Chapter 164 Liver Pain
Entering July, the heat in Shengjing subsides, and the sky gradually cools down.

However, the situation in North Korea and China is not like the weather. On the contrary, it is getting worse.

The Ministry of Household Finance was stretched, and it was too late to raise money to repair the front-line fortifications.Gu Shihai went to court every day to ask for money, and Chen Yuansi went to court every day to cry for poverty.

After a long time, some strange remarks came out.

Some of the officials stated that the front line of impeachment was deliberately delaying, deliberately wasting time not fighting, in order to defraud the court of food and salaries.

What's more, they suspected that Gu Haiwang was collaborating with the enemy.

Gu Shihai said insinuatingly that the household department had neglected its duties, and that the soldiers and rations sent to the front lines were not well controlled.

Although he had been ordered by Ye Qinghuai to keep the investigation of the warehouse secret, he couldn't help but feel weird about Chen Yuansi and Hubu.

Ye Qinghuai was agitated by the courtiers, and every day she went to court felt like she was on a battlefield.

The only consolation is that the investigation of the problem in the warehouse is progressing very quickly.

This time, the Ministry of Criminal Justice changed its procrastinating style this time, and within a month it investigated the matter clearly and reported it to the public.

But Ye Qinghuai did not expect the person who entered the palace to report the case to the saint.

"Are you responsible for this case?" Ye Qinghuai asked Lin Yuxiu.

Lin Yu practiced a salute, and replied: "This case is important, so Mr. Gu Ge is in charge of it personally, and I am only responsible for the collection of evidence and the compilation of case records."

"Then why are you here to meet Sheng? Didn't Gu Shihai come?" Ye Qinghuai was a little displeased.This was a matter between Gu Shihai and Chen Yuansi, she didn't want to involve Lin Yuxiu.

"Mr. Gu Ge thinks that it is more fair and objective for the minister to report, and it will not affect His Majesty's judgment." Lin Yuxiu replied.

Ye Qinghuai's anger was half gone, Gu Shihai's words were correct, if he reported it, considering his personal grievances with Chen Yuansi, Ye Qinghuai would inevitably discount the seriousness of the case.

But if Lin Yuxiu gets involved in this case, he will definitely offend Chen Yuansi.

This is what Ye Qinghuai does not want to see.When he was on the list, his articles were already high-profile enough to offend many people in the court, and he could no longer make enemies at this time.

But this was probably Gu Shihai's original intention.

Now there are only two factions in the court, he and Chen Yuansi, and he cut off Lin Yuxiu's retreat from Chen Yuansi, so Lin Yuxiu can only cling to him.

Ye Qinghuai frowned, and said for a long time, "Tell me, what did the Ministry of Criminal Justice find?"

Lin Yuxiu bowed again, and said: "Your Majesty, the case is complicated, and Rong Chen will give the conclusion first. This investigation turned out to be the case of adulteration of soldiers and food in the warehouse, the case of arson in the warehouse, the murder of Wang Yunzhong and others, the murder of Wu Gang, and the murder of Nie Zhuochen. , a total of five cases, the principal culprits are former warehouse governor Xue Song and former warehouse governor Wu Gang, the accomplices are warehouse inspector Yu Haoming and others, and the mastermind behind the scenes is Chen Xueshen, director of the Department of Money and Grain of the Ministry of Household Affairs."

His last words made Ye Qinghuai's heart tremble.

Was it really Chen Yuansi's son who committed the crime?

When the Ministry of Criminal Justice reported his name earlier, Ye Qinghuai went down to learn about his resume and personality in private.From many perspectives, Chen Xueshen can be regarded as a down-to-earth, hard-working and low-key court official. The errands he has done have all achieved good results, and he has a good reputation both in the court and among the people.

Ye Qinghuai even suspected that her speculation was too arbitrary, or that Gu Shihai deliberately blamed Chen Yuansi for the problem.

However, the Ministry of Criminal Justice must be able to form a dossier, because it must have obtained definite evidence to prove that Chen Xueshen is the mastermind behind this series of cases, otherwise it would not dare to slander and speculate in front of the emperor.

Seeing Ye Qinghuai's surprised expression, Lin Yuxiu stopped talking.He unfolded the dossier in his hand, turned to the place where a statement was made, and then stepped forward two steps and respectfully placed it in front of Ye Qinghuai.

"Xue Song has recruited all of them. During his one-year tenure as the governor of the warehouse, between the first and fifth day of every month, he will open a warehouse and let the people in the grain team replace the new grain with sand, gravel and chaff. On the account It is recorded as old grain for new. The grain out of the warehouse will be transported to the black market and be exchanged for silver. Before he became the governor of the warehouse, his predecessor Wu Gang was doing these things. Later, he was murdered because he tried to betray him. Xue Song said that he was coerced into doing these things, and Chen Xueshen threatened him with the lives of his family members."

Ye Qinghuai frowned, and slowly flipped through the confession.

Even though Xue Song's answers had been condensed in the recorded documents, Ye Qinghuai still seemed to see Xue Song's appearance of grievances from those handwriting.

"Why did Chen Xueshen do this?" Ye Qinghuai frowned and asked.

"He owed a lot of debts on the black market." Lin Yuxiu said as he turned the case file to the back, and there was another statement on it, and there were also several drawn IOUs.

"This is the confession of the creditor. Chen Xueshen owed at least 200 million taels of silver in the black market. According to the interest calculation of the black market, it should be more than 320 million taels by now." Lin Yuxiu said.

This figure was already worth the expenditure of Yingwei for three years, Ye Qinghuai was dumbfounded looking at these borrowed items.

"How did he borrow so much money?"

"According to the confession of the black market, Chen Xueshen has always liked to gamble in the salt, iron and grain market, and has lost a lot over the years."

"So he used the rations from the warehouse to make up for it?" Ye Qinghuai's voice was filled with anger.

"According to the current situation, the warehouses in Yuanshang, Yifeng warehouses and Gyeonggi warehouses have also been shipped out. However, the grain shipped out from Yuanshang warehouses every month is mainly resold on the black market. Come and pay the monthly interest for that month." Lin Yuxiu's voice was steady.

Ye Qinghuai's face turned pale, and she raised her hand subconsciously to caress her right abdomen.

She felt her liver hurt from anger.

Seeing Ye Qinghuai's ugly expression, Lin Yuxiu couldn't help but took half a step forward to help her, but halfway through his hand he stopped in mid-air, neither advancing nor retreating.

Ye Qinghuai didn't care, she waved her hand, and asked suppressing her anger, "Where is Chen Xueshen now?"

Lin Yuxiu withdrew his hand, clasped his hands and replied, "He should still be in the Chen residence. The Ministry of Criminal Justice has sent someone to secretly follow him. Mr. Gu Ge means that he has a special status, and if he is touched, Mr. Chen Ge will be alarmed. His majesty needs to nod his interrogation. "

Gu Shihai was right.Ye Qinghuai sighed softly and calmed down.

Not to mention that Chen Xueshen is Chen Yuansi's eldest son and Chen Julian's father, Chen Yuansi will never treat him like a dead man, there is even a possibility that Chen Xueshen did these things at the behest of Chen Yuansi.

Perhaps, Yuanshang Warehouse was originally Chen Yuansi's pocketbook.

Ye Qinghuai began to recall.

She began to recall Chen Yuansi's reaction when she saw the indiscriminate rations in the warehouse that day.

She was really surprised that day.

Because that was the first time she saw Chen Yuansi kneeling down outside the ceremony.

At this moment, Ye Qinghuai suddenly felt that maybe he did not kneel down as a cabinet minister, but as a father.

(End of this chapter)

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