Stocking up in space: surviving in a world of crisis

Chapter 559 Chapter 559 Ground Shelter 1

When the car entered the base, everything around it became lively.

There were laughter, noise, and crying.

To get to the entrance of the dungeon, you have to go through two places, the base pharmaceutical factory and the hospital, which are already crowded with protesting crowds.

The trucks transporting the corpses left from the side door of the hospital, in stark contrast to the noisy crowd.

Xuxu, who had been chattering all the time, fell silent. She looked out of the window anxiously, her eyes filled with bewilderment and bewilderment.

The car entered the parking lot. After everyone got out of the car, Jiang Rong took them out through the back door of the parking lot. There was a security gate here. After passing through the security gate, fingerprints were required. After entering the security gate, they arrived at the entrance of the dungeon.

After all, Wan Tao and Liu Zhang were the big leaders who built the Longtan Base, and they didn't react at all. The children, Fang Wei and Fu Jiao were all dumbfounded.

"It's amazing, it feels like I'm back before the end of the world."

"Your fingerprints and irises will be included later, and you can come and go as you like. There are many areas in the dungeon. Just remember the cafeteria, library, and fitness area. If you want to find something to do, you can go to hydroponic vegetables room, sericulture room, and aquaculture area, each floor is marked and easy to find."

After Ye Fu finished introducing them, he took everyone to the dormitory area.

Shen Li was already waiting for everyone in the dormitory area. He made everyone a badge representing their identity and arranged the dormitory.

Ye Fu and Jiang Rong had to go to the granary to collect food. After they settled everyone down, they left some special medicine and left with Shen Li.

In the granary, there are not only the grain accumulated by the base for so many years, but also the grain reserves in northern Xinjiang.

The relief food distributed by the government and refugees outside was all stored food in the granary.

No matter how well the food is preserved, it will become old rice. There are more than a dozen soldiers on duty here with guns. Shen Li took out the official document written by Cheng Lin and showed it to the soldiers on duty. The other party verified their fingerprints and irises. , opened the door and let them in.

"Everyone knows that three catties of food per person per month is very little, but we can only distribute so much, because originally there is only enough food for 20 years, and we have to plan for 100 years."

Shen Li opened the door of the warehouse, and a smell of grain came over his face. Huge grain storage barrels were neatly placed in front of him. The warehouse was surrounded by desiccant, and there was an unsealed grain storage barrel beside it. Ye Fu stretched out his hand to Inside, I grabbed a handful of old rice and came out.

There are rice worms in the rice, and the taste is not as good as new rice, but this is life-saving food, something as important as life.

"Shen Li, how many tons of grain are there in total?"

Shen Li looked very serious, "86 tons, there are 20 tons of beans and about one ton of vegetables."

This number seems a lot, in fact, there are more than 100 million people living here.

There are no more than three thousand people who can eat enough.

Countless of these people died of starvation, but the food reserves cannot be distributed to everyone at one time, which is the guarantee of long-term living.

Shen Li was in charge of guarding, and Ye Fu and Jiang Rong started to collect the grain. With so many grain storage barrels, they estimated that it would take two days to collect them all.

In addition to food, all agricultural tools inside must be taken away.

There are still a lot of mechanized equipment in the granary, many of which Ye Fu has never seen before. Shen Li explained to them that when the end of the world began, the country transferred many important equipment to bases across the country in order to preserve the most advanced equipment. With advanced equipment, they can quickly rebuild their homes in the future.

"In the past few years, everyone has been busy fighting against natural disasters. These equipment can only be stored in the warehouse to accumulate dust. When the world is peaceful in the future, these things will always be useful one day."

Shen Li opened the door of another warehouse, which contained all kinds of books, ranging from rocket research and manufacturing to recipes and children's books.

"In order to prevent cultural gaps, a lot of books and reading materials have been placed in each base."

It takes many years to go from barrenness to prosperity, but as long as people are still alive, there are machinery, books, land, and the will to unite as one, after the natural disaster is over, this land will have hope.

After harvesting for an afternoon, only one-third of the grain storage barrels in the granary had been collected. Shen Li took a broom and cleaned the corners, and let Ye Fu and Jiang Rong go to rest for a while.

Ye Fu took out the table and chairs, and the three of them had a makeshift dinner here, and rested for an hour and a half. Ye Fu and Jiang Rong continued to collect food, while Shen Li stood guard at the door with a gun.

"Jiang Rong, are you tired?"

"Not tired." Seeing Ye Fu's high spirits, Jiang Rong couldn't help chuckling.

"You told me before that you can't collect things from the base, but now you have not only collected them, but also collected them very cleanly."

"It used to be called robbery, but now it's serving the people, can it be the same?" Ye Fu moved closer to Jiang Rong, and said in a low voice, "I just said that there are grain reserves, and the country is really far-sighted."

The two got together and talked quietly, Shen Li stood in the distance and watched the two tired and crooked, and finally did not go to be a light bulb.

After thirty hours of continuous work, Ye Fu was so tired that his legs became weak, and the two of them cleaned up the inside and outside of the granary, not missing a single grain of rice.

On the way back to the dungeon, Ye Fu was so sleepy that he didn't even want to eat, he just wanted to go back to sleep quickly.

Shen Li also had to go to the office building to report to Cheng Lin. According to Shen Li, after Cheng Lin returned, he gathered all the management of the base together for a meeting. After the meeting, everyone unanimously agreed to build an above-ground shelter.

You can fight and fight at ordinary times, but at critical moments, everyone should unite as one.

"There is something I want to tell you. When the people who went out to look for habitats turned back this time, they found several bases in country y. Country y is relatively close to us. The plane circled over their bases. They took pictures A lot of photos came back, the most important thing is that people from country y are trying to enter our country to rob resources, this is absolutely intolerable, we must unite as one, and kill the thieves from other countries who try to invade our country."

After Shen Li finished speaking, he left. The first thing Ye Fu and Jiang Rong did when they returned to the dungeon was to go to the cafeteria for dinner. During dinner, they met Tang Yizheng and Wu Pei. The two had just come out of the gym and hadn't seen each other for a day. They were all hung with colors.

"How did you do it?"

Tang Yizheng smiled indifferently, "I have encountered a few faults, and they have been resolved."

"At this time, there are still people coming to find fault. I am really full."

Wu Pei's eyes were covered with bruises, Ye Fu asked the two to follow them to the dormitory, and she gave them some wound medicine.

"The next time you meet someone like this, remember to call me and Jiang Rong."

Tang Yizheng frowned, "I thought you would make us less troublesome."

Ye Fu sneered, "It's a joke, you have a backstage, and you're afraid of causing trouble? Of course, we can't take the initiative to cause trouble, but if someone comes to find fault, don't hold back, just beat it to death."

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