Stocking up in space: surviving in a world of crisis

Chapter 495 Chapter 495 Extreme Night 2

The black land in the space has expanded to [-] to [-] mu. Except for a few mu of paddy fields, Ye Fu used all the land to plant medicinal materials. The plants in the space grow very fast, and once harvested one crop can be replanted.

The rice and corn harvested before can also be taken out for them to thresh. There is a lot of work to do, so there is no need to worry about having nothing to do.

However, Ye Fu was not Huang Shiren, he asked everyone to work four or five hours a day, and let them arrange the rest of the time by themselves.

Ye Fu also began to teach Wenwen how to give needles and make medicine. Fu Jiao and Wu Pei were also very interested. Ye Fu directly requisitioned a room to make it a classroom, and anyone who wanted to learn could come and listen.

In the last days, it is still very useful to simply master some medical skills.

"Ye Fu, I read it just now, and some of the medicinal materials you gave us are poisonous."

Ye Fu nodded, "I know, the poisonous ones are made into poison, and the non-poisonous ones are made into tonics. Just cut off the roots and wash them. The leaves, fruits and flowers don't need to be washed. The leaves and flowers should also be picked off and put away in different categories. , the water used to wash medicinal materials cannot be reused.”

Fortunately, the kitchen specially made a drain, otherwise I would not know how much water would be poured out every day.

Whether it is poisonous medicinal materials or non-toxic medicinal materials, from roots to fruits, the whole plant can be used for medicine, so nothing can be wasted.

The poisonous herbs that Ye Fu handed out to them were actually not very poisonous, and she dared not let everyone wash them if they were highly poisonous. If they got on the skin, they would be easily poisoned.

In addition to cleaning the medicinal materials, Wan Tao and Liu Zhang started to grow vegetables in the hydroponic room.

"Since the appearance of Jiye, I have never heard the bell of the carriage merchant passing by."

Ye Fu nodded, "Indeed, at this time, there is no way to go out."

Ye Fu asked those birds before, and according to their account, there are no other villages or residents within an eight-kilometer radius, and no other natural disasters have been found in northern Xinjiang except heavy rain, extreme cold, snowstorm and earthquake.

The base closest to here is the second base, with a large population, so other valuable information cannot be obtained.

Those birds have been taken in by Ye Fu, and many nests have been built on the promenade for them to inhabit, and Ye Fu will occasionally send them out to inquire about news.

Ye Fu would know immediately if there was any situation outside, and with Xuxu's help, all the birds within a ten-kilometer radius became Ye Fu's employees.

Under the ravages of extreme cold and poisonous fog, very few animals survived. Ye Fu counted, even if there were only thirty or forty birds in a radius of ten kilometers.

A few birds gave her a message. After the appearance of the polar night, the villages and towns outside caused great panic and confusion. People stayed behind closed doors and hid at home.

After working for several hours, Ye Fu quickly entered the space to take a bath after returning to the bedroom. Since the appearance of the polar night, everyone's work and rest have been messed up. They go to bed when they are sleepy, and get up to work when they are not sleepy. Ye Fu is too lazy to check the time. After taking a shower, I lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

When Jiang Rong finished his work and came in, Ye Fu was already asleep. He checked the firewood in the fireplace and kang, and added some more. Put on pajamas and go wash up.

In order to avoid oversleeping, Ye Fu still set the alarm clock, eight hours of sleep is enough, too much sleep is not good for the body.

When she woke up, Jiang Rong was beside him, and Ye Fu pursed his lips and smiled when he heard his shallow breathing.

In the living room, Tang Yizheng and Qi Yuan were having a barbecue, and Ye Fu walked over wrapped in a coat.

"You didn't sleep?"

"No way, I'm already awake." Qi Yuan poured Ye Fu a cup of tea. The room is very warm. There is a very large fireplace in the living room. After Ye Fu drank the tea, he became unbearably hot, so he quickly took off his coat. up.

"In the past few days, washing, drying and cutting medicinal herbs, I feel a smell of medicinal herbs all over my body."

"After washing this batch, I won't wash it again." Ye Fu took a bite of a skewer of barbecued meat, it was a bit spicy, but the taste was very good, and the mutton was not smelly at all.

"Then what?"

"There are a lot of things to do. Let me arrange it later. There are so many fitness equipment in the gym. If you have nothing to do, go to exercise. The more people are sick at this time."

Tang Yizheng has been exercising very seriously these two days, and Qi Yuan basically spends three days fishing and two days drying the net.

At this time, Wu Pei also came out.

"I was in a deep sleep, but when I suddenly smelled the smell of barbecue, I thought I was dreaming."

Qi Yuan yelled, "Stop it, you two, you all ate the meat I roasted."

Wu Pei gave Qi Yuan a thumbs up, "Brother Qi, your cooking skills are good, it's delicious."

Qi Yuan frowned, and immediately became arrogant, "It's so-so, since you like it, then I'll bake some more."

"Be careful of getting angry if you eat too much mutton." Ye Fu stopped eating after five skewers.

"No way, there are only a few strings, where is Jiang Rong?"

"He's been too tired for the past two days and hasn't woken up yet. I'll go get some fish and cook grilled fish for him when he wakes up later."

Qi Yuan's teeth became sore for a while, "You two have been together for so many years and you are still so tired. By the way, I will share a piece of grilled fish, and I want to eat it too."


Ye Fu got up and went to the kitchen. After finishing the fish, Ye Fu went back to the bedroom to see if Jiang Rong had woken up. Unexpectedly, she was dragged onto the bed as soon as she approached the bed.

"Wake up so early?"

"I slept for eight hours."

Jiang Rong opened his eyes and looked at her, "Have you eaten barbecue?"

Ye Fu smelled it, and she smelled of chili and cumin all over her body.

"I ate lamb skewers."

Jiang Rong stretched out his hand and pinched Ye Fu's face, "You've grown flesh."

She has indeed gained weight. Ye Fugang weighed herself. She now has a net weight of 110 kg. She lost a lot of weight on the road before, and her weight has soared in the past few days.

"Get up and eat grilled fish, I just killed a lot of fish."

Jiang Rong held her hand, "The water is cold, let me do this kind of thing."

"I'm not a weak woman with no power to restrain a chicken. I'm no different from a rough man now. I just kill fish and sprinkle water."

Jiang Rong smiled sullenly, and hugged her waist tightly, "You are a rough guy, what am I?"

"Of course you are a little wife, let's go, eat fish."

Jiang Rong was dragged from the bed by Ye Fu, and when they came to the living room, everyone except Xuxu woke up.

Ye Fu went to the kitchen and brought out a big pot of fish that had been prepared.

"Ye Fu, what kind of fish are there?"

"Grass carp, crucian carp, black fish, tilapia, squid, do it yourself."

The grill is huge and there is room for everyone to play.

Ye Fu made a package of grilled fish, tied up the marinated and seasoned fish with lemongrass grass, wrapped it with vegetable leaves, and put it on the grill for charcoal grilling.

"Do you want lemons?" Ye Fu brought out a plate of lemons for everyone.

"What are the lemons for?"

"Drizzle lemon juice on the fish to remove the fishy smell and enhance the flavor. Just a few drops, not too much, or the grilled fish will become sour."

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