Chapter 307 Finally Entered Station A!
After Zheng Wentong celebrated his birthday, he and Bai Xiaolu flew to Hokkaido, Japan for vacation.Although Bai Xiaolu and Zheng Wentong wore masks and hats and were armed to the teeth, they were still recognized.

Bai Xiaolu finds it strange that she is not well-known in Japan, so there is no reason for her to receive such a high degree of attention.Later she found out that the ramp number appeared at the Japanese airport, making fans guess that she and Zheng Wentong came to Japan for vacation together, so she was recognized by Japanese fans.

Bai Xiaolu's TV series "The General" has already started broadcasting on Japan's BS12 TV station. This TV station also introduced the TV series "Undocumented Crime" from Bai Xiaolu Studio this year. Both TV series are well received in Japan.

Japanese audiences like well-produced Chinese costume TV dramas very much, and Bai Xiaolu's "The General Is Above" just falls into this category.After learning that Ang Lee became the director of "The Story of Mulan", Japanese fans have already left messages on Bai Xiaolu's TikTok account, hoping to see "The Story of Mulan" be released in Japanese theaters soon.

Bai Xiaolu said to Zheng Wentong: "Traveling in a private jet is still too high-profile, and the itinerary of the private jet will be shared on the website and be tracked by others. Next time, let's take a passenger plane honestly, and the rich will fly in a private jet. Private jets are also more likely to be criticized by environmentalists."

Zheng Wentong is not interested in western environmental protection guards. "These environmental protection guards call for environmental protection every day, and they pretend not to see the discharge of nuclear waste water by a certain country. They also keep saying that it is not environmentally friendly for China to eat with chopsticks, and they should use knives and forks like them. Isn't it purely full and nothing to do?"

"As a public figure, you must not easily set up any flags. It is easy to be slapped in the face. Some celebrities are keen on charity, advocate environmental protection, and love animals, but they are exposed in private as fraudulent donations and like to eat shark fins. This kind of behavior Once it is exposed, it is very easy to lose favor, and then affect your commercial value." Zheng Wentong said.

Of course, Bai Xiaolu understands this truth, "Since celebrities earn higher income, fans will naturally expect them to have a moral standard that exceeds that of ordinary people, but the actual situation is the opposite."

Zheng Wentong said: "They think they have privileges, they can be superior to others, and they don't know what it means to be noble. When there is negative news, they use money to suppress hot searches. They really can't suppress it, and then pretend to apologize. It's quite embarrassing to watch. Responsive."

"Obviously I did something wrong, but I didn't want to be coerced, so I was forced to quit the circle. My grandfather said that you are not afraid of the shadow if you are upright. If you don't do such a bad thing yourself, who can force you to quit the circle? And no one told you to get out of the entertainment circle and go back."

Zheng Wentong really hates certain artists to the extreme. A certain actor who was suppressed by Zheng Wentong before tried to return to the domestic entertainment market, and Zheng Wentong directly issued a banning order.If he returns to the mainland to make money again, all his black material will be exposed, making it impossible for him to gain a foothold in the mainland entertainment industry. In the end, he returns to his home country in desperation.

Zheng Wentong came to Japan this time. Apart from vacation, he also had two other things. One was to investigate the operation of TikTok’s Japanese branch, and the other was to make an appointment with Cai Dongqing to carry out the final round of negotiations on the acquisition of Station A by Slope Group.

Cai Dongqing is a rich man in Chaoshan. He started out as a toy maker. Later, he switched to animation and founded Aofei Animation. In 06, he launched the first animation with intellectual property rights, "Huolishaonianwang I". He was also the first rich man who called out to build China Disney. When Aofei Animation came into the market, he also started the way of buying, buying, and buying all the way.

However, due to the coldness of the entertainment market this year, the review of the game version number has been suspended, which has had a major impact on the operations of domestic game companies, and also made Cai Dongqing experience the capital winter.Otherwise, he would not let go and agreed to negotiate with the slope group on the sale of Station A.

Zheng Wentong was studying Cai Dongqing's information on the computer, and the white deer in a bathrobe was resting his chin on Zheng Wentong's shoulder. She asked Zheng Wentong curiously, "I heard that rich people in Chaoshan are more likely to gamble, and they like to take risks when doing business. They are more aggressive. According to your According to this investigation report, due to multiple acquisitions and impairment of the company's goodwill next year, Aofei Animation will have a net profit loss of more than one billion yuan, right?"

Zheng Wentong said: "The problem of Aofei Animation is actually the same as that of Wanda Group. In recent years, Aofei Animation has spent a total of 55 billion on acquisitions. If the entertainment market continues to prosper, he still has two or three years to integrate These companies, when the time comes, these acquired companies can start to bring income and profits to Aofei Entertainment, but unfortunately he made a wrong judgment, so he fell into the predicament of struggling to support the company."

"When I visited the Douyu headquarters in Jiangchu City, I asked Chen Shaojie to help me contact Cai Dongqing and wanted to acquire station A. At that time, Cai Dongqing was unwilling to meet me in person, so he directly rejected me through Chen Shaojie. Now I am in Japan. On vacation, he flew to Japan specially to negotiate, doesn’t this explain the current status of his company?”

Although Zheng Wentong asked Cai Dongqing to come to Japan to discuss business, he still gave Cai Dongqing enough courtesy. Zheng Wentong went to pick Cai Dongqing by car instead of letting the bodyguard pick him up, which made Cai Dongqing feel better.

Cai Dongqing looked at Zheng Wentong, who was two rounds younger than him, "Dong Zheng, I'm very sorry, I was going to visit you in Puhai last time, but I was busy all the time, so I delayed until today."

Zheng Wentong said: "Mr. Cai's toy company has more concentrated orders in the second half of the year. It's normal to be busy, because I only have time for these two days, so I'm sorry to trouble you for a trip."

Cai Dongqing smiled wryly. From 12 to the first three quarters of 17, the company’s net profit and revenue showed a growth state. In 16, it was the most beautiful moment of Aofei Animation. The revenue in 16 was 33.61. 4.77 million yuan, with a net profit of [-] million yuan.

When Zheng Wentong visited the headquarters of Douyu, the slope group was still not well-known, and Wei Toutiao and Weiyin had not yet emerged. Cai Dongqing was naturally not too impressed with Zheng Wentong's proposal to acquire Station A.

But the situation is stronger than others. Zheng Wentong won the Oscar of the Chinese economic circle last year: the top ten economic figures of the year, becoming the youngest winner.Zheng Wentong's personal net worth far exceeds him, so his attitude towards Zheng Wentong is much more polite.

When Station A accepted the shares of Ari and Youku, Cai Dongqing originally planned to sell Station A to Ari to get rid of the situation.But what Cai Dongqing didn't expect was that Ari agreed to transfer half of the shares they held in Station A to Zheng Wentong, and the acquirer of Station A changed from Ari to Slope Group again.

"Mr. Cai, according to the report in my hand, the number of daily active users of station A in January this year was 1 million, and the number of daily active users dropped to 1200 million last month. The net loss of station A in 160 was 15 million. Station A had a net loss of 1.13 million yuan. Let me put it bluntly, station A is already dying on the edge of a cliff, why are you still unwilling to let go?" Zheng Wentong asked.

Cai Dongqing thought about it and organized his words, "The reason why I don't want to hand over the controlling stake in Station A is because I think Station A can still be saved."

Zheng Wentong said: "Station A may be saved, but Mr. Cai, you may not wait until that day. The server at Station A has not been renewed, the employees of Station A are owed wages, and the employees are forced to pay social security for themselves. Mr. Cai, you did not pay for your social security last year. Aofei Animation has cashed in more than one billion yuan, and is unwilling to pay the employees of station A, how can you let the employees of station A believe that you can save station A?"

"The problem with station A is that the management of station A has been in frequent turmoil due to the capital's multiple investment in shares. Youku bought a share and changed a group of managements. Softbank China took a share and changed another group. .In exchange, the general manager is more frequent than the employees.”

"I hope to own 70% of the shares of Station A. If I don't have an absolute say in Station A, then I would rather build a new Station A." Zheng Wentong said.

"Will Chairman Zheng personally serve as the chairman of Station A?" Cai Dongqing asked.

"What I took over was a mess. In the early stage, I will serve as the chairman of station A. After the situation of station A improves, I will hand it over to the professional manager team."

"After Slope Group enters station A, I will carry out reforms in three aspects, improve the speed of video upload review, and the timeliness of video release is comparable to that of station A and Weiyin. I will also optimize the UI interface of station A and the stability of the player , increase technological innovation, and reduce video crashes." Zheng Wentong talked about his plan.

Doesn't Cai Dongqing know about the problem at Station A?Of course he knows that these can be solved with money, but the problem is that he lacks money.He also wanted to introduce external funds to solve the lack of money at Station A, but he was unwilling to let go of the controlling stake in Station A, which caused the valuation of Station A to decline all the way.

Cai Dongqing made the final test, "If Mr. Zheng becomes the chairman of Station A, we can also entrust all the voting rights of the equity to the Slope Group just like Ari. We only need to retain 34% of the shares of Station A. "

Zheng Wentong sneered, "Mr. Cai made a good plan. After our slope group invested funds and manpower to revive station A, then you will cooperate with other shareholders to kick us out and reap the benefits of the fisherman. Do you think I'm young, can't see through your intentions?"

"If you are willing to talk, then let's have a good talk. If you are not sincere, then after dinner, Mr. Cai can go back first." Zheng Wentong said.

Cai Dongqing didn't expect Zheng Wentong to be so strong, so he stopped testing Zheng Wentong's bottom line, and the two started a fierce battle of words around the valuation of Station A and the purchase price of the slope group.

In the end, the two parties reached an agreement. The slope group bought a 10% stake in Station A at a valuation of 4 billion yuan at a cost of 5000 million yuan. In addition, Youku transferred 45% of the equity to the slope group. The slope group holds a total of 9% of the shares. Equity of Station A.

Cai Dongqing agreed to use part of the funds from the equity transfer to repay the wages of the employees of Station A and pay the social security of the employees. The headquarters of Station A will be relocated back to Jiangchu City, and the employees of Yanjing Branch of Station A can be diverted to Slope Group Or Microgram Sinco.

As a listed company, Aofei Animation announced the equity transfer case to the outside world. When Zheng Wentong accepted the financial reporter's statement that he would be the chairman of Station A, the capital market believed that Station A was finally saved, but Chen Rui at Station B suddenly felt like a wolf. coming feeling
(End of this chapter)

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