Chapter 163

The next day, Qin Yang really woke up.

Ye Qinghuai immediately went to Tai Hospital to meet him.

However, Qin Yang didn't see his attacker clearly, because he was knocked out with a stick from behind.

This rhetoric is also consistent with Zhou Shouyi's diagnosis.

But he brought a more important news.

Qin Yang was knocked unconscious at the scene of the arson.

He saw with his own eyes that the officers and soldiers on the warehouse yard were piling up grass and pouring oil to prepare to light the fire, so he stood up and stopped them, and then he was attacked from behind and passed out.

From this point of view, he would be tied up in the fire, and it was a deliberate murder in an attempt to silence him.

During the conversation with Ye Qinghuai, Qin Yang's expression was gloomy. After Ye Qinghuai finished asking, he took the initiative to resign from the post of imperial guard, saying that he would go out of the palace.

Ye Qinghuai was noncommittal, but let him recuperate in the imperial hospital first, and then asked the guards to record his statement and send it to the Ministry of Punishment, and sent an oral order to the Ministry of Punishment, requesting that the case be thoroughly investigated and never tolerated.

Gu Shihai and Chen Yuansi fought for three years, but he was always overwhelmed by his chief assistant in the court.

However, Chen Yuansi is cautious by nature and has many eyes and ears. No matter what happens, he can always get out of it.Gu Shihai held the Ministry of Punishment, but he never got a real reason to bring him down.

Now that such an opportunity comes to your door, it can be said to be God's help.Gu Shihai worked tirelessly and mobilized the entire criminal department, vowing to investigate this case to the bottom.

He didn't believe that Chen Yuansi had nothing to do with such a big matter in the household department.

However, things went far beyond his expectations.

It is true that Yuanshang Cangchang has no direct relationship with Chen Yuansi, but it is inextricably linked with another person.

Chen Yuansi's eldest son, Chen Xueshen, Director of the Money and Grain Department of the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Yuanshang Warehouse was originally under the supervision of the Department of Money and Grain, and Xue Song could be regarded as Chen Xueshen's subordinate.More importantly, Chen Xueshen went to the warehouse twice before and after the fire broke out in the warehouse. Judging from the time when the horses and horses entered and exited the gate of the capital, it is very likely that Zhang Genggui accidentally ran into the secret conversation with Xue Song. "people.

After checking Zhang Genggui's confession, the Ministry of Criminal Justice continued to investigate along this line, and immediately reported Chen Xueshen's name to Ye Qinghuai.

At the same time, Ye Qinghuai received Tao Yuan's report on Nie Zhuochen's case.

Tao Yuan said in his report that when Nie Zhuochen visited the plateau, he discovered that the warehouse had opened a warehouse to export grain, so he followed the truck out of the plateau, and found that the grain was transported to the black market and resold. Moon Pavilion.Nie Zhuochen revealed his identity on the black market and called the police to stop the transaction.The next day, Xianyue Pavilion found Tao Yuan and wanted to buy Nie Zhuochen's life.

From this point of view, Nie Zhuochen was indeed blocking the money for Xianyue Pavilion.

But, why is the Moon Pavilion able to transport grain from the plateau?Are they also the ones who exchange food from the warehouse every month?Nie Zhuochen just ruined their black market transaction, so he was silenced?Did he know something else?
There are too many doubts.

All the questions point to the biggest chamber of commerce in the big scene—Xianyue Pavilion.

"Let Tao Yuan go and investigate the relationship between Yuanshangcangchang and Xianyue Pavilion, and report after finding out." Ye Qinghuai instructed Li Baoquan.

After Li Baoquan left, Ye Qinghuai put down the report in her hand, propped her head up and rubbed between her brows irritably.

Now it seems that the problem of this warehouse is not just a problem of officials, even private chambers of commerce have been involved.

Ye Qinghuai felt a headache.

It was not only Tao Yuan's report that gave her headaches, but also the court situation and war.

From the day when the Ministry of Criminal Justice handed over the report on Chen Xueshen, the disciples of Chen Yuansi and Gu Shihai started attacking each other. On Huai's desk, he even reported that his wife's overdue credit for buying clothes in the cloth village was reported, and even went online to the point of undermining the dignity of the court and sucking the people's fat.

Although these things are small, but since they are written in the notebook, how Ye Qinghuai responds becomes very sensitive.

Because officials will make various speculations and interpretations between the lines of her words.Once she favors one another a little bit, the people below may feel that the emperor is partial, and even feel chilled, and will be tired of political affairs from then on.

So much so that Ye Qinghuai spends more than half of his time every day seriously reviewing the memorial.

The other half of the time was spent in various small meetings related to the Beidi war.

Although the battle reports from the north were all good news of victory, Ye Qinghuai was not happy.

Because these dozens of victories, large and small, added up, and the total number of enemy troops wiped out was only a few hundred.

Beidi stationed troops on the north bank of the Baishui River, but did not launch a major offensive, but made small-scale raids at different ferry crossings every now and then.

Dajing's army is mainly infantry. In order to prevent these raids in different places, the army has to be exhausted, and the consumption can be said to be ten times that of Beidi.

Ye Qing had a feeling of being led by the nose by the enemy.

The cabinet held several meetings on this matter, and finally decided to strengthen the fortifications on the south bank of the Baishui River and replenish the number of gun barrels in the archery towers, so that each archery tower only needs to be equipped with a small number of personnel to effectively defend against small-scale harassment from Beidi.

But whether it is building fortifications or replenishing gun barrels, money is needed.

However, this cost is still much more cost-effective than the cost of moving the army.

But in the end it was a huge expense.

So the household department had to move around again, and it took a lot of time to go back and forth.

The criminal department was ordered by the emperor to secretly investigate the issue of grain in the warehouse, but there is no impenetrable wall under the sky. Not only the court can feel the increasingly fierce battle between Chen Yuansi and Gu Shihai, but the common people also chew on it after dinner. Tongue root.

"Last time I told you that there was going to be a war and asked you to stock up on some grain and noodles. If you didn't listen, take a look. Has the price of grain increased now?" In the teahouse, a middle-aged man in brocade sat across from him. The villagers talked eloquently.

The clothes of his fellow villagers are similar to his, and it can be seen that he is not a person who is worried about food and clothing. He didn't care about what he said, and said: "You stock up so much, it will be enough to eat until next year. If I don't have enough, don't worry about borrowing money." That's it."

"Hey, I don't have that much grain now, so don't count on me." The man waved his hand, "Two days ago, someone in West Market collected grain at a high price, so I sold it again. I made so much money by changing hands, hehe."

As he said that, he raised up two fingers, and then shook off the folding fan in his hand under the astonished and envious eyes of the fellow villagers, and smiled triumphantly while shaking it.

"Grain and noodles are hard to buy recently. Have you heard that some time ago, the emperor went out of the palace in micro-clothes and went to the granary in Yuanshang, causing a big fire." The man lowered his voice and said.

His fellow followed him and lowered his voice, curiously said: "I only heard that there was a fire on the plateau."

"It was the fire that started on the day when the emperor's micro-service was taken. I heard that the emperor was trapped in the fire, so he made a big fire and dismissed all the officials in the warehouse on the spot."

The fellow tsk-tsk twice, shook his head, and said, "I heard people say that the current sage is a black-faced king of Hades, and it will be a disaster if he catches him."

"That's right, before Chun Wei took care of the people who took care of Mr. Gu, and recently asked the people who got rid of Mr. Chen because of the warehouse. It's really no one's face to sell." After finishing speaking, he moved closer mysteriously The other party whispered in his ear, "I heard that a few days ago someone saw Mr. Chen visiting Gu's mansion."

The fellow was surprised: "Ah? Didn't the two of them fight to the death?"

The man shrugged, saying that he didn't know more about it.

"By the way, what happened to Mr. Gu's robbery of a civilian girl before?" The two of them changed the subject and started gossiping about Gu Haiwang's case that had been widely circulated in Beijing before.

"I haven't heard anything about it. It's probably all right. Didn't you see that Prime Minister Gu's son is in command of the Northern Expedition? It must not be pursued."

"Hey, Gu Xiang's son is really a prodigal. Look at Chen Xiang's son, it's really incomparable."

The man shook his fan and nodded, and said: "Indeed. I met him in person during the rectification of the East and West Markets. Mr. Chen is a person who has experienced everything in person. It's a pity that such a practical person has never been promoted. Those who rob people's daughters are all officials to the first rank, alas."

The two sighed at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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