Chapter 285 Lotus Blood Duck

Andy smiled and said nothing, just scooped up a spoonful of Mapo Tofu again and brought it to his mouth.

The host gave an exaggerated smile and opened his mouth happily.The feeling of freshness, hotness and spiciness meanders all the way, the red tofu is bright and soft, the spiciness makes the tip of the tongue slowly become numb, but more saliva is secreted in the mouth, which makes the host who is used to light food can't help but suck Drooled.

The tofu is rich in meat fat, chewed carefully, and has a unique taste of pork.

"Delicious—" he gasped, and said slowly.

Andy smiled and began to make comments: "The spicy taste is very special. Your dish is delicious and spicy, and it's well done. I have a little suggestion, if you replace pork with beef, the taste should be better." Pork tends to be soft and rotten, and it has a pig smell. The meat of beef is firmer, and the contrast with the tenderness of tofu is very obvious.

Li Yi was taught very modestly: "Okay, I understand."

His appearance made the face of Takeda Dairo who was sitting in the audience turn green, and he didn't speak well to Xiang Watanabe: "Why is he here?"

Andy, whose original name is Cai Yuan, is a well-known Chinese gourmet, known all over the world for his sharp and demanding taste.There is a saying in the market: as long as Andy says a good restaurant, the standard is three points higher than the Michelin award.

It's just that he has a weird personality, he doesn't like to interact with people, and he often refuses invitations from the media or competitions.

Originally, he was not supposed to be on the judging panel, but for some unknown reason, he actually appeared on the field.

Takeda Dairo pursed his lips, without saying a word, his eyes were fierce.He and Cai Yuan have a mutual disdain for each other. Cai Yuan once commented on the pastry he made, and he only used one word to describe it: superficial.In Takeda's view, this is not only a judgment on his works, but more like a judgment on himself.

And in his opinion, how can a person who can't even hold a spatula be qualified to judge something made by others, just relying on that tongue?

Yu Jian naturally didn't know that there was such an entanglement between the two, but judging from Andy's comments, this person still knows food.

Food has five flavors, sweet, sour, bitter, spicy and salty.Some people think that spicy is taste, and some people think that spicy is pain.But no matter which one it is, it shows that the word spicy has a great shock to people.

In terms of regions that eat spicy food in China, there are mildly spicy regions, mildly spicy regions, and heavily spicy regions. Although Sichuan Province is among the provinces that can eat the most spicy food, it definitely does not rank first.

The first place is Gan Province.

If Ni Hong can find a Sichuan chef to make mapo tofu, then she can also make the most spicy dish in China, and even in the world.

Lai Wei was holding a baby duckling about two catties in his hand. A thin knife was wiped across the neck of the duck, and the blood dripped into the small box below.

Everyone at the scene had probably seen such a bloody scene, some covered their faces, some complained, and some covered the children's eyes.

Lai Wei chuckled and said, "Generally uninformed gringo." It's just killing a duck, so why make such a fuss.

When the blood was almost dripping, he stopped his movements, picked up the duck, walked aside to pluck the hair and scald the skin, while Fang Zilu walked up to the front and picked up the small box full of duck blood, and gently dripped it with a stirring stick. Give it a few stirs.The bright red blood that had been somewhat coagulated at this time unexpectedly regained its flowing appearance.

The cleaned duck is cut open by Chef Lai with one knife, and the second knife travels along the lymph glands all over the body. In a few seconds, all the inedible and dirty parts of the body are removed.Then, with a few clicks of "Kang Bang", the duck was chopped into small pieces of the same amount.

If you look closely, you can see that each piece of duck has bones and flesh, and the fat and thinness are uniform in thickness.This is the most hidden trick in the Huaiyang saber technique.

Yu Jian had already heated up the oil in a wok, put the duck pieces into the wok first, stir-fried on high heat, and then added spices, when the duck meat became firm and turned light yellow in color, it was time for the chili peppers to appear.With the shaking of her wrist, the bright red fresh and tender whole peppers gradually submerged the duck meat, forming a perfect steamer state, then poured hot water, covered the pot and simmered.

With the gentle breeze, the spicy taste slowly entered the noses of everyone at the scene, just like the scorching sun in midsummer. The smell alone made people sweat slightly.

And as Yu Jian lifted the lid of the pot, the spicy smell became more intense, and the thin sweat gradually condensed into sweat beads, which slowly flowed from the shoulders and back.

At this time, the crimson blood slowly flowed into the pot, and with the slight shaking of the handle of the pot, it gradually condensed into fine pieces.

The hotness burst out with the greatest energy at this moment, and everyone felt as if they were going to explode in this stimulating taste. Suddenly, the heat wave gradually subsided, and the whole body returned to normal.

Someone sniffed, and the sharp smell just now suddenly turned into a rich and tangy hot fragrance, and the domineering gradually became long and soft, but even more tempting.

"Huaxia completed the lotus blood duck." With a soft female voice, the crisp bell rang.

The host stretched his neck, and saw that the plate was dotted with scallions, the red soup was slightly rolling, and the oil was bright.All the ingredients inside were as red as fire, and a pot was full.

"This..." Everything was red, and for a moment he couldn't tell what was in it.

Yu Jian explained in an international language: "The main ingredient of this dish is duck meat."

When the judges stepped forward to taste it, they all faced difficulties again.There is no other reason. The pepper covered with a layer made them discouraged. Some people smiled bitterly: "I heard that eating the spicy food in Huaxia will cause gastroenteritis."

There was only one person who firmly picked up the fork, first pushed aside the glowing red covering, then precisely inserted a piece of duck blood, and sucked it lightly.

Spicy, delicious, mixed with a trace of beating numbness, and a little bit of sourness, multiple flavors hit his mouth instantly, and for a while, he felt like his mouth was on fire, as if it was about to burn .

But in the next second, this taste blended together wonderfully, and it slowly flowed to the stomach along with the body fluid secreted from his mouth. Where it passed, it was slightly hot, but there was no burning feeling at all.

Another piece of duck meat, this time the taste became soft and chewy, the duck skin was slightly crispy, and the duck meat was tender, with a hint of numbness, but the sour taste was negligible.He seemed to feel the pleasure of wild ducks fluttering in the water, so flamboyant and full of vitality.

This lotus blood duck dish has changed from the original abnormal spicy taste, and it is so soft that everyone can accept it.

He couldn't help re-examining the Huaxia team.Originally, he had already rejected the organizer's invitation, but because of a phone call from a friend, he changed his mind.

His ancestral home is in China, and he often travels around, so he naturally knows what the taste of lotus blood duck should be.

He savored the remaining taste in his mouth carefully, and suddenly pointed to the plate and said to others: "Try it, it's not spicy at all—"

(End of this chapter)

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