Chapter 232 Merger ([-])

Lingmei continued: "In the past two years, I have successfully grown 26 hanging green mother trees using the method of circle planting. It is not grafting, but a complete whole branch of hanging green."

Deputy Mayor Zhang yelled in disbelief: "Xiao Lingmei, do great things in silence!"

Lingmei asked with a smile, "Is it worth opening a mountain to build an orchard?"

"It's worth it!" Deputy Mayor Zhang was overjoyed, "I'll bring someone——no, I'll ask Mr. Zhong to come to your house to confirm that it's correct, and then grant you the land immediately!"

Lingmei responded: "Okay. But hanging green is very precious, and the seedlings are also delicate. I don't want any accidents. So can hanging green be kept secret?"

Deputy Mayor Zhang lowered his voice: "Secret. Of course it must be kept secret!"

If this news gets out, Guangzhou Zengcheng Gualvyuan will go crazy.

Hanging up the phone, Ling Mei breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled at the sister-in-law opposite: "It's okay."

Yue Lan waved her hands happily and said, "That's great!"

When Yue Lan was at her husband's house, she built a lychee orchard to support her family with rich experience.Lingmei has observed her care of the seedlings for the past two years, and she is careful and bold.So before leaving Nanping to go to BJ to go to university, she was officially appointed as the manager of the litchi garden, and she was given full authority to handle related matters.

Yue Lan took the letter of appointment, feeling agitated.

Her mother, Lan Fang, was also happy.

It was clearly written in the contract that Zhao Lan's salary was raised to 68 yuan a month.Plus various bonuses.In a few years, my daughter will be able to buy a small house in the town.In a few years, Ruozhen's dowry will be enough.

Xiao Yuanliang and his wife were very satisfied with the eldest son's family.

Smiling, Yuan Liang calculated the money he had saved in the past three years, and said to Yuefeng's family: "It's time to redo our house. After the house is done, Ling Hai will be able to marry Zichun back. "

Yue Feng and his son were so happy that Ling Hai smiled so much that he showed his white teeth.

Xiulian tugged at the hem of her clothes, full of anger: Zichun really wants to come in, I have to train her stubborn temper well!
The merger of Yutu Candy Factory and Xianyunshan Agriculture and Forestry Company was officially launched.

The news spread throughout the factory, and many old employees couldn't get over the hurdle, and ran to the office to surround the factory leaders.

"Factory manager. Are we really not employees of state-owned enterprises in the future?"

"Director, you can't leave us alone."

"Secretary Zhao. There is a huge difference between state-owned enterprises and rural enterprises. Your decisions should be responsible for the factory and the country!"

Director Yuan looked solemn.Looking at them, he said word by word: "If the factory can survive, we will not restructure."

"But in the past two years, our efficiency has increased. We don't need to change the system."

Director Yuan shook his head: "What is the reason for our increase in profitability? It is because the company in Yunlai Village gave us orders for strawberry jam and tomato sauce. We don't want to restructure. They build their own food processing factories. Tell me, we Is the factory still alive?"

The employees looked at each other and kept silent.

Director Yuan said again: "You are stupid! The country reformed and opened up, and the iron rice bowl is gone forever. We are already the lucky ones under the tide of the market. If someone is willing to accept us and transform our candy factory, how much is it? The factory is envious of the good thing that it can't come? Let me tell you, the current conditions are still achieved by Deputy Mayor Zhang and us."

Secretary Zhao nodded and added: "I heard that a new production line is coming soon. The factory needs to expand and recruit people. You guys should look forward to a better future."

The employees looked at each other in blank dismay: "Really?"

"Of course it is true." Factory Manager Yuan smiled, "When the jam production line comes, our work will be much more convenient. There will also be the latest candy production line and dried fruit production line. Let's change the shotgun and upgrade it."

The employees couldn't help showing longing looks on their faces.

Someone asked: "Director, what about our wages?"

Director Yuan waved his hand: "Salary? Do you still need to worry about salary? As long as you work hard, it is not impossible to double your income."

The employees were already smiling when they looked at each other.After all, who can have trouble with money?
What made the employees even more happy was that Secretary Zhao praised Haikou: "The benefits have increased, and our factory can also build houses and distribute houses."

With the sound of wow, the employees' mouths were about to burst into laughter.

They returned to the production room and passed on the words of the leader, and the workers became more motivated to work.

"You guys are so naive." The loud voice of Hou Wei, an old fritter from the production line, attracted everyone at once.

Jiao Aifeng, director of the production line, turned cold: "Old Waiter, what do you mean?"

Hou Wei shook his head and shook his head: "You guys, if you let people fool you, you can't find Bei. Think about it for yourself, if we are a state-owned enterprise, even if the factory closes down, we will still have to pay us wages and pensions. If we become a township enterprise, then It’s actually not much different from private companies. If the factory can’t continue to open at that time, we will go home empty-handed and go home to herd sheep.”

Jiao Aifeng pouted: "The jam business in Yunlai Village is so good, why can't it continue? Don't be crowed here. It's bad luck."

Hou Wei sneered: "The business of jam is so good, do you think someone will compete with Xianyun Village? This thing has no technical content, and it can be replaced if it is replaced. Even if it cannot be replaced, it can also reduce its market share. Rate. At that time, a discount will be offered and the price will be reduced, just like our factory before, and it will eventually become a loss-making business. Hey. At that time, it will be useless for you to cry and make trouble."

Those words chilled everyone's fiery hearts.

In the production room, there was only the sound of the machine turning, and even the sweetness of the jam felt tired.

Wait for the prestige goal to be achieved, and accept it as soon as it is good.

A few days later, Ling Mei and Zhuo Lin came to the factory to continue discussing the merger.Even though it was the weekend, miraculously, the employees came out in full force, blocking up the factory director's office.This time it was Hou Wei who took the lead.

Ling Mei and Zhuo Lin were not surprised.

One is a person who has experienced the restructuring of state-owned enterprises and the wave of layoffs in his previous life. He never naively thought that he could take over the factory smoothly.

The other is that all the possibilities in the merging of venues have been conceived.Today's scene was as early as he expected.

The factory leaders were the most unexpected.

"Why are you here?" Director Yuan was surprised, he looked at Hou Wei a few more times, why did the workers push this old fritters out?

Hou Wei dressed up very refreshingly today.White shirt, black trousers.It's a pity that his oily and shiny back made his already fat face even more greasy.

As soon as he entered the room, his gaze was fixed on Lingmei's face, his heart itching unbearably.

This chick is too good looking!

Director Yuan frowned and called him: "Hou Wei?"

Hou Wei came back to his senses, and immediately said: "Factory manager. Today, on behalf of all the employees, I am discussing the merger of the factory with the comrades in Yunlai Village."

Director Yuan and Secretary Zhao looked at Ling Mei, feeling a little uncomfortable.It would be fine for these people to elect an employee representative in advance, but what do they think of this sudden outburst today?
Ling Mei smiled and said, "Since you're here, let's sit down and discuss together. Zhuo Lin, let's move some chairs for everyone."

Director Yuan hurriedly said, "Let's come, let's come."

Lingmei and Zhuo Lin moved dozens of chairs for the workers.

As a result, the menacing expressions on the workers' faces suddenly became a little awkward, but after they sat down, they felt a little cramped.

Ling Mei asked with concern: "Do you want some tea? You will be fighting with each other for a while, and you must drink some water."

There were chuckles in the office, and after the tea was served, the atmosphere became much better again.

Zhuo Lin couldn't help admiring Ling Mei, and quickly resolved the hostility of the workers.

The meeting officially started.

(End of this chapter)

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