size.

He Jinzhao directly ordered the pursuit, Niu Youcai waved the flag, and the hammer bandits rushed out to pursue.

Because of Zhang Ling's death, everyone has been roasted on the fire.

Before the Ming camp understood what was going on, the old general was shot to death by the young enemy general.

The sunk costs are too high!
Fu Zonglong could no longer turn back, so he could only continue to lead the army forward.

"Little boy, your hair hasn't even grown yet. Go back and ask He Jinzhao to come and talk to the old man. Otherwise, I will chop you up and then He Jinzhao."

He Jinzhao also said quite proudly: "After so many years of study, he has grown extremely fast."

Li Dingguo surrounded Longquan Town with people, and sent people to inform He Jinzhao that he thought of a plan to continue fishing.

"My lord, is Dingguo still a little young, and his body hasn't opened yet?" Zhang Fuzhen asked worriedly from the side.

"Gou Ri's officers and soldiers, just because you are worthy to meet my commander?"

Fang Guoan didn't dare to show his expression, but he said:

"It's okay, Dingguo has grown tall since he was a child."

Only then did He Jinzhao smile: "General Fang, right?"

Before Zhang Ling could shoot his arrows, he, a nearly 70-year-old veteran, was ambushed by a younger one.

It is rumored that there are still officers and soldiers who persist in resisting in Longquan Town, waiting for reinforcements.

Could it be that He Jinzhao doesn't want people like Li Dingguo to have a good childhood?
The morals of the world don't allow it, you deserve to live a good life as an ordinary person?

Rich battlefield experience is useful, but sometimes inherent logical thinking will harm you.

Fortunately, the Shu Palace is large enough to temporarily guard this group of people, and use the old prisoners to guard the new prisoners, with sufficient manpower.

Especially his nephew, saying that he has no preference, He Jinzhao himself doesn't believe that he can be so impartial.

Zhang Ling knew about this boy a long time ago, he had been yelling and cursing outside the pass several times, while many elite cavalry guarded him.

The shouts of the hammer bandits were loud, and in this battle, they pursued for ten miles, and the soldiers brought by Zhang Ling knelt down and begged for mercy.

Qin Liangyu rode on the horse and told his son that the hammer bandits were powerful and definitely not ordinary thieves.

Or just scattered and fled in all directions, not following the crowd at all, and then escaped.

"That's what the lord said."

Zhang Fuzhen pinched his beard and smiled, "My lord's training is finally not in vain."

Qin Liangyu took orders, and now that the war has reached this point, it is impossible not to work hard.

Fang Guoan was brought over by Niu Youcai and knelt on the ground.

Counting like this, nearly 2 people have invested in it. At this time, it is difficult to have such courage by cutting off the tail to survive.

He rode forward, pointed at Li Dingguo and said:

Zhang Fuzhen pinched his beard and didn't know what to say.

This time it was a battle with the wind, who would have thought that the chief general of the Ming army would be so courageous, relying on himself to be able to shoot and kill the hammer bandits, he would directly come up to die.

"Lin'er, don't spare your life in this battle."

After all, Zhang Ling has always shot people, and he has never been shot down!

He Jinzhao strongly agrees, the current situation is that a big ring is surrounded by a small ring, one set is connected with another.

Everyone's faces were very solemn.

Then he followed the Qing army into Fujian. Zheng Zhilong, who was surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, reported him for rebelling against the Qing Dynasty, and his family was killed.

Ma Xianglin stood up and said: "Governor Fu, for the present plan, we don't want to give the Hammer bandits time to spread the news, we just want to take advantage of the fact that the true and false news are hard to come by, and lead our troops to fight the Hammer bandits.

"General, there are hammer bandits coming to harass you."

"It's okay, I rarely kill prisoners, don't worry."

As long as He Jinzhao dies, the entire Hammer bandits will be in chaos.

Sweat suddenly appeared on Fang Guoan's forehead, and he hurriedly said, "Don't worry, Marshal He, the villain can help trick Qin Liangyu into the city!"

Li Dingguo measured the distance, knocked on the horse's belly and took a few steps forward, and said disdainfully:

So Zhang Ling had to take this risk, because he wanted to achieve greater results.

It wasn't until Zhang Ling chased outside the city of Chengdu that he stopped. He first observed the formation on the opposite side, and then began to look at the city wall.

Fang Guoan had been waiting for He Jinzhao's inquiry, but He Jinzhao didn't even have a word.

But he died on the skill he was best at, so it was too big.

Zhang Ling looked back and saw that the soldiers under his command were still forming a team, so their morale should not be lowered at this time.

After He Jinzhao listened to it, he immediately agreed and sent Liu Daojiang to take the Franc Machinery Department to support and cooperate.

He Jinchao and Chongzhen cooperated with each other one after the other, and they wanted to work together to get rid of the people in Fu Zonglong's hands.

He Jinzhao looked at the soldiers below with his hands behind his back: "Staff Zhang, tell him what to do to save his life."

Fu Zonglong and Qin Liangyu had just received the news that Fang Guoan had successfully entered Chengdu and strengthened the guards. It didn't take long for them to be happy.

He Jinzhao looked at the formation of the Ming army on the opposite side with a telescope, but it was very chaotic:
"If it was lost in Chuanzhong, he still has a younger brother."

As a result, morale has soared, and he believes that he can hold on until the army comes.

After all, in the system of the Ming army, which general would not withhold money from his subordinates?

Hearing He Jinzhao's words, Fang Guoan really relaxed a lot. He had heard about He Jinzhao's behavior for a long time.

Faced with the death of the veteran Zhang Ling, none of them really expected it.

Zhang Ling got an arrow in the throat and fell directly off his horse.

"This time, you two will be the vanguard."

Fu Zonglong really felt that His Majesty's intention to urge him to fight was wrong, but now, how could he return halfway?
Fang Guoan has strengthened the guarding forces in Chengdu, Zhang Ling died in battle, and a large number of soldiers are waiting for reinforcements in Longquan Town.

"Mother, in this battle, I will first defeat the defense line of the Hammer bandits, rescue the remnants trapped in Longquan Town, and use Longquan Town as a foothold, and then approach Chengdu step by step, so as to find opportunities for combat."

Empty pay does not mean that the boss will take the big head, and the people below will not eat.

Without waiting for Zhang Ling's answer, Li Dingguo suddenly picked up his bow and arrow, and without giving Zhang Ling time to react, he shot through his neck with an arrow.

He Jinzhao stood on the chariot, still calling Li Dingguo to call for battle.

Ma Xianglin fought with his mother, was encouraged, and immediately said:

The death of the general will deal a great blow to the morale of the officers and soldiers.

The flag of Daming was still flying, and there might be Fang Guoan standing on the city wall, but he couldn't see clearly.

Without the soldiers under Fang Guoan's command, they surrendered faster.

Born in troubled times, what he learned was killing skills, or how to kill enemies quickly and on a large scale.

"My nephew still has some military talents."

Then the Lord toppled the banner around him, and the people in front could see clearly what was going on.

Qin Liangyu was also speechless at this time, and could only sigh:
"Old General Zhang wants to shoot He Jinzhao by himself, but He Jinzhao has always been cunning. I am afraid that he has inquired about Old General Zhang's support a long time ago, so today's result has come about."


Li Dingguo shot another arrow to break the flagpole in front of the Ming army.

Captured and lost more than [-], only a thousand people escaped back.

When the Qing army attacked, Fang Guoan's line of defense collapsed and he surrendered without a fight.

Fu Zonglong thinks this combination of mother and son is excellent, the mother can fight, and the son is even more fierce.


After the Qing army went south, he led more than [-] troops to garrison the Qiantang River, and was named Duke of Yue by King Lu.

Li Dingguo put away his long bow, drew out his sword, and put on the iron mask.

He had seen many such people in the Ming army camp.

With Zhang Ling's sharp shot, he wanted to kill He Jinzhao, the leader of the Hammer bandit, with one blow in front of the two armies.

Zhang Ling received a letter from the deputy general Fang Guoan, saying that he had desperately entered Chengdu to defend. The king of Shu was quite generous, and everyone gave a reward of 25 taels of silver.

When the bad guy is out and both sides confirm that they are the ones who want to fight, Li Dingguo's strategy of another defeat is truly successful.

The king of Shu is rich and rich, but how long can the food in his treasury support tens of thousands of troops?

No one has a clue!
Fu Zonglong is not a pedantic person, passively guarding the city, the city will not last long at all.

Not only would he not be able to do it, but he would also let those ordinary soldiers who were being bullied do it.

Li Dingguo rode his horse forward and reined in, "Does Minggou dare to fight one-on-one?"

The thud thud thump sounded in the rear in unison.

Then he opened his mouth and said, "I am definitely not a loyal minister or general of the Ming Dynasty!"

At first glance, they were the nephews and nephews of the Hammer bandits, all relying on the cover of their families to be able to show their prestige in front of the two armies.

Although Zhang Ling is nearly 70 years old, he is still strong and vigorous, and he loudly urged his subordinates to step forward.

Only by forming a corner with the city can things be done.

Li Dingguo saw that the first blow was sure to hit, and he didn't make up the second arrow, so he rode his horse and held his bow and shouted to charge.

He Jinzhao put down the telescope in his hand:
"The young eagle has to learn to fly. I have brought him by my side for so many years. It is impossible to carry him all the time. It is time to come out and share the pressure for me."

No one would have thought that a small choice of their own would change the direction of history.

This person did not grow into a general who fought against Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong in the late Chongzhen period.

He doesn't have any skills, and all rely on the people around him to boast, but it's just because he has a good father at home.

"You're out of luck. It's Qin Liangyu I want to deceive."

"Mother, don't worry, don't worry about your son's safety. Even if I die, I will die on the way to charge."

Qin Liangyu didn't like this.

But after years of military career, she didn't express her dislike, but just encouraged her:

"Okay, okay, my son!"

(End of this chapter)

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