Stocking up in space: surviving in a world of crisis

Chapter 494 Chapter 494 Extreme Night 1

Ye Fu looked at several people, took a deep breath, and said word by word, "Because, Jiye is here."

Ye Fu did not expect that the extreme night would come suddenly. Last night, everyone was making wishes, hoping that the extreme cold would end soon and the sun would come out sooner.

One night passed, all wishes were not fulfilled, and Ji Ye appeared first.

"Polar night? Does it mean the opposite of polar day? Without the sun, there will only be night in the future?" Qi Yuan looked at Ye Fu incredulously, he was more willing to believe that the time was wrong, or it was a total solar eclipse.

"Ye Fu, is it just a total solar eclipse? Maybe it will recover tomorrow?"

Ye Fu pondered for a moment, "It's possible, everyone first install all the emergency lights and light strips."

Ye Fu took out all the emergency lights and light strips in the space, and the generator started to run. An hour later, the interior of the wooden house was like daytime.

"It's two o'clock, and there's still no light outside."

Everyone sat in the living room, looking out the window anxiously.

"It is indeed a polar night. I read a miscellaneous book before. There was once a polar night in history. The polar night is the same as the night. There is no difference between day and night, and the sun disappears completely. In history, the polar night lasted for half a year, and the crops had to die." When the light is on the verge of death, the polar night also has a great impact on people. Without the sun, it means that the body will be deficient in calcium and vitamin D, aging skin, depression, rickets, and osteomalacia.” After Wan Tao’s analysis , everyone panicked even more.

"What should I do? Has the sun really disappeared? Why is the polar night coming before the extreme cold is over?"

Ye Fu rubbed his temples aside, she couldn't answer these questions.

"The only thing I'm lucky about is that we built a house. If we are still fleeing and the polar night suddenly appears, it will be really troublesome." Fang Wei hugged Xuxu tightly, thinking of the illnesses Ye Fu mentioned, she sighed again.

"Ye Fu, can light replace sunlight to complete photosynthesis?"

"Yes." Ye Fu's eyes lit up, "As long as you supplement with vitamins and calcium tablets, exercise properly every day, and live under the light, there is actually not much difference from living under the sun."

"I don't know how long the polar night will last. It can be tolerated for a few months. If it lasts for several years like the extreme cold, people will definitely not be able to bear it."

"I hope it will end soon. It's getting dark suddenly, and I always feel a little scared."

Everyone spent the whole day in anxiety, and they ate casually for dinner. Except for Xuxu, no one had any appetite to eat.

After returning to the bedroom, Ye Fu and Jiang Rong entered the space.

Ye Fu plans to set up a fitness center in the planting area. The polar night is different from the polar day. If you don't bask in the sun or exercise for a long time, your bones will age quickly.

"Exercising two to three hours a day must improve your physical fitness."

There is also a gym in the wooden house. When searching for supplies, Ye Fu collected a lot of fitness equipment, which can be used just now.

"I don't think you need to be too nervous."

Ye Fu looked at Jiang Rong, "What do you say?"

"Remember? When the polar day appeared, there were no other natural disasters. Now that the polar night suddenly appears, the extreme cold should end soon. When the extreme cold ends, the temperature will rise again. The sun does not disappear, just like night and day , The dark night is frozen, and there is a dark night here. The southern hemisphere may be experiencing polar day, just like the polar day many years ago. When we experienced polar day, the southern hemisphere was experiencing polar night. Natural disasters are regular, although they are frequent, but With balance, when the polar night appears, there should be no other natural disasters."

"One more thing, as long as the polar day lasts, the polar night may last as long."

Ye Fu nodded, "I understand."

After tidying up the training ground in the space, Ye Fu went to the medicine field for a walk. The medicinal materials are growing very well, and many medicines are ready to be harvested.

The chicken pens were covered with white eggs, Ye Fu called Jiang Rong over, and the two of them took a long time to pick them up.

Ye Fu was a little worried, "There are too many eggs and duck eggs, I have to get rid of some quickly, there are no more baskets for eggs."

"Why don't you get some tea eggs and salted duck eggs, the salted duck eggs I made before are delicious."

Jiang Rong nodded, "It's delicious, shall we take out the duck eggs now?"

"Take out two thousand first. Salted duck eggs are a waste of salt. Fortunately, we don't lack salt."

After a busy night, Ye Fu broke out in sweat.

"When you are busy, you don't think about it. You only want to work, and you are full of energy. You just can't be idle. The more idle you become, the lazier you become."

After coming out of the space, Ye Fu summoned other people, anyway, now day and night are not distinguished, you can sleep at any time.

Ye Fu now only believes in one principle, as long as he is alive, he must work more and not be lazy.

"Everyone settles the two thousand and the duck eggs today before going to sleep."

Everyone looked at Ye Fu in disbelief, "We can't finish eating, can we?"

"It's not for you to eat, but for you to process these duck eggs into salted duck eggs. I think everyone is worried today, and they will definitely not be able to sleep when they go back to sleep. Why don't you do more work, so that you won't be cranky when you work."

"Ye Fu, are you not worried?"

Ye Fu nodded, "Don't worry, I can't drive Ji Ye away, so it's better to calm down and fight head-on."

"Okay, everyone, don't worry too much, at most one year, the polar night will definitely end, trust me."

Ye Fu took out another two tons of Chinese cabbage, "Fang Wei, Fu Jiao, Wenwen, the four of us make spicy cabbage and let their men handle the duck eggs."

The cabin is very bright, in stark contrast to the darkness outside.

Ye Fu's reassurance calmed everyone's restless hearts.

Everyone put on their gloves and started to work, and Xuxu happily came to help, and the panic all day disappeared at this moment.

"Ye Fu, you have to arrange work for us every day, and it really makes us happier when we are busy. People can't be idle, and many worries come from idle time."

Ye Fu agreed very much, "Okay, I will arrange tasks for you every day. I still have a lot of medicinal materials in my hand. Starting tomorrow, everyone will help me wash the medicinal materials."

Ye Fu felt that she was brainwashed by pyramid schemes now, and she was relieved seeing everyone's enthusiasm.

The next day, the sun still did not come out, but everyone stopped moaning and complaining.

Because the kitchen is full of medicinal herbs that need to be cleaned, there is no time for grief.

"It's work, it's work. Today, I have to wash all these medicinal materials, but put them away in different categories. After drying, everyone has to cut the medicinal materials into sections."

"So many? Three or four tons?"

Ye Fu shook his right index finger, "Don't make a fuss, this is only a small part."

"After the medicinal materials are processed, what shall we do?"

Ye Fu smiled, "Don't worry, it will be enough for you to work hard for a year."

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