I just want to make money

Chapter 26 Ten Thousand Calendars

Chapter 26 [-] Calendars

"At the beginning, I made a preliminary investigation. There are only three printing factories in northern Hunan that can print calendars."

"Jiangcheng Printing Factory is the largest among them. In addition, Jingzhou Printing Factory and Taoyuan Printing Factory are capable of printing calendars."

"I ran to the Jiangcheng printing factory, but they ignored me at all. I then called the printing factories in Jingzhou and Taoyuan. When they heard that they were private printing companies, they refused without even asking, and laughed at me for being overconfident."

Lin Yi knew that the current social situation was like this.

State-owned enterprises don't have to worry about food and drink, they are all uncles.

"I really had no other choice, so I asked around for printing factories in neighboring provinces. I wasted too much time in the past. I called my comrades and asked them to help me inquire locally. Not to mention, I really found one."

Speaking of this, Li Xiangqian became excited.

"A comrade-in-arms of mine was assigned to the Yueyang Printing Factory as an officer of the security department after he came back. He told me on the phone that their printing factory has a full set of equipment for printing calendars, but they are all stopped now."

"The orders they saved were taken away by bigger printing houses. Last year they printed a batch of wall calendars by themselves. They wanted to make money, but the sales were not good. Now more than half of them are detained in the warehouse. The more you pay, the more you pay, so you simply stop the machine.”

"I told him to ask the leaders of their factory to see if they would be willing to give a private seal. My comrade-in-arms and the factory manager are related, so I went to ask him. The factory manager didn't refuse, only saying that this matter needs Consider it."

Lin Yi's eyes lit up.

say consider

That's interesting.

As long as there is a seam, we can try to squeeze in.

"Let's go, let's go to Yueyang." Lin Yi made a decisive decision.

in the afternoon,

The two got on the long-distance bus to Yueyang.

The bus was rickety, and Lin Yi lamented that it would be inconvenient not to have a car, but now wanting to get a car is too eye-catching, and it's not suitable for him.

In this case,

Then enjoy the slow pace of life.

After a journey of more than 200 kilometers, it took four or five hours to walk abruptly, and it was completely dark when we arrived in Yueyang.

Before coming, Li Xiangqian called his comrade-in-arms. As soon as he got out of the car, he saw someone waving his arms in the distance:

"Forward, this way."

"Brother Satisfied."

Two big men came for a hug.

War friendship,
Especially this kind of comrade-in-arms friendship that has experienced the battlefield of life and death is really incomparable to other feelings.

"Brother Yiyi, this is my brother Yi, big Lin Yi." Li Xiangqian introduced.

"Brother Yi, at this time, Brother Yiyi, big size Liang Yiyi."

Lin Yi asked on the way, Liang Yiyi was two years older than Lin Yi, Lin Yi stretched out his hand, "Brother Yiyi, please come and pick us up."

"What's the trouble, let's go, you're hungry after a day of driving, let's eat first." Liang satisfied and enthusiastically reached out to pick up the bags in the hands of Li Xiangqian and Lin Yi, and they tugged and tugged before going out.

I found a restaurant for dinner, and then arranged Lin Yi and the others to a guest house. The three of them lit cigarettes in the room, and Liang Ruyi said:

"When Xiangqian called me, he told me the basic situation. Printing calendars for private individuals is not a violation of regulations. It's just that it used to be business-to-business, and it was rarely printed for private individuals. The leaders were also a little worried. .”

"Can you work around it?" Lin Yi asked.

"How to change it?" Liang Manfu was a little surprised.

"For example, if you print a batch, and the sales are not good, and it is backlogged, you can sell this batch to us in the name of dealing with the backlog of inventory at the end of the year." Lin Yi said.

Liang Manfu looked surprised, and thought that it could still be like this, but after thinking about it, this method is really very good, and all parties are not breaking the rules.

"Brother Yiyi, can you introduce the factory manager tomorrow?" Lin Yi asked.

"No problem, the factory manager is my cousin. In this way, I will talk to the factory manager tomorrow during the day. Let's go there tomorrow night, what do you think?"

"Of course."

After the matter was settled, Liang left satisfied, Lin Yi and Li Xiangqian were about to go to bed, Li Xiangqian lay down and asked, "Brother Yi, do you think you can convince that factory director?"

"Try it, if it succeeds, it will make money, but if it fails, there will be no loss." Lin Yi said.

You can't be eager to do things, let alone go to the dark one by one, because it's easy to hit the south wall with your brain.

The next day.

had dinner,

Liang Yifu took Lin Yi and Li Xiangqian to the house of the director of the printing factory. There was a courtyard in front of it, and a set of three tile-roofed houses inside.

The factory manager is surnamed Wang, and looks a little rich in his 50s. Seeing Lin Yi coming in with a bag, he said displeasedly: "Come here as soon as you come, why do you still bring things, little comrade, this kind of behavior is not good."

Li Xiangqian's heart skipped a beat,
Xin said that this made the leader unhappy?
Lin Yi wasn't afraid at all, and said with a smile, "It's not a gift, I brought some wall calendars, which I plan to use as master plates, and bring them to Director Wang to have a look."

"Oh, so that's the case." Director Wang nodded calmly.

People sit down.

Lin Yi said: "Director Wang, I heard that our factory has a batch of calendars printed last year, which are unsalable and piled up in the warehouse."

Factory Manager Wang's face suddenly sank. Last year, he personally made the decision to sell the printed calendars. He couldn't get orders from other big printing factories. He wanted to try to break through by himself, but he failed. They were all slapping him in the face.

"What do you mean?" Director Wang said in a deep voice.

Lin Yi still smiled, "I have an idea, buy the backlog of calendars from our factory."

Everyone else present was stunned.

Factory Manager Wang and Liang Yiwan looked at Lin Yi, thinking that this man must be out of his mind, but Li Xiangqian looked at Lin Yi but was not surprised, he knew that Brother Yi would not trade at a loss.

"The wall calendar is time-sensitive. Last year's date is printed on it. What's the use of taking it?" Director Wang frowned slightly.

"I have an idea. Brother Yiyi brought me a few wall calendars that we printed last year," Lin Yi said as he took out a roll of wall calendars from his bag, which was one of the sets printed by Yueyang Printing Factory last year.

"I have to say that the patterns you chose are really good. For example, this set is all the works of great domestic calligraphers. To be honest, such wall calendars are valuable for collection. There is also this set of ancient furniture tasting, this southern Appreciation and analysis of gardens are all excellent productions."

Factory Manager Wang's complexion improved slightly after being praised by Lin Yi. To be honest, these patterns were all selected by him himself, and they are all styles he likes.

"Can't the evidence be used?" Director Wang asked doubtfully.

"I have an idea, look at these pictures, they are all placed in the middle, right? My idea is that we do secondary cutting, cut out these patterns, and then print a blank page with only the date. Let's do this when binding Put the cut picture in the middle, so that it fits perfectly, and no one can tell that it is last year's model." Lin Yi said.

After Lin Yi finished speaking,
The three of them stared again.

Genius idea,

Why didn't they think of it.

The most difficult part of printing these calendars is naturally the pictures inside. The price of ink is more expensive than that of paper. If you just print a date, it is too simple.

"How many calendars from last year are there in the warehouse of the factory?" Lin Yi continued to ask.

"More than 2 sets."

A total of 2 sets were printed last year, but very few were sold. Factory Director Wang said more than [-] sets, which was almost [-].

"I want it all."

Lin Yi's words shocked everyone.


"That's right, I want it all, but you have to fix it as I said before, recut it, print next year's calendar, and rebind it, and you have to give me the lowest price." Lin Yi said.

Director Wang took a deep breath.

"No problem, I agreed to your request."

These calendars were considered one of his failures, and now Lin Yi helped him solve them perfectly, and his affection for Lin Yi immediately improved several levels.

"Director Wang, what price do you think is suitable for those old calendars?" Lin Yi asked.

Factory Manager Wang thought for a while, "The cost of those wall calendars is about [-] yuan, plus the new time for you to renovate and print, you can give [-] yuan per copy."

The accounts are calculated backwards, and Director Wang is really trustworthy.

In fact, for Factory Manager Wang, he is already very happy that the batch of pressed calendars can be sold.

"Okay, one yuan and five copies, I want as many as I want." Lin Yi readily agreed.

"Director Wang, what do you think about the printing of the new calendar?" Lin Yi finally mentioned the biggest purpose of the trip.

"What kind of prints do you want to print, show me." Factory Manager Wang now speaks in a much more relaxed tone.

Lin Yi took out a larger roll of wall calendars from his bag, and spread them out on the table one by one. Good guy, they are all beautiful women with fat buttocks, both in China and abroad.

Director Wang nodded after reading it.

"It's not difficult to print these. If you have photos, you want to print whatever you want. How much do you want to print?" asked the factory manager.

"One hundred thousand copies first."

Lin Yi's words once again shocked Director Wang and Liang Yiwen. He printed 2 copies before, and there were more than [-] unsalable copies. Lin Yi asked for [-] copies.

young people,
Really courageous.

You know, the wholesale price of printing is one yuan and one copy, and the 18 copies of the calendar are 20. Adding the backlog of calendars that were agreed to be purchased before, this is more than [-]!
20 million,
That's a lot of money in this day and age.

(End of this chapter)

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