North American Gunslinger Detective

Chapter 200 New Agent Report

Jimmy checked his two warehouses. I talked to James just now. Since it is difficult to drive in Manhattan, let’s take a plane. The suitcase needs to be streamlined. He only keeps some clothes and belongings, and throws all the rest under his own name. that warehouse.

Another warehouse rented in someone else's name, Jimmy also checked, and he took some cash and a few gold coins, because he didn't get a mission from Justin for a long time before going to the FBI Academy, and now Jimmy only has 4 gold coins in total. Except for the one I carried with me, there are only 3 in the warehouse.

Jimmy packed his suitcase, but the FBI gun and his own revolver were both carried with him and not put in the suitcase.

As FBI agents, they are allowed to carry guns on commercial flights, because TSA and commercial airlines do not want to have FBI agents present but unable to stop crimes because they do not have weapons when a hijacking case or other situation occurs on the plane.

According to the barrier-free transportation of weapons in federal regulations, federal agents are allowed to carry guns when they are on duty or not on duty, but they need to notify the airline of the flight in advance for filing.

By the way, before the two gangsters shot Jimmy black guns, they used Jimmy's two stolen guns. Those two guns are now used as evidence in the LRPD evidence room, and Jimmy is not interested in getting them back. Yes, the procedures are too troublesome. If the 92F with silencer is involved again, it will be even more troublesome.

Superintendent Chris of the LRPD had been asked to help him erase the lost pistol before. There was no sound for more than half a year, which shows that Chris did it very cleanly. If something happened to him, Superintendent Chris would also be implicated.

Jimmy prepared all the things to bring to New York, then locked the warehouse, went to the management office to renew the two warehouses, and then left and went to the West Branch. This time, he did not know when he would come back. Make a face-to-face meeting with Kag and Noah, so as not to be scolded by them in the future, at least for colleagues and friends, if you change places and don't say hello, it's unreasonable.

After finishing all the matters in Little Rock, Jimmy left the county police station and headed for the airport in the afternoon, preparing to fly directly to LaGuardia Airport in New York.

When Jimmy arrived at the airport, he informed them at the service desk that he needed to carry a gun on the plane, filled out a form, and bought a ticket to New York in an hour. Check the weapons in the special channel, and then wait for the flight in the terminal.

Jimmy is not a rich man now, and of course he doesn't fly in first class. He can only squeeze in the economy class with other people. Jimmy's body shape is already very strong now, not puffy, nor is he a muscular man with muscles all over his body. , It’s just very strong. During the 5 months in the FBI Academy, their physical fitness instructors have never stopped training them. It is not an easy task to ensure that everyone has enough physical strength to complete other training content.

However, it is more difficult for this body type to be an economy class seat. Jimmy didn't complain, but just endured a little and waited for the plane to land.

Because he was carrying a gun, Jimmy couldn’t enjoy any alcoholic beverages on the plane. This is rather annoying. In fact, a glass of wine or a small bottle of beer can make him relax a little more during this suffocating journey. Unfortunately, according to the regulations , while carrying a firearm, alcohol is not allowed on the plane.

After 911/1, there are usually 2-[-] armed air police officers on the airline’s commercial flights, but they are all plainclothes, and Jimmy is not interested in everyone reading it, so he didn’t say hello to them, but they must know this There was an FBI agent with a weapon on that flight, and maybe not just Jimmy but an FBI agent.

When the plane landed in the evening, Jimmy took the suitcase and took a taxi and headed straight to Brooklyn. It was impossible for him to report late at night, so he found a small hotel in Brooklyn near Manhattan on the map and stayed for one night. Of course, it wasn’t that This kind of 4 or 5-star hotel that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars a night is just a small hotel on the side of the road, more than 100 a night, which is barely considered clean, and Jimmy is not that picky, as long as he can stay for one night, he will go the next day Just be more alert when reporting.

Nothing happened overnight, of course, but Jimmy was fine, and the siren of the police car could be heard often. It seems that the safety level of New York is very problematic. There is an insurance, although it seems that the hotel is ok, but who knows, safety first.

The next morning, Jimmy got up early, washed up, changed into a suit, and hung the pistol holster on his belt. The revolver holster used an underarm holster. It was okay to wear a suit, not particularly conspicuous.

Jimmy's Arkansas CCW (Concealed Carrying Certificate) is useless in New York and is not recognized here, but his FBI certificate is real, so there is no problem with carrying two guns, all of which are concealed. The FBI certificate can ensure that Jimmy can normally hold guns all over the United States, even including government agencies, courts and other occasions where private individuals are prohibited from carrying guns.

After Jimmy checked out, he took his luggage and took a taxi to Manhattan's Federation Square. This is the building of the federal agency. Many federal agencies are located in this building, and the FBI is on the 23rd floor.

Jimmy entered the building, passed security with his FBI ID, took the elevator up to the 23rd floor, and the entire floor was the FBI's office area. Jimmy came to the front desk and opened his ID.

Jimmy showed his ID to the front desk: "Hi, I'm the new Detective Jimmy Yang, and I'm looking for Detective Tim Dunn to report."

Front desk: "Wait a minute." The front desk picked up the phone and called Tim Dunn.

Front desk: "Tim, there's a new agent, Jimmy Young, at the front desk looking for you. OK."

The front desk hung up the phone and said to Jimmy, "Wait a minute, Tim will be right over."

Jimmy: "Okay. Your name?"

Receptionist: "Stephanie."

Jimmy: "Stephanie, you have beautiful blue eyes."

The front desk smiled: "Thank you."

Jimmy stood at the edge of the front desk and waited. There was no reception area here, not even a chair. Well, people who came to the FBI generally would not need to sit and wait at the front desk.

After a while, a middle-aged man in his 40s, white, with slightly curly brown hair came out of it.

Tim Dunn: "Hi, I'm Tim Dunn from Administration, and you're Jimmy Young, right?"

Jimmy reached out to shake Tim's hand. "Yes, I'm Jimmy. I just graduated from Quantico's college and was assigned to New York."

Tim: "Come with me, we'll go in and talk."

Jimmy dragged his suitcase and followed Tim into a conference room. Tim asked Jimmy to wait for a while, and then left.

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