Be the emperor from the postman

Chapter 880 The Corrupted Capital

Chapter 880 The Corrupted Capital (Two in One)

Chongzhen ordered the mobilization of frontier troops to King Jingqin, and the commander-in-chief was Zhang Fengyi, Shangshu of the Ministry of War.

Zhang Fengyi is from Shanxi, and he and his brothers are famous all over the world.

Now at the age of 87, not to mention that he has been a soldier all his life, he was directly promoted from the local governor to the minister of the central military department, and he has never fought a battle.

Even Sun Chengzong, who was not good at military ability, scolded Zhang Fengyi for being incompetent in military affairs, one can imagine how incompetent he is!

This time the Qing army entered Changping, causing the tomb of the late emperor to be frightened, and a large number of officials impeached Zhang Fengyi and sat idly by.

Especially when news came from Ji Town a few days ago, he didn't make arrangements in advance, and he was dumb the whole time.

He even transferred a large number of Ji Liao soldiers who were good at fighting to various parts of the Central Plains to suppress bandits.

Such a stupid person actually sat in the post of Minister of the Ministry of War for several years without making any progress.

Now that the Qing army is raging around the capital, he does not bear the main responsibility, who will?

Of course, Zhang Fengyi couldn't blame the emperor. In order to avoid disaster, he asked the governor's towns for reinforcements.

But he really doesn't have that ability.

If he is not good at suppressing thieves, he will not be able to win when he meets the more difficult Qing army.

Yes, the Qing army once again wreaked havoc on the capital, and Zhang Fengyi had nothing to do.

At this time, the Minister of the Ministry of War did not request to be the commander-in-chief not to defeat the Qing army better and faster, but to avoid disaster for himself.

Of course, Chongzhen had high hopes for him, and he approved it very quickly, and gave him the Shangfang sword, ten thousand gold, five hundred medals for meritorious service, and prepared rewards for meritorious soldiers.

Chongzhen also appointed eunuch Luo Weining to supervise the military affairs of Tongzhou, Tianjin, Linqing, and Dezhou, and cooperated with Zhang Fengyi.

Liang Tingdong, the governor of Xuanda who was directly responsible for the Great Wall pass, was ordered to help.

However, during the battle with the Qing army, Liang Tingdong's troops lost a lot of money, so they could only pull some heads to make up the number and came slowly.

Zhang Fengyi, Luo Weining, and Liang Tingdong were supposed to be horns of each other to repel the invading enemies.

Everyone has good ideas.

But there are too few people who take action.

In particular, these three people have no fighting spirit, and facing the raging Manchurian cavalry, they dare not fight and shrink back.

Azige saw the weakness of the Ming army, so he left Sha and Qinghe soon after making raids around the Ming capital.

Excluding the seven banners of the Zhenglan Banner plus the three banners of the Han and Mongols, a total of ten banners, conquered Baodi eastward, and killed Zhao Guoding, the county magistrate.

Attack Xing County and kill Lu Shanji, the former minister of Guanglu Temple.

Go west to capture Fangshan and kill all the envoys.

All of a sudden, the people around the capital were in danger, and the Ming army was nowhere to be seen.

All that can be seen is the Qing army burning, killing and looting, as if entering the land of no one.

When the Qing army divided its troops and went south to fight Zhuolu, the three people who had been repeatedly impeached by the officials decided to stand up.

After all, the nobles can't sit still anymore, and the surrounding area of ​​the capital is all their property.

It has been robbed once a few years ago, and now it is coming again. Who can withstand such sustainable depletion?

The three of them couldn't stand the impeachment, so they seized the opportunity to attack the rampant and infinitely divided Qing army.

In this battle, the Qing army lost more than [-] people, and the official army killed and injured more than a thousand people. At last, they had a certain number of people to start with, which should be regarded as a big victory!
When the good news was delivered to Chongzhen, it made him frown.

The Qing army raged around the capital, and the people suffered. How could the Ming Dynasty's army achieve such a victory?
That's a big win!
Where did the three of them get their faces?

I am so disappointed!

Chongzhen wants to get back the ten thousand gold that was rewarded, so fuck you.

If I had known earlier, I would have recruited Uncle Jingliao, and rushed to King Qin from Huguang and other places.

As a result, this was not over yet, King Qin sent a distress letter, which made Chongzhen furious.

Lu Xiangsheng and Hong Chengchou encircled and suppressed the thieves in the Central Plains. The Hammer Bandit He Jinchao, who had been entrenched in Shanxi, even attacked Shaanxi wantonly and took control of Tongguan, Dashanguan and other places.

The whole of Shaanxi will fall into the hands of the hammer bandits.

Regarding this matter, Chongzhen clenched his fists hard, unexpectedly even the hammer bandits would dare to bully Daming.

Chongzhen knew that Shaanxi was empty of troops, and Hong Chengchou had been attacking Shanxi in recent days, forcing He Jinchao to return to aid.

Now it seems that it is of no use.

Once Shaanxi fell into He Jinzhao's hands, Chongzhen didn't even dare to think about what he would do next!
Will that lowly postman, like Huang Taiji, crack the earth and proclaim himself emperor?

He can only be angry about these things, and he can't solve them at present.

Facing King Qin's request for help, Chongzhen put it aside for the time being,
He couldn't put out the near fire, let alone the far fire.

He Jinzhao was tossing about in that barren land of Shaanxi, and Chongzhen had no choice but to let him go.

The land of Shanxi and Shanxi is barren. Xu Dingchen, the governor of Shanxi Province, suffered years of drought and famine.

Chongzhen was unable to provide disaster relief, and the money for disaster relief was distributed, but there was no splash.

That's why he didn't want to do disaster relief.

He Jinchao sent troops to Shaanxi to attack King Qin, he must want more food!
Chongzhen shook his head, put this matter aside, and defeating the invading Qing army for the present plan is the most important thing.

But the Qing army was not so easy to defeat.

Azig was very caring, and before Chongzhen could come up with a way to defeat him, he withdrew his troops after plundering the capital and directly attacked Gu'an, Wen'an, Yongqing and other places.

After going down five cities in a row, he met Liu Zeqing, the commander-in-chief of the Ming Dynasty. He was unable to conquer the city, and turned to the west to attack Xianghe, Zhuozhou, and destroy Shunyi.

Capturing cities is not the goal, but looting is the ultimate strategic goal.

The surrounding magistrates either committed suicide or were killed.

Azige still felt that the plunder was not enough, so he went around to the north of the capital, to Huairou, Da'an, Xihe and other places.

Then station troops in Miyun and Pinggu, release many troops in their hands, and tell them to go to plunder, and then only need to hand over [-]%.

He doesn't care how to grab it.

Whoever grabs the most will earn more and make more contributions!
This move fully mobilized the initiative of the Eight Banners to plunder.

Many of them were converted from the Qing army by the Ming army. They were all poor and frightened in Daming, after they shaved their braids.

Not only did the Ming army fear them, but they could also plunder unscrupulously.

Whose enthusiasm will not be mobilized.

The more they loot, the richer they can get.

If it was placed in Daming, where would Fa Cai get them, these big-headed soldiers who licked blood with their knives?

That is to say, the Eight Banners can't break through the city of Beijing at present, so they surround the prefectures and counties around the city of Beijing and plunder vigorously.

Chongzhen mobilized heavy troops to rescue, and always saw that the Qing army was unscrupulous, but where did the Ming army go?
Commander Zhang Fengyi was afraid of both fighting and being punished by the emperor.

He was in panic all day long, and he never thought about how to lead the Ming army to victory and defeat the Qing army.

Zhang Fengyi only thought that if this matter was not handled well, he would die.

Even though he lived to be 87 years old, he was still afraid of death!
Zhang Fengyi also understood the emperor's temperament, and also knew the fact that he could not defeat the Qing army!
The area around the capital was plundered wantonly. For reference, after the plundering of Huang Taiji in the second year of Chongzhen, a large number of people were punished afterwards, and severe cases were punished with knives and axes.

Zhang Fengyi accepted his fate, thinking that death was inevitable, but he didn't want to be made into a Peking duck and passed on to Jiubian.

So he chose to commit suicide slowly and had to eat a little bit of rhubarb (a laxative) every day, which made his condition worse day by day.

The commander-in-chief of the Ming army chose to commit suicide, let alone the rest of the Ming army to stop the Qing army.

To be able to guard the city without being breached by the Qing army is already a great bravery among the Ming army!
Chongzhen was worried about the war every day, but he had no solution.

As for Gan Xuekuo, the governor of Shaanxi who was supposed to take office, he encountered the invasion of the Qing army. Following Zhang Fengyi's defense against the Qing army, he could practice his skills and go to Shaanxi to resist the hammer bandits in the future.

But this top three jinshi, like Zhang Fengyi, knew nothing about dispatching troops.

As soon as they heard that the Qing army was attacking, it was difficult to resist and took the lead to run away.

He was watching the battle in the city tower, and he was too scared to open his eyes, chanting words, which sounded like he was praying for gods and Buddhas all over the sky.

But the Beijing officials in the imperial court, who were eating vegetarian meals with corpses, were extremely resistant to being an official in such a dangerous place as Shanshan.

I'm afraid that if I'm not careful, my head will be scratched by the rebels, and I won't be able to enjoy a rich life.

Therefore, although Xu Dingchen, the governor of Shanxi, did not listen to Hong Chengchou's order, he was still fine.

Because no one is willing to fill his gap.

The commander-in-chief of the Ming army, as well as the assistants who assisted the commander-in-chief, were all so unbearable.

How to fight this battle?
They just dared to hide in the city and let the Qing army run back and forth to plunder, and no one dared to take the initiative to attack.

Chief Assistant Wen Tiren suggested that since Lu Xiangsheng had already defeated the rebels, it is better to let him bring Jing Liaobo and others to the north quickly to support.

Faced with the officials and Zhang Fengyi's inability to effectively contain the Qing army, he nodded in agreement.

Lu Xiangsheng is besieging Gao Yingxiang in Xunyang.

Even if he jumped out of the encirclement, he fell into a disadvantage.

On the other hand, Lu Xiangsheng grasped both the military and the government, and took advantage of the land of Huguang to farm and raise soldiers by himself, so that he could support his own defense.

Chongzhen allocated nearly one million taels of silver for this siege, but it was a one-off.

From now on, you have to be responsible for your own profits and losses, don't always ask the court for money, I really have no money!
Compared with Lu Xiangsheng who has the support of the government, Gao Yingxiang's life is really difficult.

He lost all his old books, and the little bosses under him were ready to move, and they didn't want to follow him anymore.

Gao Yingen felt that every day was getting worse, so he said:

"Brother, it's okay for us to stay here, we'd better go to Hanzhong and run back to Shaanxi."

"Back to Shaanxi?"

Gao Yingxiang has been depressed these days, he hesitated when he heard what his younger brother said.

Remember how high-spirited I was when I met He Jinzhao?
Escaping from the carriage gorge, it can be said that he survived a catastrophe, and he will have a future blessing, and his strength will grow stronger and stronger.

Keeping He Jinzhao to deal with Hong Chengchou, the governor of the three sides, he brought people to Henan to roll up more troops, and then waited for the opportunity to take root in Huguang and other places, and also became a bandit.

Even Hong Chengchou had nothing to do with himself, he could only return to Shaanxi under the pretext to deal with He Jinzhao.

At that time, Gao Yingxiang was naturally disdainful of everything.

But since Lu Xiangsheng took over, he has been defeated again and again, and he is in this miserable state today.

"Brother, if you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about no firewood." Gao Yingen thought for a while:
"He Jinzhao is very loyal, better than Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and others.

They all left when they saw you defeated. I believe he can accept us, and he will not worry about making a comeback in the future. "

Gao Yingxiang stood up and took two steps. Now he is in the deep mountains. If he stays for a long time, the membership fee will be charged, and the morale of the army will not be stable.

I am afraid that Henan and Huguang have no place to live.

As if Lu Xiangsheng was sure of himself, he let out the wind and beat the high trespassers.

Especially when the officers and soldiers came up with the emperor's edict, many people also wanted to vote for the officers and soldiers.

Gao Yingxiang was aware of all these situations.

But right now he really has nothing to do.

"Brother, do you think He Jinzhao is still the kind of person who would bully you just because you lost a battle?"

Facing his younger brother's question, Gao Yingxiang shook his head and said:

"Brother He is naturally different from ordinary people, but I just don't want to go back to see him in such disgrace.

At that time, when he asked me how I lost, I told him that I didn't follow his strategy to fight the official army, and I was gone! "

Gao Yingxiang has also been reflecting on himself recently after the defeat in Lianfan.

Gao Yingen used to think that He Jinzhao's behavior was quite domineering, and he didn't allow others to get involved in Shanxi.

But looking at the world now, he and his elder brother are the only ones who can go to him.

"Brother, this is the end of the matter, what are you afraid of?"

Gao Yingen hastily persuaded: "We have Brother He's support, and maybe we can pull up a team."

"It's not impossible."

Gao Yingxiang sighed, the current predicament besides running to Shaanxi, he has to be trapped here to death.

Especially in the deep mountains and old forests, it is safer to stay safe.

But Gao Yingxiang had to think carefully about food and winter clothes.

"Let people get ready first, we are going out of the mountain."


Gao Yingen hurriedly sent his subordinates to make preparations.

Lu Xiangsheng did not receive a transfer order from the court, but first received a begging from the rogues.

"The younger one is the guy who fucked the cock Zhang San, and he is here to deliver news to the adults."

Lu Xiangsheng looked at the thieves in front of him with an indifferent look on his face:
"What message?"

"News about King Gao Chuang."


Under the narration of the dry rooster messenger, Lu Xiangsheng learned that Gao Yingxiang was going to Hanzhong, so he went to join He Jinzhao.

Hearing this, Lu Xiangsheng decided to capture Gao Yingxiang.

Otherwise, when he goes to Shaanxi and gets mixed up with the hammer bandits, there may be no chance of catching him next time!

"What does Zhang San want?"

"The leader of my family only wants to serve under Master Lu and serve for Daming!"

Lu Xiangsheng nodded slightly, so it can be seen that Gao Yingxiang has reached the end of the road, and even the little bosses can't control it, and want to find another home.

It has to be said that Lu Xiangsheng led the team to suppress the bandits, and the slogan of killing Gao Yingxiang made the rest of the rebels respect Gao Yingxiang at a distance.

If the division continues like this, whether it is to leave Gao voluntarily or betray Gao, it is within expectation.

People are selfish most of the time, you can't bring me benefits, but also bring me the danger of my family and life, so why should I listen to you and recognize you as a big brother?
After the envoy was sent away, Lu Xiangsheng immediately called a military meeting.

"Prime Minister, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!" Zhu Dadian said excitedly.

Once the imperial court kills Gao Yingxiang, it will be a huge blow to those thieves.

In this way, more people will choose to surrender or run away.

The previous unfavorable situation where Cao Wenzhao, Ai Wannian and others died in battle will be swept away.

Lu Xiangsheng didn't want to have any more accidents, so he personally told Uncle Jingliao Wu Guojun that with the cooperation of our internal staff, we will be able to successfully intercept Gao Yingxiang.

This time, capture Gao Yingxiang and don't give him another chance to escape!
The officers and soldiers were sharpening their knives, full of murderous intent.

(End of this chapter)

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