North American Gunslinger Detective

Chapter 199 Chapter Family

Finally came the night of volunteering. Jimmy had already filled out the wish list during the day and wrote down where he wanted to go, and at night, he would get an envelope with his workplace inside.

Every would-be agent stands in front of other would-be agents, opens the envelope, and shares his results. This is a long-standing tradition that hasn't changed in decades, and it's something that every cadet of the FBI Academy does.

We have lived together for a few months, and we are very familiar with each other. Everyone will applaud and cheer for those who get branches in big cities, and applaud and encourage those who are in remote locations. Anyway, they will not be left alone.

Jimmy opened his envelope, "Manhattan Office, New York City, New York State", Jimmy held up his envelope and laughed happily.

Sitting back in his seat, Jimmy continued to look at his future workplace, Manhattan, New York, a good place, it seems that the future will not be boring, New York is a famous crime mecca.

A few days later, Jimmy and the others started their own graduation ceremony. Each student wore a suit and walked up to the rostrum one by one to receive the FBI badge and graduation certificate. At this point, the students finally officially became FBI agents from prospective agents.

After getting the badge, Jimmy has to do the last thing in the academy, go to the armory and get the pistol and ammunition issued by the FBI.

After that, he left the FBI Academy with his luggage. Jimmy didn’t take the bus to the airport. He got off at Stafford directly. His own car is still in the parking lot here. I haven’t seen him in a few months. I don’t know. how is it now.

Jimmy dragged his luggage to the parking lot. Fortunately, the security situation here is not bad. At least the car is still there. There is thick dust on the roof, the window glass has been broken, and all four wheels have been deflated. Knowing whether he had been stabbed, Jimmy was not interested in checking it a little bit.

Because Jimmy had already emptied the contents of the car, the person who stole it should have nothing to gain. He opened the car door and checked it, then walked to the security guard in the parking lot, and got a phone number from a towing company. Call to tow the car from the parking lot and send it to the nearest repair shop for a round of overhaul.

The parking time is too long, and the tire has been pressed for several months after being flat. It is best to change the tire. He will drive back to Little Rock, and then go to New York, thousands of kilometers before and after. examine.

As for the lost funds, well, Jimmy himself still has a lot of funds that can be used aboveboard. In fact, he can buy a new car, but he is really reluctant to part with his first car.

Inspired by the tip, the repair shop put Jimmy’s car on the shelf and began to check and clean it. In just 2 hours, the whole car was cleaned from the inside to the outside. All 4 tires were replaced, the engine was cleaned, and various gaskets were replaced. Blades and spark plugs, brake oil and engine oil replacement, etc., as long as the money is in place, everything is fine. This is a true portrayal. If the normal schedule is scheduled according to their normal quotation, Jimmy will live in Stafford for at least a few days.

Jimmy drove this semi-new Mercury away from Stafford and headed for Little Rock. The journey home was much faster than when he came here. Because of the limited time, Jimmy didn't stop too much on the road, so he came that night When I arrived in Nashville, Tennessee, I found a roadside motel to rest for one night. I set off early the next morning and continued on the road. It took 4 days to arrive and only 2 days to return.

Arriving in Little Rock in the evening, Jimmy went home and had a simple rest for the night. The next day, he checked out with the apartment manager and returned the parking space in the parking lot.Because he had already packed it before, he didn't have any special luggage this time. He threw the suitcase into the trunk and drove to the county police station.

"Hi, Jimmy, long time no see." "Hi, Jimmy."

Jimmy came out of the parking lot and entered the lobby of the police station. Everyone he met came to say hello.Jimmy also greeted and hugged them. I haven't seen them for half a year. The people in the police station seem to be the same as before, and there are no new additions.

Jimmy went straight to James' office and knocked on the door.

James: "Come in."

Jimmy opened the door and came in. James was also surprised to see Jimmy.

James: "Jimmy, why are you back? Is the training over?"

Jimmy: "Of course, I've graduated, and I'm going to a new place soon." Jimmy took out his wallet from his pocket, and opened it to James. On one side was the FBI eagle emblem, and on the other side was an FBI ID with Jimmy's photo.

James reached for Jimmy's ID, and Jimmy pulled up a chair and sat across from James' desk.

James: "Congratulations, Jimmy. Where are you going after that?"

Jimmy: "New York, Manhattan."

James: "Good place, it seems that you are doing well in the academy, not everyone has the opportunity to work in a big city."

Jimmy reached for his ID and put it in his pocket.

Jimmy: "It's okay, there are not many students this time, and all of them have been admitted. This time I came back to see you, and I will go to New York soon. By the way, after I leave, do you have any recruits? "

James: "Two ex-soldiers were recruited, one from the Marine Corps and one from the Army. Two great guys are now making people familiar with the branch office."

Jimmy: "Wow, two strong players, how are their abilities?"

James: "It's not bad. They all retired this year. Their physical fitness and marksmanship are very good. Now it is necessary to let them familiarize themselves with the law and law enforcement methods. It is estimated that they will be able to be independent in two months. By the way, how are you going to go? New York?"

Jimmy: "Let's drive, it's only about 3000 kilometers away."

James: "I suggest you go by plane. You haven't been to Manhattan, have you?"

Jimmy: "No, what's the matter?"

James: "Manhattan is the most densely populated area in the United States. When I was young, I went to college in New York. Driving there was a nightmare. If you want to live there in the future, you can buy a car at that time. Now you still have There’s no need to drive there without deciding where you live. Parking in Manhattan is very expensive, very expensive.”

Jimmy: "What about my car?"

James: "Stay here. If you stabilize, you can check it in."

Jimmy: "Okay, then I'll park the car in the police station parking lot first, thank you, James."

James: "Have you not greeted the others yet? Go ahead and tell me before you leave."

Jimmy: "Okay, James, goodbye. I'll talk to Kag and the others first."

Jimmy got up and left James' office, walked around the police station first, said hello to all the acquaintances in the police station, and then drove away from the police station. He needs to go to the warehouse to check whether his two warehouses are normal, and then The fee will be renewed for another year to prevent the warehouse from being auctioned off by them.

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