Ye Fu took out the medical oxygen cylinder from the space for Wan Tao and Liu Zhang to use, and waited for their faces to turn rosy before leaving the room.

In the living room, everyone sat together in silence.

Qi Yuan stretched his neck and looked around, "Where's Shen Li? He was standing here just now, why did he suddenly disappear?"

"He went to Mr. Cheng's room to report to work."

"Ye Fu, what happened outside? The day before yesterday, several aunts were chatting outside. One of the aunts suddenly fell to the ground. Her hands and feet began to cramp, and her face instantly turned red. She died within 3 minutes. After a few hours, Two elderly people also died suddenly in District B, Zhang Wenxi's mother next door also died suddenly this morning, and they disappeared without warning."

"Is it air pollution? Or water pollution?"

"Didn't the pigs in the pig farm in the base get swine fever before? Could it be that they were poisoned to death by eating pork that got swine fever?"

Everyone is talking, everyone is expressing their opinions.

"It has nothing to do with the air and water source pork. The oxygen is getting thinner and thinner. Because of the lack of oxygen, many people have died in the base hospital. The elderly are weak, and the elderly over 60 are the first to be recruited."

Ye Fu's tone became serious, "The area covered by the polar night is hypoxic, everyone carries oxygen cylinders with them, but don't let others see them, be careful of causing trouble."

Fang Wei raised his hand suddenly, "Ye Fu, you mean that we will die if we leave the oxygen tank in the future, is that what you mean?"

"Well, that's what it means."

Hearing Ye Fu's affirmative answer, everyone's expressions became heavy.

The door of the guest room opened suddenly, and Shen Li and Cheng Rin came out from inside. Cheng Rin already knew what was going on outside. He looked calm and still greeted everyone with a smile.

"As I said before, you can move to the dungeon or the base villa, where the oxygen supply is sufficient, and you don't need to carry oxygen cylinders to live."

Although everyone is tempted, no one will rush to agree.

"We only listen to Ye Fu and Jiang Rong's arrangements." Qi Yuan was the first to express his opinion.

"Jiang Rong, Ye Fu, what do you think?"

Jiang Rong didn't speak, he looked at Ye Fu, let Ye Fu make a decision, so many people looked at her, Ye Fu is not an ignorant person, she knows very well which choice is best for everyone.

"We moved to the dungeon."

Cheng Lin nodded, "Then pack your bags, we will set off later, Shen Li, send an announcement, base, Heguang City, resettlement housing, all young men aged 15 to 45 gathered at the temporary police station, except The workers in the pharmaceutical factory and the cannery, and everyone else is putting in the construction of above-ground shelters."

Ye Fu and Jiang Rong looked at each other, they didn't expect Cheng Rin to make such a decision.

Cheng Rin shrugged, "Everyone is dead, what's the point of this world?"

He took out the red flag that Wan Tao gave him, "Sitting in this position, I always have to do something."

Ye Fu stepped forward and looked at Cheng Rin seriously, "Mr. Cheng, we are also willing to contribute."

"You have given me the greatest help, but now, I still have very important things to ask you."

"Please speak."

Cheng Lin looked at the crowd, his expression became very stern, "The granary."


After inhaling oxygen, Wan Tao and Liu Zhang got better, and the others were packing their luggage. Ye Fu told them Cheng Lin's plan.

"Mr. Cheng is amazing." When Wan Tao said this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"He and Shen Li have already left, and there is serious internal strife in the base. If we want to unite all the people to build an above-ground shelter, the base management must first unite."

As Cheng Rin said, if everyone is dead, what is the point of this world?

After packing all the luggage, everyone gathered on the first floor. Ye Fu put the luggage into the space, and after staying for more than ten days, he was about to leave again.

They seem to be moving all the time, living in no fixed place, never settling down that day.

"Let's go to the base."

Lock the gate of the villa, and the two cars leave from Guanshan Villa one after the other.

On the second floor of Zhang's house, Zhang Wenxi watched people go to the 11th building next door to the empty building, a trace of loneliness flashed in his eyes.

Downstairs, her father and elder brother and sister were discussing how to bury their mother who died suddenly. Zhang Wenxi wiped away tears, and when she was about to turn around to leave, a small stone hit the window glass. She looked down and saw Zhou Shengting, who was leaning on crutches, was downstairs waved to her.

Zhang Wenxi went downstairs and came to Zhou Shengting, "Why are you here? Why don't you recuperate at home?"

Zhou Shengting handed the box at his feet to Zhang Wenxi, "I know about your mother's death."

Hearing this, Zhang Wenxi's eyes turned red again.

"These are oxygen cylinders. You take them back. Don't go out during this time. Many people died outside, so there will probably be chaos."

Zhang Wenxi didn't answer, "You gave me the oxygen bottle, how about you?"

"I still have more. My dad is the leader, and he still can't get an oxygen bottle? Okay, go back, take care of yourself, and I'll come to see you when I recover from my injuries."

Looking at Zhou Shengting who was limping and turning away, Zhang Wenxi accidentally called his name.

"what happened?"

"I'm sorry, you were troubled by me."

Zhou Shengting snorted coldly, "I don't blame you, I blame that hag for beating me like this. By the way, Zhang Wenxi, don't like that old man. He beats people very hard, and he will definitely cause domestic violence."

Zhang Wenxi blushed, "I don't like him for a long time, I just feel ashamed, don't talk nonsense, they are not bad people."

Zhou Shengting snorted coldly, "You still speak for them? Anyway, when I recover from my injury, I will avenge you."

"Don't, it's my fault, don't go looking for abuse, anyway, you only have to be beaten."

Zhou Shengting was so angry that his chest hurt, "They beat me, my father and your family, so let's forget about it? Zhang Wenxi, what do I say about you? Your brain was kicked by a donkey?"

Zhang Wenxi didn't say a word. In the final analysis, everyone else was right, and the problem was all her.

"Don't talk about it. This matter is over. I will take four of the oxygen cylinders, one for each of our family, and you can take the rest back." Zhang Wenxi couldn't hold back her tears when she thought of going to bury her mother later. Live fell down.

Seeing her crying, Zhou Shengting was a little at a loss, "Okay, I won't talk about it anymore, don't cry, keep the oxygen tank, I'm leaving, I'm really afraid of you, crybaby." Limped away.

Looking at the oxygen cylinder in the box, Zhang Wenxi was even more annoyed by her previous self.

When she returned to the villa with the box in her arms, her brothers and sisters looked at her with red eyes.

"Wen Xi, go clean up, we are going outside the city."

Zhang's father found a hoe and a shovel from the utility room, and the family moved Zhang's mother to the car.

"what is this?"

Zhang Wenxi sent the oxygen cylinder to his family, "It is the oxygen cylinder sent by Zhou Shengting."

Zhang's mother died suddenly due to lack of oxygen. Looking at the oxygen cylinder, the family fell into grief again.

"Wenxi, don't think about that fierce man next door anymore, Zhou Shengting is also pretty good."

Zhang Wenxi nodded, "Sister, I understand, let's go, let's go see mom."

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