Be the emperor from the postman

Chapter 879 All Quiet on the Western Front

Chapter 879 All Quiet on the Western Front (Two in One)

Facing Cao Bianjiao's questioning, Huang Shiqing, the county magistrate who was detained, snorted coldly:
"You and other chaotic ministers and thieves, everyone gets to punish them.

surrender?I bother! "

Cao Bianjiao drew his knife and slashed at him, cutting open his neck neatly.

Huang Shiqing fell to the ground, he didn't expect to die so quickly.

A person who is not the leader of the Hammer Bandit dares to decide the life and death of a county magistrate?
Huang Shiqing's eyes were wide open, blood gushed out of his neck, and he lay on the ground like a bloody rooster.

This situation is different from what he imagined.

Cao Bianjiao shook the blood on the knife vigorously, and looked at the rest of the captured people coldly.


If you like being a loyal minister of Ming Dynasty, then I will fulfill you.

"Who else?"

When Cao Bianjiao looked around, a group of people hurriedly knelt on the ground and shouted that we will surrender.

"A bunch of trash." Cao Bianjiao wiped his waist knife.

The surrender faction represented by the local gentry, represented by Wu Juren, felt a moment of fear.

If it wasn't for seeing the opportunity and opening the city gate to welcome the hammer bandits into the city, then they would have to die with Zhixian at this time.

Nongquan was captured by hammer bandits, and Cao Bianjiao sent someone to inform him.

The next step is the need for the Marshal to follow up and send people to take over and rule.

Then Cao Bianjiao led the people directly to the next target.

When He Jinzhao was stalemate with the officers and soldiers outside Xi'an, the officers and soldiers far away in Ningxia mutinied due to long-term lack of pay.

The hungry soldiers besieged the government office.

Governor Youqian Capital Yushi Wang Ji was killed by the rebellious soldiers because he could not pay and the hungry soldiers had nothing to ask for.

Governor Wang Ji not only failed to organize a good defense against the hammer bandits, but was killed by the rebels.

For a while, Ningxia was in chaos.

Ding Qirui, the deputy envoy of military preparations, led the army to suppress, captured the seven leaders and executed them immediately.

However, there were also rebels who took advantage of the chaos and fled, went to find the hammer bandits and came back to take revenge.

Ding Qirui was very troubled by this.

The governor can't even come up with the salary, how can he come up with the salary?
Coupled with the news that the Hammer bandits are aggressively attacking Shaanxi, it has long been spread.

It is said that the hammer bandits have occupied Yansui Town and Yan'an Mansion, and are wreaking havoc on Xi'an Mansion and Fengxiang Mansion.

Once a few key points are controlled, then He Jinzhao will come to fight Ningxia next.

Ding Qirui was worried about this, and the commander-in-chief He Huchen was sent to guard Hancheng, and he might have surrendered.

As for Yu Chongxiao, the deputy general of Ningxia, Ding Qirui didn't trust him a little, and felt that he was behind the mutiny.

Ding Qirui now not only has to face the hammer bandits inside the Great Wall, but also has to deal with the Mongols outside the Great Wall.

Because of the lack of food, that Lin Danhan came to knock and loot again.

Only then did this group of soldiers mutiny ask for payment.

It's not just that the Mongols don't have much to eat, they actually don't have much to eat.

Don't look at Lindan Batur and Chongzhen as crouching dragons and phoenixes, but they are idiots in the city when facing Huang Taiji.

Although Lin Danhan faced Hou Jin quickly, he did not dare to fight.

But he is quite confident in bullying the Ming army who is underpaid.

The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty have enough food and pay, and the Aixinjueluo family can give it to you.

There is food and pay, and we dare to fight in the field.

If there is food but no salary, then we can only stick to the city.

No food, no salary, I am the rebel and the Eight Banners!
It can be said that if He Jinzhao hadn't raised the flag to rebel, the treatment under Huang Taiji's command would be the best.

The Ming army is fully paid in the Green Camp!

After much deliberation, Ding Qirui decided to seek sponsorship from Chen Yao, the son of Ningyanghou.

In any case, let Chen Yao help first, erect the banner of Marquis of Ningyang, and then find a few local rich families to raise food and pay, so as to ensure that Ningxia is still in Daming's hands.

In the past two years, due to the frequent wars, Chen Chong did not go out, not to mention he offended Hong Chengchou, the two sides fought and were almost hacked to death.

It's not that the Chen family was useless, but Hong Chengchou fell into the eyes of the emperor. Not only was he fine, but he became the governor of the three sides, and then the governor of the five provinces.

Then how does the Chen family do business?
Officially, the dog can fight Kayi to death.

In particular, Hong Chengchou calmed down the bandits in Shaanxi, so that his prestige soared.

Even Ning Yanghou, the righteous master, would not dare to slander him any more.

Chen Yao, Chen Chong and others were unable to purchase goods from the southeast, and then trade with the Yarkang country in the northwest.

The channels were completely restricted by Hong Chengchou.


Chen Yao's body has become weaker and weaker in recent years.

Indulging in sex and drinking is really hurting the body, but I can't help but be happy.

Chen Chong responded and heard him ask:
"Nahe currently occupying the Shanxi court has nothing to do with him, in order to show the trend of cracking the soil and becoming the king.

This time, he took advantage of Hong Chengchou's exit from Tongguan to suppress the bandits, and invaded Shaanxi on a large scale. If he was not sure, he would have to kill us in Ningxia. "

Chen Chong traveled all over the world, so he was very knowledgeable.

He Jinzhao is no longer what he used to be.

The little postman used the stolen silver, antique calligraphy and paintings to do business with the Chen family, buying a large number of weapons and craftsmen.

As a result, he has the ability to wrestle with the officers and soldiers.

At that time, Chen Chong just thought that the little postman was daring, but he would be pressed to death by the officers and soldiers in a short time.

Before he died, it would be great if he could get more money from He Jinzhao.

As a result, the little postman became stronger and stronger, and even the officers and soldiers were helpless.

From the beginning of only daring to defend the city, to take the initiative to attack later.

He Jinchao's victories against the officials and the army and the record of capturing the vassal king are just like Houjin's victory in the battle of Sarhu.

Defeat is not unacceptable to Daming.

However, the impact of the defeat on the Ming court and the Ming army already had a sense of fear of He Jinzhao's hammer bandits in terms of morale and heart.

Such a record has shown that He Jinzhao has grown from a small bandit to a towering tree.

From a rebel leader who coerced the rioters in Shanxi to Shanxi, he transformed into a political force that can separate one side.

Now he has become a climate!
Even if Hong Chengchou pacified the whole Shaanxi with great bang, he would defect to the hammer bandits since his subordinates.

And after the defeat of Xiaocao and Xiaocao, they closely monitored the movements of the Shanxi hammer bandits and dared not cross the river to fight.

With such strength, coupled with the fact that the hammer bandits came to attack Shaanxi again, the government and army could not resist.

"It is very possible that he sent someone to Ningxia." Chen Chong replied.

The uncle and nephew fell into a long silence again.

If He Jinchao occupies the land of Shanshan and Shaanxi, and then Sichuan, he will become a strong Qin.

As long as he can beat the soldiers of the Golden Army, he may not be able to conquer the world in the future.

While the two of them were thinking, they heard the servant report that Ding Qirui had come to pay a visit.

Chen Yao frowned, what is he doing here?
"Uncle, if you receive him once or twice, just say I'm sick."

Chen Yao stood up and walked directly to the back. It would be inconvenient to agree when something happened, so there was room for him.

Ningxia is in chaos again, and it's hard for everyone.

After Ding Qirui's intention of coming was revealed, Chen Chong immediately stated that it was his duty to serve the country, but at present the Patriarch is ill, so he has to ask the Patriarch first.

As for the donation of military pay to stabilize the morale of the army, he, Chen Chong, can agree, but it probably won't be too much.

In the past two years, the Chen family's business has not been easy to do. It is indeed a bit embarrassing to have a large group of idlers who only go out but not in.

Ding Qirui nodded, no matter what, it was enough for the Chen family to take the lead.

Chen Yao didn't come out until he left.

"Ding Qirui is trying to resist desperately?"

Chen Chong shook his head: "Ningxia's officers and soldiers are in disarray, even if they want to resist the hammer bandits, it's no different from a mantis holding a cart."

"The troubled times are approaching, and the capital is too far away. We also have to think about ourselves, and we can't just step on the same boat all the time."

Chen Chong understood this, so he stood up: "I hope He Jinzhao still remembers my Chen family, and the signboard of Marquis Ningyang can still be used."

The news of the mutiny of Ningxia soldiers has not yet reached.

Cao Bianjiao won consecutive battles, and he didn't need artillery outside the county town. The bombing of the Frang machine carried by the army was enough to scare a group of people to open the door and surrender.

He Jinchao ordered the transfer of a large number of peasant association cadres and low-level officials into Shaanxi, and also began to assign soldiers to accompany them to take charge of land measurement to avoid the landlord class's counterattack.

Shanxi, Xuanfu and other places suffered from pests and drought one after another, and the harvest was almost wiped out.

Xu Dingchen, the governor of Shanxi, asked the imperial court to allocate grain and send it to Fanzhi County.

And it is said that the hungry people have no food and can only eat bark and grass leaves. When these things are gone, people can eat each other.

The most important thing is that if His Majesty does not allocate food for disaster relief, they will all defect to the hammer bandits.

In addition, Henan was also affected. There was a famine in Nanyang, and there was also a tragedy of cannibalism.

Chongzhen thought for a long time, and issued an edict to issue 500 taels to purchase grain relief in Shanxi and Nanyang, and exempt the old and new salaries of the two counties affected by the disaster in Shanxi.

Nanyang needs to continue to pay taxes.

end of june.

Azig finally led [-] Qing troops into Xuanfu.

Liang Tingdong, then governor of Xuanda, led the army to fight, and lost seven battles, destroying all the family property left by the previous governor Zhang Zongheng.

He failed to resist the Qing army as he wished, but was captured by the Qing army with more than [-] people and animals.

Of course, Daming is not without highlight moments.

Wang Zhaokun, the imperial censor of the Ming Dynasty, fought with the Qing army, and was defeated and killed.

Wang Pu, the general of Xuanda, led his army to help, killed 140 people who were looting the Qing army, and captured [-] people.

Wang Pu, who was more deceptive than Zuo Liangyu, finally won the first battle between the Ming army and the Qing army, and gained a lot.

Although the Qing army was frustrated, it still acted according to the established plan.

Besides, what Wang Pu killed was not an elite Qing army. Azige led the Qing army to break through the Xifeng Pass, and chanted the slogan of revenge against the hammer bandits. What he could do was indeed farther and farther away from Shanxi, and went straight to the direction of the capital. .

After Chongzhen received the news, he hurriedly ordered martial law in the capital.

They received the news that the Qing army had invaded Shanxi, and they expected that after the Qing army finished fighting Shanxi, they would inevitably come to wreak havoc on the capital, so they had to guard against it.

At the same time, Li Fuguo was ordered to guard Zijing Pass, Xu Jinzhong guarded Daoma Pass, Zhang Yuanheng guarded Longquan Pass, and Cui Liang guarded Gu Pass.

A few days later, the situation became more and more tense, and Chongzhen ordered Cheng Guogong Zhu Chunchen to inspect the border.

The Qing army did not follow the thinking of the emperor and his advisers inside the palace walls, and Azig never went to Shanxi.

The cavalry of the Qing army gathered in Gyeonggi.

The panic-stricken Chongzhen took Zhang Yuanzuo as the right servant of the Ministry of War to guard Changping, and the eunuch Wei Guozheng guarded Tianshou Mountain.

Wei Guozheng set off on the same day, but the right servant hesitated and was afraid.

Chongzhen's words to many ministers in the cabinet were quite eccentric. The ministers left immediately, and the minister did not come out for three days. What qualifications do you have to accuse me of reusing ministers?
The first assistant, Wen Tiren, was speechless. The emperor trusted his ministers, otherwise he would not bow his head to the eunuch even if he was a dignified first assistant.

I have to say that the matter of the servant is indeed not as good as the eunuch, and he can do whatever the emperor asks him to do.

As the situation became more and more tense, Chongzhen ordered all towns to rush to help in the starry night.

Before attacking Changping, Azig released more than [-] captured Ming officers and soldiers, allowing them to feign surrender and return.

Zhang Yuanzuo, the servant on the right, didn't know that it was a strategy of the Qing army, so he opened the city gate to receive his own people and strengthened Changping's defense force.

The next day, the Qing army entered Juyongguan via the road, attacked Tianshou Mountain where the imperial mausoleum was located, and burned the imperial mausoleum of Emperor Tianqi Deling.

Then it suddenly appeared under the city of Changping from behind Tianshou Mountain. The artillery fired concurrently and destroyed the city tower of Changping. The Ming army was burned by the fire.

Chao Pichang and Zhang Yuanzuo, the chief soldiers defending the city, surrendered, and Wang Gui and Zhao Yue, the heads of the household department, Wang Yuzuo and Hu Weihong, the judges, and Wang Xizhong, the admiral and internal supervisor, were all killed by the Qing army.

Azig conquered Changping City and approached the capital.

The next day, Azig led the Qing army to approach Xishan and attack Gonghua City.

Ming army guard Jiang Xuan bombarded with artillery, and the Qing army was forced to retreat.

Azige thought about it, and when many generals were brainstorming, he finally thought of a good trick—counter-indirect strategy.

Huang Taiji succeeded last time, and this time Chongzhen may be fooled.

Azige deliberately wrote a letter to Hei Yunlong, the deputy commander of the Ming Dynasty who was captured by the Qing army and escaped, agreeing that he would cooperate with the Qing army.

And deliberately let the Ming army know, trying to use Chongzhen's hand to get rid of him.

Didn't Yuan Chonghuan do the same thing last time?
But what is surprising is that Chongzhen has some trust in Hei Yunlong's move to flee back to Daming instead.

This clumsy countermeasure did not deceive Chongzhen at all, but made him even more important to Hei Yunlong.

Hei Yunlong lived up to expectations, set up an ambush in Xishan, and then severely damaged the Qing army.

It has to be said that since Huang Taiji fought against the hammer bandits, many soldiers have been lost, and many vacancies have been filled, so the quality of soldiers is naturally not high.

Of course, Huang Taiji would not hand over the elite Eight Banners to Azig with confidence.

10 horses, even if the Qing army can have a scale of 10?

Azig suffered a lot of losses and was not discouraged. He even came here for something.

He went south to Liangxiang, and moved to Tunsha River and Qinghe River two days later.

Changping's troops entered Xizhimen.

Chongzhen was terrified, and at this time, he didn't care about his brother's tomb being burned by the Qing army. He still paid attention to the living first, and the dead moved back.

He formulated a combat policy of sticking to the city and waiting for opportunities to dispatch, and ordered the ministers of civil and military affairs to go into battle and guard each city gate.

Zhang Fengyi ordered the Ministry of War to spread the call, recruiting 5000 soldiers from Shandong Liu Zeqing, 4000 soldiers from Shanxi, Wang Pu, the general soldier of Xuanda, and 5000 soldiers from Baoding Dong Yongwen.

There were 5000 people from Zu Dashou, the general soldier of Shanhai, and 7000 people from Zu Dale, Li Chongzhen, and Ma Rulong who had returned from the north supported the capital.

Just like this, Chongzhen is still unsafe.

After all, the dog tartar brought so many people at once.

However, Zhang Fengyi, Minister of the Ministry of War, felt that his wealth and life were in danger the most. He was completely paralyzed in the face of the Qing army's offensive.

(End of this chapter)

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