Chapter 233

The broth is ready, and the fillings are mixed with seasonings to give off a long aftertaste.

The eel skin noodles are cut into equal palm-sized pieces and stacked together, looking like a snow mountain from a distance.

There are six styles of wrapping wonton: dangling style, separated style, kneading style, spiral style, triangular style and flowering style.

What I briefly use is this blooming style.The skin with eel meat is thinner than normal ones. Put the stuffing in it, and fold the skin around to make a five-pointed petal outline. First pinch out the petal pattern on one side, and so on. Yuzhi In the process of flipping, lifelike flower bones are formed.

The wontons are first steamed in a cage for a few minutes, until the surface becomes slightly transparent, and then put into the broth, just wait for the flowers to vacate and compete to show smiling faces on the surface of the water, then they can be taken out and put into bowls.

I don't know when, everyone's eyes focused on Yu Jian in unison.

The unique charm of this little girl makes people reluctant to look away.

Among the six dishes, there is also a flower-related dish, which is called Fan Body Jian Lu Bao Xiang Gan.Baoxianghua was introduced to China from the Western Regions. Baoxiang is the image of Buddha, with white lotus as the base, but it has a rich and luxurious appearance, and is known as the "flower of the Tang Dynasty".

When the lamb was slaughtered, Yu Jian deliberately left the liver, soaked in water repeatedly until now, the surface is clean, with a pink color.

After the marinade is prepared, put the lamb liver into it and cook it for a short time. During this time, use the two fires of Wen and Wu alternately, wait until the tip of the chopsticks is inserted, feel a slight resistance, and take out the cold water.

The cooking of this dish is not complicated, but the hard part is the carving of Baoxianghua.

It is said that a good cook is also a good engraver.First, slice the lamb liver into thin slices, then use a sharp knife to draw the outline of the lotus flower, and then use the long and short needles at the same time.

On the big screen, Yu Jian lowered her head slightly, her eyes were focused, her elbows were steady, and with the slight shaking of everyone's fingers, a magnificent pattern of Baoxiang flowers jumped into view.

One layer of lamb liver treasure, one layer of radish treasure, after stacking seven layers, pour thick marinade, topped with white and purple silk flowers.

Everyone only felt that this dish had already surpassed the dish itself, and there was a hint of...a Buddha image.

The whole goat was kept warm in the oven for a while with the residual heat, and now it was time to cut the belly and take the goose.

Yu Jian quickly pulled out the long pole, dragged the sheep with one hand, and held the knife with the other, gently scratching the sheep's neck.

The fine aroma keeps gushing out as the gap expands.

What kind of smell is this... Everyone kept inhaling, only feeling the simple and long-lasting fragrance in the air, an unprecedented smell.

Old but new.

"I don't know what secret recipe Yu's girl put on the mutton. I have never smelled this smell in my whole life. I really want to taste the taste of mutton..." Shi Jiachuan twisted his hips, as if there was a needle on the stool Like sticking him.

Actually not.

Too hungry.

At noon, he ate the boxed lunch provided by the organizer. The clear soup lacked water, which made him tasteless. In addition, there was a big meal in the evening, and it ended hastily after two bites.

As time went on, the more fragrant it was, the hungrier he became.He could only desperately pour tea, five minutes ago was his eighth trip to the bathroom in the afternoon.

Even Liu Lao asked him quietly, if he couldn't help himself in middle age.

Can he admit that it's because he's hungry?
I can only admit it with a wry smile!up!

When the pointer was at six o'clock and there was still a quarter of an hour left, Yu Jian pressed the end bell.After the two charcoal stoves were distributed, her movements were much slower, but it was basically the same as the completion time in her budget.

I don't know when, the originally deserted behind-the-scenes gathered a full staff, and everyone looked forward to it.As soon as the bell rang, people swarmed up, scrambling to push the small cart that could be pulled by only one person.

These playwrights!
Not far away, Jiang Cheng, Chen Achun, and Chef Fang snorted at the same time, and quickened their movements.

The problem of the fire source made them have to retreat and replace the complicated and time-consuming dishes with fast dishes.Of course, these are still considered high-quality delicacies in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the competition, they are not worth mentioning.

"Huh?" Guan Shanyue looked at the six small dishes of different sizes in front of her, and noticed something.

Professor Shi next door didn't care so much, his hungry stomach was completely soothed by a mouthful of wonton soup, and he took a bite of the round and fat belly of wonton, chewing slightly, the sweetness of the shrimp, the warm fragrance of the minced meat, and the glutinous eel skin The taste and flavor are brewing like a storm, making the joy of mouth and tongue soar in an instant.

Lift the chopsticks and turn to the Baoxiang lamb liver that has been paying attention to for a long time. The lamb liver and radish are picked up together, and then put into the mouth hand in hand. The meat quality and vegetables are perfectly combined, a kind of plump and tough, fat and soft. Crisp delivery The taste pours in, and the momentary aftertaste is exchanged for endless and long-lasting thoughts.

Liu Chenggao has a strong taste. He is originally from Sichuan Province. Although he is old, his love for spicy food is incomprehensible to ordinary people.

Hun Yangshi suddenly removed the wrapped lamb, leaving behind the goose that was smoking with oil.Yu Jian had already divided the big goose, and as she said, Huang Nuan kept half of the goose.

The goose meat has not been exposed to open flames, but has experienced super high temperatures. The meat is pliable, and the water vapor is mixed with the aroma of the sauce, blending with a unique chewy texture.

There is also this kind of spicy taste. At the beginning, I only feel the fragrance is overflowing, but when the goose meat is ground by the teeth, a burst of heat comes out.

It was so spicy that the old man almost burst into tears, but he unconsciously took a second and third bite.When he came back to his senses, he ate all the rice grains on the plate, and his body was sweating profusely for the first time in a long time. The impurities in his body flowed out from his pores, and he felt so refreshed that he wanted to scream up to the sky.

Look at the milky white phoenix fetus, the fish white is crystal clear, and it still maintains a puffy posture after being stewed at high temperature, showing the pocket and smallness of the chicken eggs around it.To be honest, just looking at the color and appearance of this dish makes people feel comfortable, just like the shining snow mountain top suddenly seen among the lush green trees.

But when you really eat it, you will know how ancient techniques and geometric charm are used in this seemingly simple dish.

Chicken eggs have a firm taste after being salted, and they are gradually matured in the soup. Just one bite, is the unlimited freshness circulating around the body. Liu Chenggao feels that he has never experienced this kind of heartiness in his life.

Guan Shanyue's surprise did not lie in the dishes themselves, but in Yu Jian's wisdom.

From Shi Jiazhuan's point of view, these six dishes are just a replica of Shaowei Banquet, but in his eyes, they are enough to highlight the little girl's resourcefulness.

Spicy, fresh, salty, sweet, and clear, taking into account the tastes of everyone present.Unlike Haicheng Restaurant, which only makes fresh vegetables, it is not like Xiangyuan Restaurant, which only makes beets. This is a fusion of flavors.

Isn't it healing the land of China, embracing all rivers, but with one heart?

A kind of sincere pride welled up in Guan Shanyue's heart, he really read it right, this girl...

It's really good!

(End of this chapter)

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